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The rest of the school day passed in a haze for Lukas, his mind constantly drifting back to his conversation with Corrin. No matter how hard he tried to focus on his classes, the same thoughts kept circling in his head, looping back to Liam and the tension that had been building between them since the first day they met.

It wasn't just confusing—it was exhausting. Lukas found himself longing for the days when life was simpler, when he didn't have to navigate these murky emotional waters. But that was before Rockledge High, before Liam Matthews, before everything got so complicated.

By the time the final bell rang, Lukas was more than ready to leave. He quickly gathered his things and made his way to his locker, intent on getting out of the building as fast as possible. The corridors were crowded with students eager to escape for the day, and Lukas weaved through them with a single-minded determination.

But as he reached his locker, his heart sank. Liam was there, leaning casually against the row of lockers, his posture relaxed but his eyes sharp. Lukas felt his stomach twist with anxiety—he wasn't ready for another encounter, especially not after the emotional rollercoaster of the day.

Liam noticed him immediately and straightened up, his gaze locking onto Lukas with an intensity that made Lukas's pulse quicken. For a split second, Lukas considered turning around and walking away, but he knew that would only delay the inevitable.

He steeled himself and approached, forcing his expression to remain neutral. "Hey," he said, his voice more controlled than he felt.

"Hey," Liam replied, his tone casual, though there was an undercurrent of something else—something Lukas couldn't quite place.

There was a brief, awkward silence as Lukas opened his locker, trying to ignore the fact that Liam was standing so close. He could feel Liam's eyes on him, and it took all of his self-control not to let it show how much it was affecting him.

"So, how's your day been?" Liam asked, the question seemingly innocent, but Lukas could hear the tension behind it.

"Fine," Lukas replied shortly, keeping his focus on the contents of his locker. "Yours?"

"Same," Liam answered, but there was a tightness in his voice that made Lukas pause. He glanced sideways at Liam, catching a glimpse of the guarded expression on his face.

Liam wasn't acting like his usual self—at least, not the version of himself that Lukas had come to expect. There was a tension in his posture, a stiffness that Lukas hadn't seen before. It was like Liam was trying to hold something back, to keep something from spilling over.

Before Lukas could think better of it, the words were out of his mouth. "Is everything okay?"

Liam blinked, clearly surprised by the question. For a moment, Lukas thought he wouldn't answer, that he would brush it off like he usually did. But then Liam sighed, running a hand through his hair in a gesture that betrayed his frustration.

"No," Liam admitted, his voice low. "Not really."

Lukas wasn't sure what to say to that. He had never expected Liam to be so open, so willing to admit that something was wrong. It made Lukas feel off-balance, like the ground was shifting beneath him.

"What's going on?" Lukas asked carefully, unsure if he was stepping over a line.

Liam hesitated, his eyes flicking around the hallway before returning to Lukas. "It's just... things are complicated right now. With the team, with school, with... everything."

Lukas nodded, trying to make sense of the vague explanation. "If you need to talk about it... I mean, I'm here."

Liam looked at him for a long moment, as if trying to decide whether or not to take him up on the offer. There was a vulnerability in his eyes that Lukas hadn't seen before, a crack in the armor that Liam usually kept so carefully in place.

"Thanks," Liam said finally, his voice soft. "But I'm not sure talking is going to fix anything."

Lukas didn't know how to respond to that. He wanted to help, wanted to do something to ease the tension that was clearly weighing on Liam, but he didn't know how. Liam was a puzzle that Lukas couldn't solve, no matter how hard he tried.

Before Lukas could say anything else, the moment was broken by the sudden appearance of a group of football players, laughing and joking as they approached. Liam's expression shifted instantly, the vulnerability vanishing as quickly as it had appeared. He put on a confident, easygoing smile, the one he always wore around his teammates.

"See you around, Lukas," Liam said, his tone light and casual as he joined the group.

Lukas watched as Liam walked away, the earlier tension seemingly forgotten. But Lukas knew better. He had seen the cracks, had glimpsed the real Liam beneath the facade, and it left him feeling unsettled.

As he left the school, Lukas couldn't shake the feeling that things were far from okay. Liam was hiding something—something big—and it was only a matter of time before it came spilling out. And when it did, Lukas wasn't sure what that would mean for either of them.

For now, all he could do was wait—and hope that whatever was coming wouldn't tear them both apart.

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