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Malia came to my apartment soaking wet!
"Malia oh my God your soaking wet!"
"you think!?" I run to get a towel and wrap her in it.
I get her some clothes to wear. she just took the shirt and left. she came out in my OVERSIZED shirt and she looked cute.
I grab her waist and pull her in for a kiss. i move my hands to her thighs. I was about to carry her but she stops me.
"I'm not wearing shorts so I'd rather not."
"so?'' I say as I pick her up and give her a couple of kisses on her neck.
"Kylie, stop" she giggles.
I continued to tickle her with my kisses.
"Kylie!" she says pushing me off.
"if you push me I'll drop you, Malia baker." she removes her hand and I kiss her.
I set her down and I flop onto the bed and Malia hops onto my back.
"night, bluey"
"night ky-ky"
we fell asleep together.

I kept sneezing during the night, I think got a cold from the rain last night. kylie woke up.
"you okay Maliki?" she asks
"yea allegries"
she nods and kisses me. fuck her lips are way too addicting! they are so warm, soft and they taste better then any meal. we finally fell back asleep.

-the next morning-
I woke up and I felt like shit. my throat was scratchy and my eyes were burning
I groaned loudly forgetting Kylie was next to me.
"shit!'' Kylie said rubbing her eyes.
"oh sorry, I just feel like shit today!"
"damn, I think i have medicine, want some?"
she gets up and grabs medicine and she reads it. she then pours me some water and grabs one of the pills. she hands me them and I give her kiss, mm her lips taste good. I like to taste her lips first thing in the morning before anything else.
I set the pills and water on the counter next me and I make out with Kylie.
"honey you wont get anymore better if you don't take the pills"
"why! I can't taste your lips first" I whine
"if you don't you never will again untill your 18"
I take the medicine and pull her back in for a kiss. I sit on her lap while we make out. I moan within her lips. she kisses my neck, I let out a soft moan when she reached my sensitive skin. she smirks and stops.
"why'd you stoppp!'' I complain
"cuz your still 17 and I'm 19, I'll get arrested"
I pout and she just giggles.
"your cute when you pout"
I roll my eyes and lay back down.
"your such a baby!" she says getting up and checks her phone. i groan loudly to get her attention. she lays down next to me.
I get on top of her and hug her tightly.
"your so clingy today!"
she giggles.

she was hugging me tightly like SO TIGHT. is she always a baby when shes sick. I kinda thought it was cute.
"your adorable like this"
"oh shut up Kylie"
I laugh and give her a kiss on her forehead. I let her hug me and she falls asleep smiling.
I got a text from my manger so I had to call her. "hi" wendy (one of the producers from desendents ror) says with a pitch voice. "hi what did you need!" I ask.
"uhm I just got a call and said you had a interview tomorrow, sorry its last minute."
"no your fine"
"oh and its with Malia too so I'ma call her too"
"Kay bye"
I hang up and just watch my phone while Malia is sleeping. her phone rang but she didn't want to get up. it was a facetime with wendy so I grabbed her phone and faced it to where it wasnt showing me but still she was on top of me. I answered but I stayed quiet while she talks.
"hElLo?" Malia says with her face turned around and her hair only showing. my hand was on her waist.
"hi- wait whats Kylie doing there"
my eyes widen
"no she isn't"
" then why are you at her apartment and those are her nails, plus your on top of her and I recognize her clothes.''
"what If she is, what's wrong with that?" she asks.
"what's the matter with that?! SHES YOU CO-STAR! your supposed to keep it PROFESSIONAL!"
she stayed quiet.
"You and Kylie have an interview tomorrow please no funny business." Wendy says.
I hang up and malia just hugged me tighter.
"You feel better?" I ask
"Yea that medicine helped a lot"
"Good, you hungry"
"Yea can ruby and dara and Morgan come over?"
"Yea sure I'll order pizza for us all"
I then texted all of them and they all said yes.
After a couple of minutes they got here.
I got up to open the door and malia jumps on my back.
I open the door.
"HIIIIII" they all say.
"Why is malia clingy, omg are you guys DATING!" Dara asks.
"Come in" I say.
"Well, are y'all"
"Yea now can we order pizza now ky-ky" malia says complaining.
"Sorry she's still sick, but yes what type of pizza do you guys want?"
I drop malia on the bed and grab my phone.
"what crybaby, don't tell me that you feel sick again!"
"I mean my head is throbbing but why did you let go!"
"so you don't want pizza"
"wait I do"
"that's what I thought"
"so what do you guys want?"
they all look at each other,
"pepperoni" they all say looking back at me.
" 'kay"
i look at malia to see her in my sweater and her head buried inside my pillow.
Ruby looks at her and laughs.
"don't laugh"
I say on the edge of laughing. we just started at Malia and we burst out laughing.
we calm down.
"uhm maliki what type of pizza do you want"
she gets up and goes under my arms and takes my phone. I placed my hands on her hips and place my chin on her shoulder.

Kylie + Malia = loveWhere stories live. Discover now