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Lukas had started to believe that maybe, just maybe, the worst was behind them. In the days that followed their conversation in the locker room, Liam seemed to reclaim parts of himself that had been lost in the storm of his own mind. They spent more time together, the tension that had once hung between them easing into something almost comforting. For the first time in weeks, Lukas allowed himself to hope.

They shared quiet moments in Lukas's room, where the soft strains of his piano filled the air with a sense of normalcy that Lukas had missed. Liam would sit beside him, watching his fingers dance across the keys, the corners of his lips curving into a small, genuine smile that made Lukas's heart ache with something he couldn't quite name.

One evening, as the last notes of a melancholic melody faded into the stillness, Liam turned to Lukas, his eyes reflecting a depth of emotion that took Lukas by surprise. "You've been my anchor, Lukas," Liam said softly, his voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know where I'd be without you."

Lukas's breath caught in his throat, and he forced himself to smile, hoping it would mask the unease that had begun to settle in his chest. "You'd be just fine," Lukas replied, trying to sound lighthearted, but the words felt hollow even as they left his mouth.

Liam didn't respond, just gave Lukas a look that was both grateful and resigned, as if he knew something that Lukas didn't. Something that Lukas wasn't sure he wanted to know.

The next afternoon, they went for a walk in the park. The sky was a clear blue, the sun casting a warm glow over the world. It was the kind of day that made everything seem possible, that made Lukas think that maybe they were on the cusp of something new, something better.

They found a bench by the pond and sat in comfortable silence, watching the ducks glide across the water. For a brief moment, Lukas allowed himself to believe that this peace could last. That they had weathered the storm, and the worst was over.

"This is nice," Liam murmured, breaking the silence. "Being here, like this. It almost makes me forget... everything."

Lukas turned to him, feeling a pang of worry that he tried to push aside. "You don't have to forget everything, Liam," he said gently. "You just need to remember that you're not alone."

Liam smiled, but it didn't reach his eyes. "Yeah," he replied softly. "You're right."

But as they left the park, Lukas couldn't shake the feeling that something was still wrong. That the calm they had found was only a fragile illusion, one that could shatter at any moment.

Later that night, as Lukas lay in bed, his phone buzzed on the nightstand. He picked it up, seeing Corrin's name on the screen. The uneasy feeling from earlier surged back with a vengeance.

"Lukas, get to the field, quick! It's Liam—he's lost it, man. He's... he's not okay."

The panic in Corrin's voice was like a punch to Lukas's gut. He bolted out of bed, adrenaline surging through his veins as he grabbed his jacket and raced out the door. The night air was cold and sharp, but Lukas barely noticed. His mind was consumed with one thought: Liam.

When Lukas arrived at the field, the sight that greeted him was nothing short of a nightmare. A crowd had gathered, their faces ghostly in the harsh glare of the field lights. Lukas pushed through the throng of onlookers, his heart pounding so loudly in his ears that he could barely hear anything else.

And then he saw him.

Liam was standing on top of the bleachers, swaying dangerously, his arms spread wide as if daring the world to knock him down. His clothes were disheveled, his hair a wild mess, and his eyes... Lukas would never forget the look in Liam's eyes. They were filled with a mix of desperation, rage, and something far more terrifying—hopelessness.

"Liam!" Lukas shouted, his voice breaking through the cacophony of murmurs from the crowd. "Liam, please, come down from there! You're scaring me!"

But Liam didn't seem to hear him. He turned his gaze toward the sky, laughing—a hollow, broken sound that sent chills down Lukas's spine. "It's all pointless, Lukas!" Liam yelled, his voice carrying across the field. "Everything I've done... everything I've tried to be... it doesn't matter! I'm just... I'm just tired of pretending!"

The rawness of Liam's words hit Lukas like a physical blow. He took a step forward, his hands trembling. "You don't have to pretend, Liam. You don't have to do this. Please, just... come down. We can talk. We can figure this out together."

Liam's gaze finally dropped to Lukas, his expression softening for a fleeting moment. "Figure it out?" he repeated, almost to himself. "There's nothing left to figure out, Lukas. I'm a mess. I'm broken, and no one can fix that. Not even you."

"No," Lukas said, his voice firm despite the tears that were threatening to spill over. "You're not broken, Liam. You're hurt, and you're scared, but you're not broken. And I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying right here, with you, until we figure this out."

Liam took a step closer to the edge, and the crowd collectively held its breath. Lukas's heart was in his throat, every muscle in his body tense with fear.

"You don't understand," Liam whispered, his voice so quiet that Lukas almost didn't hear him. "I'm already gone, Lukas. I've been gone for a long time."

And then, in one horrifying moment, Liam's foot slipped.

Time seemed to slow as Lukas watched in helpless terror, his legs frozen as Liam fell. The world around him dissolved into chaos—shouts, screams, the sickening sound of Liam's body hitting the ground.

Lukas didn't remember moving, but suddenly he was kneeling beside Liam, his hands hovering over him, afraid to touch, afraid of what he might find. Liam was conscious, but just barely. His eyes fluttered open, and when they met Lukas's, the pain and fear there were almost too much to bear.

"Lukas..." Liam's voice was barely a whisper, a ghost of the confident tone Lukas had always known. "I'm... sorry. I... I didn't want you to see me like this."

"Don't be sorry," Lukas choked out, his hands trembling as he gently brushed Liam's hair back. "Just stay with me, okay? Please, Liam, don't leave me. I can't do this without you."

Liam's lips curved into a weak, broken smile. "You'll be okay," he whispered. "You're stronger than you think."

"No," Lukas sobbed, shaking his head. "Not without you. Please, Liam, don't do this. Don't leave me."

But Liam's eyes were already closing, his body going limp as he slipped into unconsciousness. The paramedics were there in an instant, but to Lukas, it felt like everything was moving in slow motion, like the world was crumbling around him.

He watched in numb horror as they loaded Liam onto the stretcher, his pale face barely visible under the harsh lights. Lukas's world tilted on its axis, the weight of everything crashing down on him all at once. The fragile peace they had built was gone, shattered beyond repair.

As the ambulance doors closed, Lukas stood there, his entire body trembling with shock and despair. He felt the stares of the crowd, the weight of their whispers pressing down on him like a physical force. But all he could think about was Liam, and the terrifying possibility that he might never see him smile again.

The world around Lukas faded into a blur, and as he stood alone on the field, the only sound he could hear was the echo of Liam's broken words: "I'm already gone."

And in that moment, Lukas knew that nothing would ever be the same

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