Chapter 26

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'Come on! Don't tease me...I don't want to wake up wet...' Aiden said, feeling himself flustered against Drake's words.

Drake chuckled softly at Aiden's words, his tone still teasing but with a hint of affection. "Oh? But it's so much fun to see you all flustered like this."

Aiden huffed, his face growing warmer with each passing second. "I mean it, Drake. If you keep this up, I'm going to end up soaked."

Drake leaned in closer, his lips brushing against Aiden's ear as he whispered, "I could always help with that... Make sure you're taken care of before we sleep."

Aiden's heart skipped a beat at the suggestiveness in Drake's voice, but he mustered up the courage to give him a playful shove. "Just hold me and let me sleep, you tease!"

Drake smirked but relented, pulling Aiden closer into his arms. "Fine, fine. I'll behave... for now. But you're making it really hard for me."

Aiden buried his face in Drake's chest, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Just... promise you'll be good," he mumbled.

Drake smiled down at him, his teasing tone softening. "Only because you asked so nicely," he replied, pressing a gentle kiss to Aiden's forehead. "Now get some sleep, shortie."

Aiden grumbled at the nickname but felt a sense of comfort wash over him. Despite Drake's teasing nature, there was a warmth and care in his embrace that made Aiden feel safe. With a small smile on his lips, Aiden finally allowed himself to relax, drifting off to sleep in the arms of the one he loved.

The next morning, the soft light of dawn filtered through the curtains, casting a gentle glow in Drake's bedroom. Aiden stirred first, slowly waking from a deep, restful sleep.

He felt a comforting weight on his chest and a steady rhythm of a heartbeat beneath his ear. For a moment, he simply lay there, savoring the warmth and security of Drake's embrace.

As Aiden's eyes fluttered open, he noticed how close they were, their bodies pressed together under the covers. He couldn't help but smile, feeling a mix of contentment and lingering embarrassment from the previous night.

Drake was still asleep, his breathing steady and relaxed. Aiden carefully shifted, trying not to disturb him, and slipped out of bed. He quickly dressed in the clothes he had worn the night before—a white T-shirt and jeans—and went to the kitchen to prepare a simple breakfast.

Aiden was in the middle of making coffee and toasting some bread when he heard Drake's footsteps approaching. Drake appeared, looking slightly disheveled but still undeniably attractive. His eyes met Aiden's, a lazy smile spreading across his face.

"Morning," Drake said, his voice still heavy with sleep. He walked over to Aiden, wrapping his arms around him from behind, his chin resting on Aiden's shoulder. "You're up early."

Aiden blushed slightly at the affectionate gesture but smiled. "I didn't want to wake you. I thought I'd make us some breakfast."

Drake chuckled softly, his breath warm against Aiden's neck. "You really don't have to. I'd rather stay here with you."

Aiden turned to face him, his smile softening. "I wanted to. Besides, I owe you a proper thank you for last night."

Drake raised an eyebrow, his smile turning more mischievous. "Oh? And what kind of thank you are we talking about?"

Aiden rolled his eyes playfully. "Just a simple thank you. Now, how about we eat and then see what the day has in store for us?"

Drake nodded, his expression shifting to one of genuine warmth. "Sounds perfect to me."

As they sat down to breakfast, the atmosphere was relaxed and easy, a stark contrast to the tension and uncertainty of the previous days. They talked and laughed, enjoying each other's company and the simple pleasure of being together.

For the first time in a while, both Aiden and Drake felt a sense of normalcy and contentment. Despite the challenges they faced, they were finding moments of happiness and connection that made their relationship stronger.

Drake's gaze lingered on Aiden as he enjoyed his breakfast, a thoughtful look on his face. Aiden noticed Drake's intense stare and glanced up, a bit self-conscious under his scrutiny.

"What is it?" Aiden asked, his voice tinged with curiosity. "Do I have something on my face?"

Drake shook his head, his expression softening. "No, it's not that. It's just..." He hesitated for a moment, trying to find the right words. "You look... really good today. Like, effortlessly perfect."

Aiden's cheeks flushed a light pink at the compliment. He shifted slightly in his seat, trying to hide his embarrassment. "Thanks. I guess I just wanted to keep things simple this morning."

Drake leaned in closer, his eyes still fixed on Aiden with a mixture of admiration and affection. "You always manage to look amazing, no matter what you're wearing."

Aiden smiled, feeling a warm glow from Drake's words. "Well, I guess I should thank you for making me feel that way. You're not so bad yourself, you know."

Drake grinned, clearly pleased by the exchange. "I'll take that as a compliment."

Aiden reached over and playfully nudged Drake. "Stop staring at me like that. You're making me nervous."

Drake chuckled softly and took a sip of his coffee. "Sorry. It's just hard not to appreciate how lucky I am."

Aiden's smile widened as he met Drake's gaze, feeling a deep sense of connection. "I'm lucky too."

They continued their breakfast in a comfortable silence, both enjoying the simple pleasure of each other's company. Despite the complexities of their lives and the challenges they faced, moments like these made everything feel right.

As Aiden stood in front of the mirror, he struggled to decide which tie would be the best choice for the day. His collection of ties was neatly organized, but none of them seemed to fit his mood or the day's events.

Drake, already dressed in his sharp suit and red tie, walked into the room and observed Aiden's indecision with a curious smile. "Need any help with that?" he asked, his tone a mix of amusement and genuine concern.

Aiden looked up, slightly flustered. "I just can't decide. There are so many options, and I'm not sure which one looks best."

Drake approached him, taking a closer look at the ties spread out on the dresser. He picked up a dark blue tie and held it up, examining it against Aiden's suit. "What about this one? It would contrast nicely with your suit."

Aiden hesitated, still unsure. "I don't know. I usually go for something more subtle."

Drake raised an eyebrow, his expression playful. "Subtle's good, but sometimes a bit of boldness can make a statement. You should stand out, after all. You're not just any assistant."

Aiden chuckled softly, appreciating Drake's support. "Alright, let's go with the blue one. It's different from what I'm used to, but maybe that's what I need."

Drake helped Aiden tie the blue tie, his hands deftly adjusting it around Aiden's collar. As he finished, he stepped back and gave Aiden a reassuring smile. "There. You look great. And don't worry, you'll make a statement in that."

Aiden glanced at himself in the mirror, feeling more confident with the new tie. "Thanks, Drake. I appreciate the help."

Drake's smile grew, and he placed a hand on Aiden's shoulder. "Anytime. Now, let's get going. We've got a busy day ahead."

As they headed out together, both of them felt a renewed sense of confidence and readiness. Despite the challenges they faced, moments like these made their partnership stronger, and they were prepared to face whatever came their way.

As Drake and Aiden entered the main hall of the mansion, they were greeted by the sight of the gang members standing in a neat line. The atmosphere was charged with a mix of anticipation and respect, as the members awaited Drake's and Aiden's arrival.

Drake strode forward confidently, his presence commanding attention. Aiden followed closely, adjusting his tie and glancing around at the assembled members. The hallway was lined with polished marble floors and elegant decorations, a testament to Drake's wealth and power.

Drake cleared his throat, addressing the group with his usual authoritative tone. "Good morning, everyone. I trust you're all ready for the day?"

The gang members responded in unison, "Yes, Boss."

Drake's gaze swept across the line, his eyes lingering on a few individuals before turning back to Aiden. "We have a busy schedule today. I want to make sure everyone is clear on their assignments and any upcoming tasks."

One of the senior members, Vincent, stepped forward. "Boss, we've received reports on the recent developments. There are a few matters that need your immediate attention."

Drake nodded. "Very well. I'll review the details shortly. For now, let's ensure everything is in order. Aiden and I will be in the office if you need us."

As the members began to disperse and return to their tasks, Aiden and Drake moved towards the office. Aiden, still adjusting to the new tie, felt a bit self-conscious but appreciated the support Drake had given him.

Drake glanced over at Aiden, his expression softening slightly. "You did well out there. Everyone's got their eyes on us, but we're in control."

Aiden gave a small, appreciative smile. "Thanks, Drake. I'm still getting used to this, but I'm ready for whatever comes next."

Drake opened the office door for Aiden, a rare display of chivalry from the usually aloof boss. "After you. Let's get to work."

As they entered the office, the weight of their responsibilities became apparent, but with each other's support, they were prepared to tackle the challenges ahead.

Drake's gaze narrowed as he observed Aiden and Alex from across the room. Alex was leaning in close to Aiden, gesturing animatedly as he spoke, his demeanor relaxed and charming.

Aiden, for his part, seemed engaged in the conversation, laughing and responding with a friendly smile. To Drake, the scene was unmistakable—Alex was clearly trying to flirt with Aiden, and Aiden, oblivious to the underlying intentions, was enjoying the interaction.

Drake's jaw tightened, a pang of jealousy cutting through his usually composed demeanor. He took a deep breath, trying to maintain his usual cold and threatening demeanor as he approached the pair.

"Alex," Drake's voice cut through the air, cold and commanding. "What's going on here?"

Alex looked up, his expression shifting from casual to slightly amused. "Just having a chat with Aiden here. Is there something you need?"

Drake's eyes narrowed, his tone dripping with an edge of hostility. "I was wondering if you have any specific business with him or if this is just your way of spending time."

Aiden turned to look at Drake, his smile faltering slightly at the tension between them. "Drake, Alex was just telling me about—"

Alex smoothly interrupted, not missing a beat. "Oh, nothing important. Just sharing some insights. I'll catch up with you later, Aiden."

He gave a brief, almost mocking nod to Drake before turning to leave. As Alex walked away, Drake's gaze remained fixed on him, the jealousy still evident in his eyes.

Once Alex was out of earshot, Aiden turned to Drake, his expression a mix of confusion and concern. "What was that about? Did I miss something?"

Drake's expression softened slightly, but his voice remained cool. "Nothing important. Just... keep an eye out, alright? Sometimes people have motives you might not immediately see."

Aiden raised an eyebrow, still puzzled but willing to let it go for now. "Okay. If you say so."Drake nodded, his mind still preoccupied with the encounter. "Let's get back to work. We have a lot to handle today."

As they moved towards the office, Drake's thoughts were clouded by the encounter, his feelings for Aiden tangled with the complexities of their world. Despite his cold exterior, the situation was beginning to weigh heavily on him.

When Drake finally spotted Aiden after searching for him for three hours, his heart clenched with a mix of anger and disbelief. He stood frozen for a moment as he witnessed Alex leaning in and kissing Aiden on the cheek in the garden. The sight made Drake's blood boil.

Without thinking, Drake strode over to them, his presence looming as he approached. The tension in the air was palpable, and Aiden, sensing something off, turned just as Drake reached them.

Drake's eyes were locked onto Alex, his voice cold and edged with anger. "What the hell do you think you're doing, Alex?"

Alex, unfazed, looked at Drake with a smirk. "Just saying thanks to Aiden here for all his help. What's the matter, Drake? Jealous?"

Drake's fists clenched at his sides as he fought to keep his composure. "That's enough. Aiden, we're leaving. Now."

Aiden, caught off guard, glanced between the two, his cheeks tinged with embarrassment. "Drake, it's not what you think—"

Drake didn't wait for an explanation. He grabbed Aiden's arm, not harshly but firmly enough to make it clear that the conversation was over. "We're done here," he said, his voice low but filled with authority.

As they walked away, Drake's grip on Aiden's arm softened, but the tension in his posture remained. Aiden looked at Drake, concern in his eyes. "Drake, I really wasn't—"

"I don't want to hear it," Drake cut him off, his tone a mix of anger and hurt. "I told you to be careful with him. You're mine, Aiden. I don't share."

Aiden's heart raced, feeling the intensity of Drake's words. He didn't know how to respond, the situation too charged to diffuse easily.

They walked in silence back to the mansion, with Drake's jealousy hanging heavily in the air. Aiden felt a mix of confusion and guilt, not fully understanding the depth of Drake's feelings but knowing that this was far from over.

Mafia's Addiction towards his Demon [Boy x Boy]Where stories live. Discover now