Chapter 38

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When Drake and Aiden arrived back from their so-called "mission," they both looked exhausted. The long hours and intense moments had clearly taken their toll. As they walked into the main hall, Ryan couldn't help but notice something peculiar.

"Uh...Drake," Ryan began, his eyes narrowing slightly. "Why is your tie on my brother's neck?"

Drake's face turned a shade of red as he quickly glanced at Aiden, who was also blushing, his cheeks flushed from the combination of physical exertion and embarrassment. The tie was loosely draped around Aiden's neck, clearly a remnant from their earlier activities.

Drake, trying to maintain his composure, mumbled an excuse. "Just...a little part of the mission. Nothing to worry about."

Without waiting for further questions, Drake swiftly removed the tie from Aiden's neck and made a hasty retreat to his bedroom, his flustered state evident in his hurried steps. The door closed behind him with a soft click.

Ryan, still processing the scene, looked over at Aiden, who was struggling to hide his own embarrassment. Their mother, who had been quietly observing from the sidelines, seemed to sense the awkward tension and chose to stay silent, giving her son and Drake some space to recover from their apparent ordeal.

Aiden sighed and rubbed his neck where the tie had been. "Just...ignore it," he said to Ryan, trying to brush off the incident. "It's nothing."

Ryan raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced but choosing not to press further. He gave Aiden a reassuring pat on the back before heading off to check on their mother and offer her some support, leaving Aiden alone to contemplate the events of the day.

Aiden changed into a more casual outfit, opting for a white T-shirt and jeans. Feeling a bit more comfortable and relaxed, he joined his mom on the couch in the living room. They were watching TV together, trying to unwind after the events of the day.

As he settled next to her, Aiden tried to focus on the show, but his mind kept drifting back to the earlier moments with Drake. His mom, sensing his distraction, gave him a supportive smile.

"Everything okay, Aiden?" she asked softly, her tone gentle and concerned.

Aiden nodded, though a faint blush still lingered on his cheeks. "Yeah, just a lot on my mind. I'm glad we can just relax for a bit."

His mom patted his hand reassuringly. "I'm here if you need to talk. Sometimes, a good distraction can help clear your mind."

They watched in silence for a while, the TV providing a soothing background noise. Aiden felt a mix of relief and lingering tension, but being with his mom, even in such a casual setting, brought him a sense of comfort and normalcy amidst the chaos of his recent experiences.

Aiden's mom, her face a mix of concern and embarrassment, said, "So... about this date-I mean mission! About this mission, does your body hurt anywhere?"

Aiden looked at her and smiled. "Actually, it was a pretty intense mission. My muscles are a bit sore, but nothing I can't handle."

His mom nodded, her expression softening. "If you need anything, like a warm bath or some rest, just let me know. I don't want you pushing yourself too hard."

Aiden appreciated her concern. "Thanks, Mom. I'll be fine. Just a bit of downtime will do wonders."

As they settled into the TV show, Ryan joined them in the living room, still curious about the tie incident. He took a seat next to Aiden, playfully nudging him. "So, bro, did you enjoy your 'mission'?"

Aiden smirked, catching the hint of teasing in Ryan's voice. "Oh, definitely. It was... quite the experience."

Ryan raised an eyebrow, a mischievous grin on his face. "Well, I hope it was worth it. And you know, if you ever need a wingman or backup on a mission, I'm your guy."

Their mom chuckled, shaking her head. "You two, always up to something. Just make sure you take care of yourselves."

The family continued watching TV, the atmosphere relaxed and filled with a sense of normalcy. For now, the dangers of their mafia life seemed a little farther away, and the moments spent together as a family provided a brief respite from the chaos.

Aiden's mom, looking curious, asked, "Speaking of our 'wingman,' did you ever use your demon wings, Aiden?"

Aiden looked up from the TV, a hint of nostalgia in his eyes. "Actually, I haven't used them much lately. It's been a while since I've had a reason to. Why do you ask?"

His mom leaned forward, her interest piqued. "I remember when you were younger, you used to fly around with them all the time. It was quite a sight. I was just wondering if you still kept up with that."

Aiden chuckled softly. "Yeah, I remember those days. It was freeing, to soar through the skies. But with everything going on, I've had less time for that kind of freedom."

Ryan, intrigued, added, "Maybe you should show us sometime. It's been a while since we've seen you use your wings. I bet it would be impressive."

Aiden smiled, feeling a mix of warmth and sadness. "Maybe I will, once things settle down a bit. It would be nice to have a bit of normalcy and do something that reminds me of home."

His mom patted his hand gently. "That sounds wonderful. Whenever you're ready, just let us know. It's important to hold on to the things that make you feel connected to who you are."

The conversation shifted back to lighter topics as they continued to watch TV, but Aiden couldn't help but think about the idea of using his wings again. It was a reminder of his past, of a simpler time, and a promise to himself to reconnect with that part of his life when he could.As the evening wore on, Aiden and Drake prepared for bed, their thoughts lingering on the complexities of their lives and the small comforts that made them feel more grounded.

Drake, lounging in bed beside Aiden, glanced over and asked, "I heard all devils have wings?"

Aiden, who was adjusting the blankets, looked up with a slight smile. "Not all of us, actually. It depends on the type of demon. Some do, some don't. In our family, wings are more common among pride demons, but not every demon has them. For instance, my mom and brother have wings, but my step-dad doesn't."

Drake raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "So, it's not a universal trait among demons. I always thought it was."

Aiden nodded. "No, it's more about the specific traits and powers of each demon. Lust demons, like myself, don't usually have wings. It's more about other abilities and how we channel our powers."

Drake thought for a moment. "That's interesting. I suppose it's the same with humans-everyone has different traits and abilities."

Aiden chuckled softly. "Yeah, I guess so. It's what makes each of us unique, in our own way."

Drake reached over and gently touched Aiden's arm. "Well, I'm glad you've shared that with me. It's good to understand more about who you are and what makes you tick."

Aiden's smile widened, his eyes softening. "Thanks, Drake. I'm glad you're interested. It means a lot."

They settled into a comfortable silence, each lost in their thoughts, the bond between them growing stronger with each passing moment.

The conversation about wings might have been brief, but it was a reminder of the layers of complexity and connection in their relationship.

Mafia's Addiction towards his Demon [Boy x Boy]Where stories live. Discover now