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"We're gonna go get my son." Rick announced as they all climbed out the wrecked ship. "Then we're gonna wanna get out of here fast, so make sure this works Izzy."

"No, no, you don't understand, goddamn it." Izz groaned in annoyance. "This thing was filled with gas. Not hot air, gas."

"I though it was hot air." Tiye mumbled to her husband as he helped her off the ground.

"I need gas to get this thing off the ground." Izzy continued to rant. "Where am I gonna get gas from around here? Huh? Bananas? Mangos? Tarzans ass?"

"I would try the ass option." The Egyptian woman piped up.

"Well, maybe I could finagle it to take hot air." The pilot talked to himself, ignoring her comment. "But do you know how many cubic metres I'd need? It's too big!"

"If anybody could fill this thing with hit air, Izzy, it's you." Rick reassured the man.

"Horus!" The bird flew down on to Ardeths hand, it was dry and safe. He placed a message in its foot before sending it to the commanders.

"So, Rick, what's the plan?" Jonathan asked as he, Rick, Evy, Ardeth and Tiye adventured through the thick jungle.

"Let's find some higher ground." The man suggested. A gun shot fired through the air and Horus's chirping stopped.

"Horus!" Ardeth cried, running backwards slightly, hoping to see his bird. "I must go."

"Where?" Rick asked, beating Tiye to the question.

"I must let the commanders know where we are." The Medjai explained.

"You cant go." Rick argued, walking closer to the man.

"If the Army of Anubis arises-" Ardeth began before he was cut off by Rick.

"I need you to help me find my son."

"Then first, I shall help you." Ardeth decided after glancing over everyone's worried faces.

"Thank you." Rick patted his friends shoulder thankfully, grateful for the mans help.

"Come on." Tiye grabbed her husband's sleeve and sent him a reassuring smile before kissing his cheek and following after the others.

"You hear that?" Rick asked. The group had stopped on top of a ledge, loading their guns while the night covered the land.


"Nothing." Tiye answered, glancing around.

"Absolutely nothing." Rick confirmed, letting his eyes drift around the dark land, looking for something, anything.

"I say, chaps, look at this." Jonathan stated. He had wandered away slightly to look at the small gap in the stone cliff. "Shrunken heads. I'd love to know how they do that."

Everyone turned around and sent the man a strange look causing him to mumble out a "just curious" before stabbing his torch into the ground and picking up a gun.

"You any good with that?" Ardeth asked, walking over to Jonathan.

"Three times Fox and Hound's grand champion, I'll have you know." Jonathan stated defensively before glancing down to the sword on Ardeths waist. "You any good with that?"

"You'll know soon enough." Ardeth grabbed the sword and skillfully put it against Jonathan's neck. "Because the only way to kill an Anubis warrior is by taking off its head."

"I'll remember that." Jonathan gulped nervously, eyeing the blade against his throat.

Ardeth and Rick walked away while Evelyn, Jonathan and Tiye stayed together at the top of the cliff ledge.

"Jonathan?" Evy spoke to her brother.


"That's my husband and son down there. Make me proud." She nodded to her brother hopefully.

"Todays that day, Evy." Jonathan smiled at his sister. All three of the siblings cocked their guns and prepared to fire, waiting for the signal. The sounds of gunshots and screams filled the air, warning them the time has come.

From the ledge, the two Carnahan siblings and Tiye shot at anyone who got too close to Rick, Ardeth and Alex. Jonathan actually hitting people with a good aim. Rick grabbed Alex and began to run away with him to safety. Tiye watched in fear as her husband fought with Lock-Nah and she could not kill him in case she missed and hit her husband. Finally, he stabbed Lock-Nah, killing him but another man snuck up on Ardeth aiming a gun to his head. Tiye aimed carefully and shot the man, saving her husbands life.

"Let's go." Evelyn announced, wanting to go see her husband and son.

"Thank God for that."



"Hey, nice shooting, Tex." Rick congratulated Jonathan and patted his shoulder proudly.

"What were those creepy little pygmy things?" Jonathan asked in shock.

"Just the local natives." Rick said in a non dramatic tone.

"Are you sure?"

"I'm sure. It was nothing."

"Come on, mum! Come on, dad! We have to get to the pyramid so I can take this bracelet off now." Alex scrambled around as he freaked out.

"Oh, leave it on, Alex. Looks good on you." Jonathan replied, breathing heavily after having to run.

"No, you guys! You don't understand! He told me the bracelet will kill me if I don't get inside the pyramid before the sun hits it." Alex explained causing everyone's faces to drop. "Today!"

"Oh, my God." Evy gasped. The sound of the local natives getting closer caused them to jump in fright.

"Time to go!" They all began running through the jungle, trying to get away from the creatures.

"I thought you said it was nothing?" Jonathan screamed at Rick, freaking out and quickly following behind.

"Where is Ardeth?" Tiye asked as they ran through the thick vines.

"He'll be fine, that man can survive anything." Rick tried to cheer the woman up.

"Wheres Jonathan?" Evy now asked as she glanced behind and noticed her brother was missing. They crossed a large fallen tree over a large canyon and Rick began to take out his dynamite.

"Wait for me!" Jonathan squealed as he began to run across the tree.

"Hurry up Jonathan!" The two women screamed.

"What's that for?" He asked as he landed safely with the others and noticed the glowing stick in Rick's hand.

"Ah, nothing. Just a little something in case of an emergency." Rick explained. He threw it on to the tree and they all took cover as it blew the locals and tree up.

"Rick." Evelyn warned her husband, watching as the sun rose in the distance.

"Let's go, Alex!" Rick grabbed his son and began to run to the pyramid while the other three followed behind, worried about the boy.

"They made it. Thank God." Evelyn sighed with happiness as she saw her husband and son safely in the pyramid.

"Oh, yes. Great." Jonathan breathed out, staring at the giant diamond on top of the temple. "Fabulous."

Evelyn groaned in pain causing everyone to look in her direction. Anck-su-namun had stabbed a dagger into the woman's stomach.

"No!" Rick screamed, running towards his wife. Imhotep grabbed Jonathan by the collar and threw him away, then Tiye quickly followed.

Evelyn fell to the ground, her eyes barely open. Tiye and Jonathan gathered themselves off the sand and ran over to their sister as Alex ran out the Pyramid and went to his mum.

𝑫𝑹𝑨𝑷𝑬𝑻𝑶𝑴𝑨𝑵𝑰𝑨 - Ardeth BayWhere stories live. Discover now