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"According to Bembridge Scholars, the golden Book of Amun-Ra is located inside the statue of Anubis." Evelyn read the hieroglyphics carefully. Tiye stood by the balcony, watching the crowd gather around the front door, trying to push it open.

"That's where we found the black book." Daniels inputted.

"Exactly." Evelyn said excitedly, running her finger slowly across the stone as she read the pictures.

"Well, looks like the old boys at Bembridge were mistaken." Jonathan smirked, crossing his arms across his chest.

"Are you okay?" Ardeth asked, standing beside the antsy Egyptian woman.

"I have been better." Tiye giggled before twisting around to face the man. "I am sorry, about leaving you."

"Don't apologise. I understand." Ardeth smiled down at her, grabbing her left hand and drawing circles over her forth finger.

"I will keep apologising till the day I die." The two continued to stare at each other lovingly until the front doors burst open and caused them to break apart.

"Come on Evy, faster." Jonathan urged his sister to speed up before the mob got to them.

"Patience is a virtue." Evy sung, continuing to read.

"Not right now it isn't." Rick warned her as he ran to the balcony and peaked over.

"Uh, I think I'll go get the car started." Jonathan began to walk away as he spoke.

"I will accompany you." Tiye said, about to follow her friend but a hand wrapped around her wrist stopped her.

"It is too dangerous." Ardeth stared at her with worry.

"And I will be fine, I have Jon." She reassured him before pecking his lips and following after the older Carnahan.

The two ran down the dimly lit path to the car but were stopped by the crowd shouting and filing out the front doors. They stopped and started impersonating the brainwashed mob.

"Imhotep. Imhotep." Jonathan and Tiye chanted along with the others but subtly moving to the car. Once the crowd had passed them, Jonathan ran to the car and jumped into the drivers seat, Tiye gracefully jumping into the back.

"Let's go, let's go, let's go!" Tiye twisted around and saw the group rushing around the corner. "Get this thing in gear, boy. Let's get outta here."

"Evy!" Jonathan yelled. "Come on, Evy, hurry up!"

"Imhotep!" Beni yelled as he watched the group file into the car. Daniels sat in the back with Tiye and the curator while Evelyn sat in the front beside her brother and Rick. Ardeth was the last to get in the car, he lifted Tiye up and made her sit on his lap so there was enough room.

"You're gonna get yours, Beni! You hear me?" Rick yelled at the man as they began to drive away. "You're gonna get yours!"

"Oh, like I've never heard that before!" Beni shouted back. The mob ran after the car as the group sped away from the museum.

The car suddenly came to a stop as Jonathan spotted the mob standing in front of them on the road. Tiye almost went flying forwards but Ardeth caught her by wrapping an arm around her waist. She nodded her head thankfully at him. Jonathan screamed out in pain as Rick shoved his foot down on a pedal, forcing the car to speed forwards.

"Hang on!" The car plowed through the infected men but many held on to the car. The men tried shoving the crowd off the car while the women ducked down to avoid the infected hands.

"Hey! O'Connell! O'Connell!" Daniels yelled as two men grabbed him by the arms and tried to pull him out the car. Sadly it was too late for anyone to help the American as he fell off the car and into the streets. Jonathan crashed the car into a bunch of crates and everyone rushed out the vehicle.

They were backed into a corner, Rick trying to scare the crowd off with fire. Tiye and Evelyn held each other tightly with fear, not knowing what was to happen next. Jonathan placed the his two sisters, one related by blood and the other by love, behind him with a protective arm.

"Imhotep. Imhotep. Imhotep." The crowd dispersed and allowed the human like creature to walk forwards, it's eyes never leaving Evelyn.

"It's the creature." Dr. Bey announced. "He's fully regenerated."

""Come with me, my princess. It is time to make you mine forever."" Beni translated for Imhotep.

""For all eternity", idiot." Evelyn lectured the man.

""Take my hand, and I will soare your friends."" Beni continued to translate.

"Pfft, as if." Tiye scoffed, trying to bite back a laugh. Dr. Bey sent her a warning look, telling her now was not the right time.

"Have you got any bright ideas?" Evelyn asked Rick, glancing around at their situation.

"I'm thinkin'. I'm thinkin'." Rick repeated, not knowing what to do.

"You better think of something fast, because if he turns me into a mummy,  you're the first one I'm coming after." Evelyn warned before stepping forwards towards Imhoteps outstretched hand.

"No." Rick grabbed out his gun and aimed it at the creature.


"No!" Ardeth reached forwards and grabbed Ricks hand, urging him to put his gun down.

"He still has to take me to Hamunaptra to preform the ritual." Evelyn said, uncomfortably pressed against the creatures side.

"She is right. Live today, fight tomorrow." Ardeth held on to Rick to keep him from leaping forwards and getting them all killed.

"I'll be seeing you again." Rick pointed the torch at Imhotep warningly.

"Evy!" Tiye cried, placing a hand to her mouth as she held back the tears. Jonathan wrapped his arms around her, embracing her tightly as he watched his sister get taken away.

"Hey, that's mine." Jonathan tried to fight off Beni as he reached his hand into his coat and grabbed the key.

"Thank you." Beni smiled mockingly.

"No. Let me go." Evelyn fought against the creature after he gave the order to kill everyone. The crowd marched forwards, ready to kill them all. Rick threw away his torch and lifted up a sewage cover.

"Come on!" Rick grabbed Jonathan and pushed him down the hole.

"Father!" Tiye noticed Dr. Bey unsheef his sword and walk towards the crowd.

"Ti, my dearest daughter, I want you to remember I love you dearly and I am sorry for forcing you into a marriage you did not want." Dr. Bey glanced at his daughter one last time before advancing forwards to the crowd, killing as many as he could.

"We have to go." Ardeth grabbed Tiye and helped her down the hole. Once she made it down she found Jonathan and hugged him tightly, crying on his shoulder.

"Ti, what's wrong?" Jonathan asked, startled by her sudden grief.

"My father." She cried. The group had to go so Ardeth dragged Tiye away from Jonathan and carried her princess style through the sewer, her sobbing echoing through the empty tunnels.

𝑫𝑹𝑨𝑷𝑬𝑻𝑶𝑴𝑨𝑵𝑰𝑨 - Ardeth BayWhere stories live. Discover now