love kylie's pov

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chapter 1
Im here with Malia beside me at the premiere of the new descendent we starred in!! I always had a crush on Malia since we started to film the new descendents movie.
I kept staring at Malia when she watches the premiere and she looks so stunning. Malia then looked at me so I looked back at the screen.
but all through the premire I kept thinking about the beautiful girl next to me. it finally ends and all of us are standing. ruby places a hand on my shoulder.
R~are you okay kylie
K~yea im fine. im just so proud of all of us making it this far
i say starting to tear up. malia came and hugged me, it felt good to be in her arms. ruby then gave me a hug too. i then wipe my tears and laugh.
K~sorry im so emotional
M~no your fine kylie
K~thanks bluey
R~okay well i think we should get going
i look at malia and she looks back at me making eye contact. after a couple of minutes i broke the contact and cleared my throat.
K~ruby, malia are you ready for the interview tomorrow with IMDb what's in the box?
M~well I have to go I want to see my sister. see you tomorrow.
we all leave. I couldn't stop thinking about Malia and I hear a text. I notice its from Malia.
M~hey can I come over?
K~sure. but why
M~thanks I'm already here.
I then open my door to see Malia.
K~hey mali-
I got interrupted by her kissing me. I had to process what just happened.
M~im sorry I dont know what I just did.
she says as she turns around and tries to leave but I grab her arm and pull her back in and kiss her back. I close the door. my hands met her hips and I pick her up. I push her against the door. we make out for a couple of minutes. we pulled away for air
M~Kylie Cantrall I liked you from day one
K~me too Malia Baker.
I kiss her one more time.
M~can I stay here for the night
K~of course.
I placed her down and I found some comfortable clothes for her to wear. I handed her them she looks at me with a soft smile. she gets up and kisses my cheek which makes me blush. she then leaves to the bathroom. i lay down staring at the celling wondering what me and malia are.
malia comes out and jumps onto me. i start to play with her hair.
K~will you be my girlfriend
I blurt out without knowing. I then cover my mouth. Malia removes it.
M~of course
she says closing the gap between us. I kiss her back. she then rests her head on my chest and I hug her tightly. we fell asleep.

I woke up and checked the time and saw our interview is in 30 minutes. I start shaking Malia, she doesn't move a inch. I then got off and went to change, I came back and jumped on Malia making her scream.
M~what the hell are you doing.
K~hurry you have to get you clothes on for the interview
M~shit you right
i then got of of her and she grabs her shoes and her purse.
she opened the door
M~you coming.
I then got up and got inside her car.
she then gets to house and lets me in. I see her dogs and I automaticly pet them.
Malia laughs and goes to change but before she starts to walk backwards and kisses me then leaves to change.

after she comes out I see her and she is wearing a leather jacket with a crop top with her hair up. she looked so hot. one of her shoulders were showing and i gulped hard.
K~you look good.
she walks towards me and wraps her arms around my neck and i place my hands on her hips. I pull her in for a kiss. she runs one of her hands through my hair.
M~god I've been wanting to do this for months now. but we have to leave. I then look at clock and see its 5:00
I interuppted her by kissing her one more time and grabbing her hand and running back to her car. I then got inside
she has me the keys and we leave to pick up Ruby. we get to ruby's house and see her walking out of her home.
she runs to the car.
K~sorry we're late we had to make a pit stop
R~no your fine I overslept either way.
we all laughed.
R~anyway yall outfits slayy
K~girl you should look in the mirror.
I could tell Malia was jealous
K~oh and girl look at Malia.
R~i know!
I place my hand on her thigh and continued to drive to the location. I take my hand off of her thigh and she looks at me. I then park and see we have like 20 minutes.
R~so when did y'all hook up
we both look back at her
R~i mean I obviously saw kylie's hand on your thigh. Malia was jealous and Kylie hyped her up. plus there's still a lip mark on you neck.
M~please don't tell anyone
K~yea please
R~fine I'll guess I'll leave all this heat alone.
she says with a smirk. we then got out of the car and went inside. we soon got greeted by the producers. we then started to film.
Ruby goes first it was a sparkley purse.
we then find out all of the background info and we move on. then another box came and I opened it to see a clear telephone.
ruby picks up the phone
she then hands me the phone.
R~its for you
K~omg hi girl im sorry i have to go, im filming a video right now bye gurl
ruby took the phone and gave it to malia.
M~hello, Babysitters club
M~yea we had to practice using these phones cuz iPhones you can hold it here and you still hear so we had to get used to that
we then move on and Ruby opens it and I see the jacket I wore on raven's home and I cover my face
R~ooo I think I know this
M~lets give this one a big reveal
Ruby spreads it out
R~ooo doctor sleevemore.
K~omg I rememeber, I wore this when I was acting at raven's home I was the little girl that had to fix bookers visions
Ruby hands me it and I wear it like a cape.
R~oh I think i watched it
M~yea I think I saw that episode
K~no but tea tea i was evil. i wanted bookers vision.
M~omg I remember now!!
M~she was evil from the start
I laughed
K~anyways raven symnone was so nice she gave me advice.
we then moved on.
Malia opened it and saw a ball with a smile, she hands it to ruby, she starts looking around it.
K~she like omg you just found my lost toy i lost when i was a kid.
i say breaking the slience
R~omg it my lost toyyy, but no its from coop & cami ask the world i think.
we then move on to malia. she opens the box and sees a flashlight, we were all confused but me and malia figured it out. she points the flashlight to her face like if shes going to turn it on but doesnt.
M~aRe YoU aFrAiD oF tHe DaRk?
i then grab her hand
K~oh but i am
we all laugh.
we then got to the last one!
they opened it and it was a clock, i remembered it so fast
K~ this was the first scene of gabby duran and the unsittables. i had this beside me and i smashed it with a brick to make it stop ringging.
producers~so kylie we did some digging and we found a video of you listing goals for your future

*they then play the video

K~omg im tearing up
M~awe you were so little.
i start wiping my tears
K~omg i think i need a minute to recover from that
ruby pulled i for a hug and we had a group hug. i sneaked a kiss on malia's neck, and they pull away acting like i didnt do anything

Producers~oh one more box
we open the box and we see little bags with heart necklaces.
R~omg i this reminds me of the queen of something
K~the queen of
M~the queen of tarts
we then look at each other.
we say to close the video
the producers said we can keep the necklaces which I thought was really nice. we then drop ruby off. i go past malia's house
M~wait are you not gonna drop me off
K~do you not want to be at my house.
M~oh dont mind if i do!

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