im dead but you keep me alive

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Trinity on what to say
Wake up with a ruined day
To minds and thoughts of gone array
I'm talked of while my bones decay

Floated up in dead of night
The birds don't hear but now you might
I hear my name it calls me down
To the place where I hear the tones alike

I could be buried I could be wrong
I could be married and live real long
But no matter the cause I'm never there
But I'm always present when I'm gone

The name it sticks like honey now
On tounges of those who somewhat how
Have something to say in terms of me
Or make up something to laugh about

I've grown up here I've grown so strong
You're at eye with an ankle I'm three miles long
But Is it short of me to ask you why
You never grown all this time I'm gone

Sit and smile and laugh a while
I can see it up to half a mile
But Never will I get it though
How you chip at retired tile

So sing it hard and sing it loud
To all two people in your crowd
That see you and nod their heads
See who now feels real real proud

bard from boredomWhere stories live. Discover now