Chapter 13

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As they arrived at their destination, Aiden turned to Drake with a mix of frustration and curiosity. "So, why exactly are we here, Drake?" he asked, trying to shift the focus away from the earlier teasing and regain some control over the situation.

Drake's expression shifted to one of calm authority, his earlier amusement giving way to a more serious demeanor. "We're here to handle an important matter," he said, his voice steady and professional. "This location is crucial for today's activities."

He stepped out of the car and gestured for Aiden to follow. "There are certain details that need to be addressed, and your presence is necessary. I wanted to make sure everything was in order."

Drake led the way towards a building, his demeanor indicating that while the teasing had been a part of their interaction, the business at hand was of utmost importance. As they approached, he glanced back at Aiden with a hint of his usual confidence. "I assure you, the reason for this visit will become clear soon enough."

The shift from playful teasing to serious business was a stark reminder of Drake's ability to seamlessly blend different aspects of his personality, keeping Aiden on his toes and constantly navigating between personal and professional dynamics.

As Drake and the other man engaged in a discussion about financial matters, Aiden sat in one of the chairs beside Drake, his attention divided between the conversation and Drake's unsettling touch. The room was filled with an air of professionalism, but beneath the surface, the dynamic between Drake and Aiden was anything but ordinary.

Drake, seemingly engrossed in the negotiation, used the opportunity to subtly brush his fingers against Aiden's thighs. The light, almost casual contact was a stark contrast to the serious nature of the meeting and was designed to keep Aiden on edge. Each touch was deliberate, a reminder of Drake's control and the complex, often painful bond they shared.

Aiden struggled to focus on the discussion happening across the table, but the constant brush of Drake's fingers on his thighs was distracting and uncomfortable. He could feel his face growing warm, his composure faltering as he tried to remain composed despite the intimate touch.

Drake's fingers continued their gentle caress, each movement calculated to provoke a reaction from Aiden while remaining unnoticed by the other participants. The subtlety of the gesture made it all the more frustrating for Aiden, as he was left grappling with the duality of the situation-trying to stay engaged in the business matter while being acutely aware of Drake's lingering touch.

As the conversation continued, Aiden's internal conflict deepened, torn between his professional demeanor and the personal turmoil stirred by Drake's touch. The constant reminder of Drake's control only heightened Aiden's sense of vulnerability and frustration.

Aiden excused himself from the meeting, citing a need for a moment of privacy. As Drake and the other man continued their discussion at the table, Aiden slipped away discreetly and made his way to the bedroom.

Once inside, Aiden leaned against the door, trying to catch his breath and steady his racing heart. The intimate touches from Drake had been unsettling, and the situation left him feeling both agitated and conflicted. The contrast between the serious business negotiations and the personal, invasive contact had been jarring.

In the solitude of the bedroom, Aiden allowed himself a moment of reflection. The physical connection Drake had maintained was a constant reminder of their complicated relationship, mixing power and desire in a way that was difficult to escape. The touch had been a stark reminder of Drake's control and influence, leaving Aiden with a sense of helplessness.

He paced the room, grappling with his emotions and the gnawing question of how to handle his complex feelings toward Drake. The need to regain composure and clear his mind before returning to the meeting was pressing. Aiden tried to focus on calming himself, pushing aside the turmoil stirred by Drake's touch and the ongoing power dynamics between them.

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