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Night had fallen over Egypt and Tiye and Evelyn had hidden themselves away at a table on the side passage of the boat, both reading books. Rick noticed the pair and dropped his bag harshly on to the table causing them to gasp in fright.

"Sorry." Rick apologised, staring at Evelyn when he did so. "Didn't mean to scare ya."

"The only thing that scared me, Mr. O'Connell, are your manners." Evelyn sassed back. Tiye placed her book down and sat back in her chair, entertained by the conversation happening in front of her.

"Still angry about that kiss, huh?" Rick smirked.

"Well, if you call that a kiss." Evelyn continued her sass. Rick undid the straps on his bag and flung it open, frightening the women once again. "Um, did I miss something? Are we- are we going into battle?"

"Lady, there's something out there. Something underneath that sand." Rick began to grab weapons and make sure they are loaded before putting them into his gun holsters.

"Yes, well, I'm hoping to find a certain artifac." Evelyn revealed. Tiye raised her eyebrow questioningly. "A book, actually. My brother thinks there's treasure. What do you think is out there?"

"In a word, evil." Rick barely glanced up from his gun. "The Bedouin and the Tuaregs believe that Hamunaptra is cursed."

"And with all this talk of curses, I shall take my leave." Tiye announced, standing up from her chair and grabbing her book. "Good night."

"Good night." She heard the two reply as she walked around the ship to her cabin. As she stepped in to the dark room a hand grabbed her upper arm and yanked her further into the room. Her back hit the intruders chest as one arm wrapped around her waist while the other went to her mouth.

"Where is the key?" A familiar voice asked. Tiye continued to struggle against the man until she slammed her heel into his foot causing him to let her go. She ran to a few candles in room and lit them, revealing the familiar stranger in her room.

"Ardeth." She sighed happily, letting her eyes scan over his face, he barely looked like he had aged a day since she had last seen him. "I knew I recognised your voice."

"Tiye? What are you doing here?" Ardeth asked with disbelief. He walked closer to her and let his eye drift over her body, not a thing had changed.

"I am helping a friend. Why are you here?" Tiye questioned, stepping closer to him.

"I'm here to do my job." He answered simply, stepping forwards until he was only inches away from his fiancè.

"I hope you know I am sorry, about what happened seven years ago." Tiye lifted her hand and placed it on Ardeths cheek, pushing his mask away from his mouth.

"You were young." Ardeth ran his fingers through her long white hair, tugging it slightly so her head faced his.

"And stupid." Tiye wrapped her arms around his shoulders and pulled him in closer until their lips almost touched. Suddenly the fire alarm went off causing the two to jump apart. Ardeth grabbed Tiyes hand and dragged her out her cabin and into the busy hallway. He pushed past people until he came to the wide of the boat.

"I hope you can swim." He smirked, grabbing her cheeks and kissing her passionately before grabbing her and throwing her overboard before running off.

"Ti!" Evelyn yelled, swimming over to her friend. "Are you okay?"

"Evy, oh thank goodness you are alright. I am fine." Tiye replied, smiling at her concerned friend. Someone jumped into the water next to the pair, splashing them with the force.

"I couldn't find her." Ricks head resurfaced as he swam over to the women.

"Don't worry I found her." Evelyn answered, the two staring at each other for longer than many would say was normal.

"Oh there you all are, I was getting worried." Jonathan swam over to them, a relieved look on his face.

"Where to, O'Connell?" Tiye asked, waiting for orders.

"Follow me." The all followed Rick as he swam to the other side of the river compared to everyone else.

Evelyn and Tiye helped each other out the water and on to the sand bank, both feeling exposed by the lack of clothing they wore.

"We lost everything!" Evelyn exclaimed. "All of our tool, all the equipment!"

"All our clothes!" Tiye added, glancing down at her white night gown, the material going almost see through, especially in her chest area.

"Here." Jonathan passed her is soaked jacket, knowing that it would at least cover her slightly.

"O'Connell!" A voice yelled from the other side of the river. The four of them spun around to look at whoever was calling. "It looks to me like I've got all the horses!"

"Hey, Beni!" Rick called back mockingly. "Looks to me like you're on the wrong side of the river!"

The four of them trekked through the cold desert, the sun beginning to rise. They continued to walk until they found a small village.

𝑫𝑹𝑨𝑷𝑬𝑻𝑶𝑴𝑨𝑵𝑰𝑨 - Ardeth BayWhere stories live. Discover now