the eyes never lie | M.R. pt 2

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A request was sent to me anonymously asking for a part two to "the eyes never lie", specifically the "second scene" if u know what i mean... anyways! I wasn't expecting to post it but I'm camping and i'm bored so here you go!

I walk into the common room and it's absolutely packed. I purposely took a long way to let Mattheo get to his dorm first, so people wouldn't suspect more then they do already. I guess after the assembly the students all seemed to have some pent up energy. Many of them were playing drinking games and muggle music was blasting. I even swear i saw a Weasley twin run past with a packet of something suspicious. I catch the eye of Astoria who's sitting on a couch with half of the runaway gang.

"Hey Y/n! We were looking for you" Daphne says, smiling cheekily.
"Yea! We just saw Mattheo walk in a few minutes ago, think he might've left though" Astoria says.
"Oh yea i was just talking to um some people. Uh where's Pansy and Theodore?" I ask trying to divert the attention.

"Oh they went upstairs, pretty sure your rooms occupied Y/n" Draco says smirking.
"Fuck i didn't even have time to get some clothes" I exclaim half heartedly. My mind is still going crazy after our little closet adventure. I can tell the girls are wondering why im so flustered, being stuck in a closet with Mattheo Riddle can really do some damage to a person. I've got an appointment with that Riddle tonight, and i know for sure his dorm is empty since his dorm mate is fucking my dorm mate. They better not be doing anything on my bed.

"Well i'm gonna head up you guys, i'm pretty tired." I say, trying to hide the eagerness in my voice.
"Oh Y/n, there's no need to kick them out! You can sleep in my dorm i'll take you" Astoria says starting to get up from the couch.
"No! Uh no, thank you Astoria i uh saw Mattheo on the way here, i think he's.. fucking some Ravenclaw tonight! Yea so he said i could crash in his room, we already expected Pansy and Theodore to be a little busy anyways." I say happy with my excuse. I wave goodbye to everyone and head upstairs as fast as possible.

I make it to the boys dormitory's and i knock on Mattheo's door. I hear it unlatch and creek open. His tall body standing there, making me feel unusually small.
"Heyyy" I say casually since Crabbe and Goyle were hovering just a few doors down unable to open their own dorm. They are always loosing their keys.
"Come in love" He whispers sending another shiver down my spine. He grabs my hand in his and pulls me in.

He's in grey sweatpants and he has a shirt in hand, he must have been getting ready.
The room is decorated very nicely. I don't have much time to take much of anything in though because the second i stepped into the room i felt Mattheo's lips on mine.

We fall back into our trance that had happened just minutes before in that forbidden hallway closet.
Our bodies moving together almost as one person. He walks us backwards into a wall. I feel his hands tap the back of my thigh gesturing for me to jump up. He lifts me by my ass, our lips still connected.

His large hands grip my ass suddenly, causing an unexpected moan to escape my mouth, i can feel him smile against my lips, gripping me even tighter. My hands are entangled in his hair once more, the soft curls brushing against my fingers. I slide my cold finger down the nape of his neck, moving them throughout his hair again.
"Fuck y/n" He says as he kisses my neck.

He holds my ass tighter and brings me to the bathroom placing me on the counter. I part my legs and he goes in between them, kissing down my neck until he reaches my shirt.
"This needs to come off" He says finding the buttons and undoing them one by one. "I've been waiting for you to say that" I say hooking my legs around his torso for support. He pulls my shirt off leaving me in just my lacy bra. My tie is no where to be seen.

His eyes linger on my body, eyes flicking around taking it in until i grab him by the back of the neck to connect our lips once more. My fingers go down, touching his toned body. The quidditch practice must be paying off, cause holy shit was he ripped.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05 ⏰

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