·. 𝒟𝒶𝓃𝒸𝑒 𝑜𝒻 𝒮𝒽𝒶𝒹𝑜𝓌𝓈 ·.

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THE GRAND HALLS of Merlin Academy echoed with the sounds of students rushing to their classes, the chatter of excited voices mingling with the occasional flash of magic. It was a place where the most powerful young beings in the magical realm came to learn, to hone their skills and prepare for the future that awaited them. But for Maleficent, it was a little more than a gilded cage.

She walked through the hallways with her usual air of indifference, her emerald eyes scanning the familiar sights with barely concealed disdain. The other students kept their distance, as they always did—whispering her name in hushed tones, their gazes filled with equal parts fear and curiosity. It was a reaction she had grown used to, one that she both resented and relished.

But today, she wasn't in the mood for their stares or their gossip. Today, she had to attend a class she had avoided for weeks—a class she couldn't afford to skip, not if she wanted to avoid the wrath of her mother.

Her mother, Maleficent thought bitterly, the image of the woman flashing in her mind. Tall, regal, and utterly unyielding, her mother had always demanded perfection from her, had always expected her to follow the strict path laid out for her. But Maleficent had never been one to conform, to bow to anyone's will, not even her own flesh and blood.

That was why she had rebelled, why she had skipped so many classes, why she had pushed the boundaries at every turn. It was the only way she could assert her independence, the only way she could carve out a space where she could be herself. But she knew, deep down, that there were limits to how far she could push before the consequences caught up with her.

And so, here she was, making her way to a class she loathed, all because of a threat from Merlin, that she could not ignore.

She turned a corner and came to a stop outside a grand pair of double doors. Above them, a gilded sign read "Dancing with the Elements." Maleficent grimaced. Of all the classes she could have been forced to attend, it had to be this one.

With a deep breath, she pushed open the doors and stepped inside.

The room was vast, with high ceilings and polished floors that gleamed in the soft light of the enchanted chandeliers. The walls were lined with mirrors, reflecting the students who had already gathered, their movements graceful and fluid as they practiced their steps. Elemental magic swirled around them, adding a shimmering quality to their forms as they danced.

Maleficent's gaze swept over the room, noting with mild annoyance that most of the students had already paired off. She had expected this, of course—she was late, as usual—but it didn't make the situation any less irritating.

"Maleficent," a voice called out, drawing her attention.

She turned to see the instructor, a tall, elegant woman with silver hair and piercing gray eyes, watching her with a mixture of surprise and disapproval. "How nice of you to join us," the instructor said, her tone laced with sarcasm.

"I didn't have much of a choice," Maleficent replied coolly, her expression impassive.

The instructor's eyes narrowed, but she said nothing more. Instead, she gestured toward the remaining students, who were still unpaired. "Find yourself a partner," she instructed, before turning her attention back to the others.

Maleficent scanned the room once more, her eyes landing on the person she had hoped to avoid.


He was leaning casually against the far wall, his arms crossed over his chest, a look of utter boredom on his face. His blue hair fell into his eyes, which were a startling shade of electric blue—eyes that were currently locked on her with an intensity that made her want to look away, but she refused to give him the satisfaction.

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