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(they are not dating in this one)
im getting my stuff ready to go to the dance studio to dance to my new song ELASTIC! I'm wearing a red jersey thats cropped with denim shorts. malia is coming and so is Ruby. Ruby is gonna dance with me.
I get my purse and water and I leave.

~hi gurl me and Malia is at the studio!~ she texts me.
~im on my way just 10 minutes away!~ I text back. she hearts my text.

I get there and say hi to Malia and Ruby.
me and Ruby get ready to dance while Malia just watches. Malia is my crush I had it ever since she was casted in the new descendents ror. shes really pretty nice and funny.
"ready?" I tell Ruby. she nods. Malia plays the music. me and Ruby count to 3 before dancing. we start to dance to the lyrics
"you do this thing with your face everytime that your lying" I sing quietly to remember the steps.
"cant come to dinner again cuz your so bad with timing" I sing softly.

"and its not the same when I ask for flowers, ask for hours. in your day, maybe its the way I make it look easy how you treat you must think I'm ELASTIC" me and Ruby start of good until it was about to end. I sprain my ankle. I fall to the ground in pain.

Kylie falls to the ground holding her ankle up. I go to her and feel her ankle. she hisses in pain.
me and Malia try to help her up but she kept refusing,
"no I'm fine I just hurt my ankle I just need to walk it off" she says getting up.
"honey, if it made you scream in pain then no its not okay."
"its fine I can walk."
me and Malia share a look before turning back to Kylie.
"its fine, lets just dance. the pain will go away." Kylie gets up. she shuts her eyes in pain  but forces a smile.
"okay.." me and her start to dance, I closely look at her moves. she does everything correctly. how is she still holding in the pain.

I watch Kylie dance and I could tell she's holding back all her pain, but why doesn't she want help?
once the song ended we went to check on her to make sure it hadnt gotten worse.
"guys I'm fine I just fell. I screamed cuz I caught me off guard" she says but I could hear the pain in her voice and eyes.
I've liked Kylie for a while, she never wanted help but why?
I inspect her ankle. It was a bit purple. i knew she sprained her ankle.
"see I'm fine its just a bruise"
i leave and come back with a ice pack. i try to put it on my she stops me.
"please im fine malia"

i stop her cuz i dont want her to know i like her and she not want to be my friend anymore. i hold in all the pain. she shakes her head at me in disapointment.
"im fine malia"
"kylie why dont you want help?" she asks.
"um cuz i just dont want it, im fine" i get back up.
''ky, i need you to tell me why" ruby says.
"rubes, i dont want it im fine it doesnt hurt, its just a bruise."
"please kylie let us help you"
"maliki im fine, i promise" this was my first time lying to malia. i was in pain so damn much.
"can we just finish" they nod in disapointment.
we finish dancing for the day and we all head to my apartment.
"im take a shower" i say.
i then go and see my ankle bruised up really bad. i wore some denim jeans. I didn't care if they saw it.
i sit down on the couch acting like i wasnt in pain.
"im take a shower too ill be back." ruby says leaving me and malia alone.
"kylie" she says looking at me with a worried face.
"why dont you want help"
"i just dont want it from you" i blurt out. she starts to tear up.
"okay well if not from me then ill go" she says grabbing her purse.
"wait im sorry" she doesnt listen. i get up in pain and grab her arm and turn her around. i cup her face and kiss her. i seperate my lips and look into her eyes.
"the reason was i didnt want your help cuz i like you very much and i was scared you wouldnt want to be my fri-" before i finish she kisses me.
"FINALLY!" I hear Ruby say.
"wait what?" malia asks.
"I see the way y'all look at each other, that's why I went to take a shower to leave y'all lovebirds alone"
I try to walk but I groan in pain.
"mkay you need to rest" Ruby says making me sit.
"oh my Kylie you ankle"
"its fine its been like that, I just need to rest it" I say. Malia grabs the ice pack and presses it on my ankle.
"OW" I groan. Malia giggles.
"that's what you get for not treating it earlier" she says. I roll my eyes.

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