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The small group cautiously wandered through the dark ancient halls until they came across stones blocking the opening. Tiye and Jonathan stood back while Rick and Ardeth tried to dig their way through.

"Uh, I'd take those bigger stones first." Jonathan commented, holding the burning torch that lit the area they were in. "And take them from the top, other wise the whole thing will cave in on us. Come on. Put your backs into it."

"If I was you, Jon, I would shut up because although I might be able to stop Ardeth from killing you, Rick is another story." Tiye laughed, sitting cross legged on the ground and playing with small stones. Rick twisted around and glared at Jonathan, proving Tiyes point.

"Yes, well, you've got the idea. Chop, chop." Jonathan gulped, finally going quiet. Tiye immediately went back to piling the small stones into mini towers, happily smiling to herself as she tried to distract herself from thinking about the dangers her adopted sister was in. It was not until Jonathan started screaming in pain did the worry settle back in.

"Jon!" Tiye jumped up and ran over to him, watching as a lump moved up his arm but under the skin. "What is that?"

"My arm! My arm!" At this point the two men had come over to inspect the scene, startled at what they found. Rick ripped open Jonathan's shirt and gasped in shock at the strange creature that had made it's home in his body.

"Hold him!" Rick commanded. Tiye stepped back and allowed Ardeth to get a proper hold on the squirming man, watching in fear.

"Do something!" Jonathan repeatedly screamed until he saw Tiye pull out her silver dagger and hand it to Rick. "Not that! Not that!"

Jonathan screamed in pain as Rick stuck the dagger into his arm and flicked out the strange bug. Tiye immediately grabbed a gun from Ricks holster and shot the bug before it could attack again.

"Nice shot." Rick smiled, cleaning her dagger and handing it back to her.

"Nice flick." The Egyptian woman laughed, placing the gun back into the holster. Tiye quickly bandaged Jonathan up as the other two men continued digging until finally they broke through. Rick walked through the small space first with his gun raised high, then Ardeth next who held Tiyes hand protectively. Finally Jonathan who held the torch with his unbandaged arm.

"And then there was light." Tiye grinned as Rick shot the mirror and light entered the underground cave. Gold filled their sights causing them all to go wide eyed.

"Can you see-" Jonathan stated in shock.

"Yeah." Rick cut him off.

"Can you believe-"


"Can we just-"

"No." There moment of wonder was cut short when they heard grunting coming from behind them. They all twisted around, weapons raised, and watched as a mummy crawled out the ground. And then more joined.

"Who the hell are these guys?" Rick asked, not lowering his gun.

"Priests." Ardeth answered, grabbing Tiyes arm and dragging her safely behind him. "Imhoteps priests."

"Alright then." The two men began open firing on the undead as Tiye and Jonathan stood back and watched. Jonathan grabbed Ricks two pistols and began to join on the massacre of the undead.

"Come on." Tiye indicated they had to flee before they joined the mummies. The others immediately followed after her, Rick getting a few more shots in. They were raving through the halls, constantly firing their guns but hardly making a dent in the incoming enemy.

"There he is!" Jonathan yelled as he and Tiye raced over to the statue of Horus. "Hello, Horus, old boy."

"Time to close the door." Rick joked, lighting up a stick of dynamite and throwing it at the undead. Ardeth grabbed the startled Tiye and dragged her behind the statue with him. She sat on his lap, burying her face in his shoulder and covering her ears. She was scared to say the least.

Finally the dust cleared and Tiye scurried off Ardeths lap, instantly rushing to open the statue and receive the book. Jonathan helped her and both marvelled at the Golden book.

"Oh! The book of Amun-Ra!" Jonathan smiled victoriuosly. Rick and Tiye twisted around at the sound of a shotgun going off.

"Save the girl. Kill the creature. "Ti, I love you." Ardeth announced, throwing the empty gun to the ground before running into the tunnel filled with the undead.

"What are you waiting for, get out. Get out!" Rick shouted at the man as he lit another stick of dynamite. He grabbed a hold of the frantic Tiye and Jonathan, pushing them both in a tunnel. He threw the stick of dynamite into the tunnel with the undead and Ardeth, Tiye screaming in sorrow at the top of her lungs. "Let's go!"

"The book of Amun-Ra! I found it, Evy, I found it!" Jonathan yelled from the top of the stairs that he and Tiye had burst through at. But both their faces fell when they saw what was going on .

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