Chapter 1

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Drake's fingers traced the intricate markings on Aiden's pale skin as he studied the captive demon. Aiden's crimson eyes glared back defiantly, the flickering flames of his demonic power dancing across his fingertips.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" Drake drawled, his mouth curving into a sardonic smile. "A powerful demon, all wrapped up and delivered straight to my doorstep. This should fetch a pretty price."

Aiden's lips curled in a snarl. "You foolish mortal, do you have any idea what you've gotten yourself into?"

Drake chuckled, unperturbed by the demon's threats. "Oh, I know exactly what I'm doing. You're going to make me a very wealthy man."

Aiden's eyes narrowed dangerously. "You have no idea the forces you're playing with, boy. When my brethren come for me, they will burn your pathetic little empire to the ground."

Leaning in close, Drake's breath ghosted over Aiden's face. "Let them try." His gaze flickered down to Aiden's lips, a spark of something decidedly 'not' business-like igniting in his dark eyes.

Aiden's heart pounded in his chest, his demonic nature warring with the unexpected 'pull' he felt towards this infuriatingly arrogant human. As much as he hated to admit it, there was something about Drake that intrigued him.

The air crackled with tension as the two stared each other down, neither willing to back down. It was the beginning of a dangerous game, one where the stakes were higher than either of them could imagine.

Aiden's mind raced as he tried to devise a plan to escape Drake's clutches. As a powerful demon, he possessed abilities that far surpassed those of a mere mortal, but his current situation presented significant challenges.

Surreptitiously, Aiden tested the limits of the bindings that held him. They were reinforced with arcane sigils and enchantments, clearly crafted by someone well-versed in the occult. Breaking free would require precision and careful planning.

Aiden's crimson eyes narrowed as he studied Drake, searching for any weaknesses or openings he could exploit. The mafia boy was clearly intelligent and resourceful, but Aiden sensed an underlying arrogance and overconfidence that he might be able to leverage.

Licking his lips, Aiden decided to try a more subtle approach. "You know, Drake, it's been a long time since I've had the pleasure of a mortal's company. Perhaps we could come to some... arrangement?"

Drake's eyebrow quirked in interest, a smirk playing at the corners of his mouth. "And what kind of arrangement did you have in mind, demon?"

Aiden's gaze locked with Drake's, a spark of mischief dancing in his eyes. "Oh, I'm sure we could find 'some' way to entertain each other. After all, I'd hate for you to get bored while waiting for your payday."

Subtly, Aiden began to channel his demonic energy, carefully weaving an intricate web of illusion and suggestion. If he could lull Drake into a false sense of security, he might just have a chance at escaping this predicament.

Drake's breath caught in his throat as he watched Aiden's transformation unfold before his eyes. The demon's alluring display had the mafia boy completely transfixed, his gaze hungrily devouring every sensual curve and tantalizing glimpse of pale, glowing skin.

"Well, well, aren't you just full of surprises," Drake murmured, his voice low and rough with barely contained desire. His fingers twitched with the urge to reach out and trace the delicate lines of Aiden's face, to feel the softness of his skin.

Slowly, almost as if drawn by an invisible force, Drake leaned in closer, his dark eyes smoldering with undisguised hunger. "I have to admit, demon, I'm 'very' intrigued by this little display of yours."

Mafia's Addiction towards his Demon [Boy x Boy]Where stories live. Discover now