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Tiye rode confidently on the back of her white stallion, its mane plaited together in parts. Her head held high as they approached the civilisation.

"I want you to be on your best behaviour." Dr. Bey warned his daughter as they slowed down, jumping off their horses.

"Bey!" An older man walked over to the pair. "Welcome!"

"Bay, thank you for inviting us. I would like you to meet my daughter, Tiye." Dr. Bey stepped aside to allow the Chieftain to see his daughter.

"It is an honour to meet you." Tiye said as politely as she could, shaking his hand.

"The honour is all mine." The chieftain returned the smile before letting go of her small hand and leading the pair towards two tents. "These shall be your tents for your time spent here."

"Thank you." The pair replied. Tiye immediately darted away from her father and into the tent as the Cheiftain walked away. She dumped her bag on the floor and sat on the beautiful, colourful bed. Red and gold embroidery detailing the plain white blanket. She sat down on the edge and sighed contently at its comfort.

"Tiye?" She jumped up at the sound of a voice outside her tent.

"Come in." She squeaked, holding a hand over her heart. The Chieftain entered the tent first followed by a younger man with long black hair down to his shoulders and piercing brown eyes that she felt she could get lost in. He had two Arabic tattoos on his cheeks and one on his forehead. "Hello."

"I would like you to meet my son, Ardeth Bay." The Chieftain gestured to the man behind him. "Your fiancé."

"It is an honour to meet you, Ardeth Bay." Tiye stood up and went to shake her fiancés hand but instead he grabbed it and placed a gently kiss on her knuckles.

"The honour is all mine, Tiye Bey." He smiled, giving her hand a careful squeeze before giving her it back. She blushed at his actions and nodded her head, mouth slightly a gap.

"I shall leave you two to get acquainted. Remember about the feast tonight." The Chieftain smiled at the pair and left the tent. Tiye stared at his back as he left and only snapped back to the man in her tent when he coughed to gain her attention.

"What would you like to do today?" Ardeth asked, letting his eyes scan over the woman. He admired the way her white-blonde hair cascaded down her back in gentle waves, her doe blue eyes staring at him with curiosity and her slim yet curvaceous figure.

"May we go horseback riding around the area?" She asked timidly, her hand darting up to the ring around her neck.

"Of course, follow me." Ardeth led her over to the stables and helped her saddle her horse before saddling his own.

"Can you help me up?" Tiye asked, staring up at her large horse. Ardeth smirked at her and easily lifted her on to her horse. She squeaked lightly at the action and waited for him to mount his own horse.

"Shall we?" Tiye kicked the horse gently and it bolted out the civilisation, the dry sand being kicked up around it. Ardeth immediately followed after her, chuckling as he heard her laughing happily, the wind whipping through her hair.

The two-rode side by side around the desert talking about everything they could think of until the sun began to set behind the horizon. It was then that they remembered about the feast and turned back, the horse racing back towards the small village.

"Here." Ardeth offered, helping her off her horse. His hands stayed on her hips as they stared at each other for longer than many would say was normal.

"Ardeth, you are late." A voice broke the two apart. Tiye jumped back and unsaddled her horse, trying to hide her blush from her fiancée and his father.

"Sorry, father. We were riding around the desert and lost track of time." Ardeth explained. The Chieftain smirked as his eyes glanced between the two.

"Come on, we have a feast to go too." The three walked into the large tent, small tables and chairs lining the room. Tiye sat beside her father and Ardeth sat beside her. The Chieftain sat on the other side of Dr. Bey.

"Let us begin." The Chieftain announced. Everyone quickly dived into the feast, shoving the delicious food down their throats. Tiye nervously glanced around before shoving a slice of mango in her mouth, humming happily at its juicy flavouring.

"I see you like mango." Ardeth grinned, taking a large bite out of his lamb leg.

"I see you like lamb." Tiye fired back, laughing as Ardeth playfully took a huge chunk out the leg and tried to eat it.

The feast quickly came to an end and everyone retired back to their tents. Dr. Bey and Tiye walked side by side towards their tents, Tiye singing an old lullaby.

"I see you and Ardeth are close." Dr. Bey spoke up, grinning down at his daughter. "I suppose you must be happy about the agreement now."

"No. I still will not marry him." She snapped, glaring at her father before storming into her tent. She let out a scream of anger before face planting the bed, her arms wrapping around the pillows as she buried her tears in the soft fabric.

𝑫𝑹𝑨𝑷𝑬𝑻𝑶𝑴𝑨𝑵𝑰𝑨 - Ardeth BayWhere stories live. Discover now