·. 𝐻𝒾𝒹𝒹𝑒𝓃 𝒾𝓃 𝒫𝓁𝒶𝒾𝓃 𝒮𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 ·.

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THE GARDEN OF Merlin Academy was bathed in the soft, golden light of late afternoon. Tall trees with emerald leaves rustled gently in the breeze, their shadows dancing on the cobblestone paths. Flower in various hues—crimson, lavender, and gold—blossomed in neat rows, adding a splash of color to the serene environment. Maleficent and Hades strolled side by side, their hands occasionally brushing against each other as if to test the boundaries of their secret.

Maleficent glanced around, her sharp eyes noting the positions of students and faculty, ensuring they kept their distance. "It's surprisingly peaceful here," she remarked, her voice low and smooth. "Almost like everyone's in on our little secret." 

Hades chuckled softly, his dark eyes twinkling with mischief. "I wouldn't put it past them. Zeus and Poseidon seem to have a sixth sense for these things. They're probably laughing about it right now." 

As if on cue, Zeus and Poseidon appeared around a corner, their expressions carefully neutral. The two exchanged a barely perceptible smirk before greeting Maleficent and Hades. 

"Hey there, you two," Zeus said, his tone casual. "Enjoying the weather?" 

"Absolutely," Maleficent replied, her eyes narrowing slightly as she glanced at Poseidon. "It's lovely out. How's everything with you?" 

Poseidon shrugged, his demeanor relaxed. "Can't complain. Just trying to avoid any more of Zeus's pranks." 

Zeus rolled his eyes, a grin spreading across his face. "Oh, come on. Those pranks are harmless fun. Like that one time I turned your coffee into sea foam." 

Poseidon shook his head with a chuckle. "Yeah,
harmless. That foam took weeks to clean up." 

Maleficent exchanged a knowing glance with Hades, her lips curling into a small smile. They had gotten used to these subtle exchanges with their friends, who seemed to enjoy playing along with their charade. 

Cruella and Eve joined the group, their entrance marked by Cruella's distinctive laughter and Eve's regal stride. 

"Ah, if it isn't the power couple," Cruella quipped, her tone playful as she approached Maleficent and Hades. "How's the secret romance going?" 

"It's just as subtle as ever," Hades replied with a grin, his arm brushing against Maleficent's in a casual display of affection.

Eve raised an eyebrow, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "I can barely keep a straight face when I see you two trying so hard to be inconspicuous." 

Maleficent's eyes twinkled with amusement. "You all seem to be in on the joke. Is there anyone who doesn't know?" 

Cruella chuckled. "Well, everyone might not know, but I think it's safe to say we're all enjoying the show. It's quite entertaining." 

Zeus leaned in slightly, his voice low. "If you two wanted to be a little less obvious, it might make the game more interesting." 

Hades laughed. "And spoil all the fun? Where's the thrill in that?" 

Maleficent took Hades's arm, guiding him away from their friends. "Let's find a quieter spot. We need to talk." 

They moved to a secluded corner of the garden, where the sounds of laughter and conversation were muffled by the surrounding foliage. The air was filled with the scent of blooming roses and fresh grass. 

Maleficent leaned against a stone bench, her gaze focused on a nearby fountain. "It's getting harder to keep this up, you know." 

Hades sighed, joining her on the bench. "Yeah, it feels like we're walking a tightrope. I never thought our relationship would become a public spectacle." 

"Public or not, I'm glad we're together," Maleficent said softly. "But I can't help but feel frustrated. It's like everyone's in on the secret except for us." 

Hades placed his hand over hers, his touch warm and reassuring. "I know what you mean. It's not easy pretending all the time, but we're doing this for a reason." 

Maleficent turned to him, her eyes searching his face. "I just wish we could be more open about it. Sometimes it feels like we're lying, even when we're not." 

Hades nodded. "It's tough. But we've made it this far, and I think we can keep going a bit longer. Besides, it makes our moments together more special."

Maleficent smiled, leaning her head on his shoulder. "You're right. We're in this together, and that's what matters." 

A comfortable silence settled between them as they watched the fountain's water sparkle in the fading sunlight. 

After a few moments, Maleficent broke the silence, her tone light and teasing. "So, speaking of the future, what if we actually had a kid? What would you name them?" 

Hades looked thoughtful for a moment before responding with a mischievous grin. "I've always liked the name Bertha. It's got character, don't you think?" 

Maleficent laughed, her eyes dancing with amusement. "Bertha? Really? I'd name them Mal, so they'd have a part of my name. It's simple and kind of fits." 

Hades chuckled, squeezing her hand. "Well, I suppose Mal isn't too bad. But I'm sticking with Bertha. It's a name with flair." 

Maleficent rolled her eyes playfully. "Flair, huh? I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree on this one." 

Hades leaned in closer, his voice soft. "No matter what name we pick, it's the thought that counts. And what matters most is that we're together." 

Maleficent's heart fluttered at his words. "You're right. I wouldn't trade these moments for anything." 

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the garden, Maleficent and Hades returned to their friends. Their demeanor was casual, but the shared glances and touches between them spoke volumes. 

Cruella raised an eyebrow as they approached. "So, are we going to pretend we didn't see the way you two were looking at each other?" 

Eve smirked. "I think it's safe to say we're all in on the joke. No need to keep up appearances."

Hades grinned, giving Maleficent a quick kiss on the cheek. "Well, if it's all just a game, we're more than happy to play along." 

Maleficent's eyes met his with a mix of affection and amusement. "Exactly. And who knows? Maybe one day we won't have to hide it anymore." 

Zeus and Poseidon exchanged glances, their expressions unreadable. "As long as you're happy," Zeus said, "that's all that matters." 

Poseidon nodded in agreement. "Here's to keeping the secret and enjoying the game." 

Maleficent and Hades laughed, their spirits lifted by the support of their friends. They spent the rest of the evening enjoying each other's company, their closeness evident despite the playful pretense. 

As the stars began to twinkle in the night sky, Maleficent and Hades walked side by side, their hands intertwined. The garden, now quiet and peaceful, provided the perfect backdrop for their hidden romance. 

Though their relationship remained a secret to the outside world, the connection between them was anything but hidden. In the quiet moments they shared, the love and understanding they had for each other shone through, making their secret all the more precious.


-Omg I'm sooo mad, I feel like some chapters don't line up with the others 😭😭💔💔

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