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The weekend crept up slowly, with a lingering sense of unease hanging in the air. The talk with his mother had been reassuring, but Lukas couldn't shake the weight of his father's potential reaction. It gnawed at him, a persistent anxiety that seemed to ebb and flow with every passing hour.

Lukas tried to distract himself by focusing on schoolwork, but his thoughts kept circling back to Liam. The way they had kissed, the way Liam had held him—Lukas had never felt anything like it before. It was exhilarating and terrifying all at once.

Late Saturday morning, Lukas found himself walking through the park near his house, trying to clear his mind. The trees were thick with summer leaves, their shadows dancing on the path as a gentle breeze rustled through. Children laughed and played in the distance, their joy a stark contrast to Lukas' inner turmoil.

As he rounded a corner, Lukas spotted a familiar figure sitting on a bench by the pond. It was Corrin, Liam's childhood friend and one of the school's football players. He was tossing small stones into the water, watching the ripples spread across the surface.

Lukas hesitated for a moment, then approached him. "Hey, Corrin."

Corrin looked up, surprised to see Lukas. "Oh, hey, Lukas. What's up?"

Lukas shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets. "Just needed to clear my head. You?"

"Same," Corrin replied, his tone casual but his eyes sharp. "Football practice was rough this week. Coach is really pushing us."

Lukas nodded, though he couldn't relate. Sports had never been his thing, and he knew he'd never fit into the world that Corrin and Liam inhabited. "Sounds tough."

Corrin smirked, tossing another stone into the pond. "It's nothing we can't handle. But hey, speaking of tough... you and Liam seem pretty close these days."

Lukas tensed, sensing the underlying tension in Corrin's words. "Yeah, we've been hanging out a lot."

Corrin's smile didn't quite reach his eyes. "That's cool. Liam's a good guy. Just... don't let him get too distracted, you know? Football's important, and we've got a big season ahead."

Lukas forced a smile, his stomach twisting with unease. "I'll keep that in mind."

The conversation drifted into silence, the only sound the distant chatter of the park and the soft plop of stones hitting water. Lukas felt the weight of Corrin's unspoken words, the subtle warning hidden beneath his friendly tone.

After a few more minutes of strained small talk, Lukas made an excuse to leave. As he walked away, he couldn't shake the feeling that Corrin was watching him, assessing him, maybe even resenting him. The encounter left Lukas feeling unsettled, a dark cloud overshadowing what should have been a peaceful day.

By the time Lukas got home, the sun had begun to set, casting long shadows across the driveway. He found himself wandering aimlessly through the house, his mind a whirl of conflicting emotions. He wanted to talk to Liam, to share what had happened, but a part of him hesitated. Would Liam side with Corrin? Would he prioritize football over whatever was blossoming between them?

Lukas shook his head, trying to dispel the doubts. Liam had been nothing but supportive so far. There was no reason to think that would change, right?

His phone buzzed, pulling him out of his thoughts. It was a message from Liam.

**Liam:** *Hey, want to come over? My mom made lasagna. Thought we could hang out.*

Lukas felt a surge of relief. Maybe spending time with Liam would help clear his mind. He quickly replied, letting Liam know he was on his way.

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