who's he? pt 1 | T.N.

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P.S. please give me grace it's 5 am

I've been going to Hogwarts for over 4 years.

That means 4 first days, 4 Hogwarts Christmas's, and 4 magical summers.
A lot has changed in these 4 years, but one thing that i know never will, is the enticing feeling of watching the sorting ceremony. Most of my friends spend half the train ride here complaining about it. But i find it fun.

Of course i remember my sorting ceremony like it was yesterday. The hat calling out Slytherin to the crowd, the smiles on my new friends faces, and the applause from all the hot older Slytherin boys, why would i let myself forget that?

But today is my first day of 5th year. It's exciting of course, but also saddening knowing my time at Hogwarts is coming to an end.

As i take a deep breathe and head to my usual seat at the Slytherin table, i notice a unusually tall brown haired boy sitting with the first years. And not some early bloomer 11 year old. This guy was like 6'4 and muscular!

Lau , Cordelia
May , Charles
Newton ,  Leah

As the hall is clearly getting tired of cheering for each new member i cant stop thinking about this boy.

Scott , Luca
Summers , James
Taylor , Beatrix

There's only a few children left but Enzo still throws in a " Can this be done now? I'm so fucking hungry"

" You say this every year Enzo, bring a granola bar or something!" Daphne says.

Eventually Dumbledore goes to the front of the stage causing the hall to go silent, students are eager to begin their meal so the whispers were immediately stopped.

" Now by looking into many of your lovely eyes, you may have noticed a young man sitting with the younger children today! I would like to introduce our new student Theodore Nott!

Whispers erupt in the hall as many begin to recall the last name. Few pure blood children make eye contact most likely aware of the reputation the last name Nott holds. We had this exact same situation last year with Mattheo Riddle.

As he comes up for his sorting the hat , just like it does with most Slytherins, recites the name as soon as it touches his head and the hat is removed.

" He will be joining the 5th years, and everyone please make him feel welcome im sure you remember what it's like joining a new school yes? Now eat up!" And with that Dumbledore heads back to his seat. The great hall seems still unsure what to do with such information but as the food appears on our plates most seem to forget about the mysterious boy. Not me though, i'm quite eager actually.

Theodore looks around the room once more and walks straight for the Slytherin table.
Oh shit. Why is he coming like right to me.
" Hello."

i must have been too shocked because my friend Pansy reply's for me quickly.
" Yes yes. Hello Theodore. Mother told me you were joining us finally but i couldn't believe it until i saw it" she says smugly.

"  Hey Theo. Your sharing a dorm with me and Draco by the way." Mattheo says patting him on the back. He seemed perfectly comfortable in this setting which made me nervous.

" Oh this is Astoria and Daphne Greengrass the obvious daughters of Alfred Greengrass, This is Blaise Zabini whose mother you've presumably heard off, and this is y/n y/l/n her parents are let's just say new members for now" Enzo says as Theodore sits down clearly already acquainted with most of the group.

" Its great to meet you all, i've heard much about you y/n, it's always exciting to have new members our age in the well... community." he says with a deep accent with origins i'm still trying to decipher.

" oh of course, um i'm sure you get tired of the same old people eventually" i say not really sure how to reply.
" well yes that's why i came here of course." he says smiling at Mattheo

" oh bullshit you love us Theo" Enzo says giving him a nudge as the group laughs. As we continue our chattering i notice many of the other students taking glances at our group, of course that's not an unusual thing for us. But the glances look more curious this time, and most are from girls.

My guess is Theodore Nott is going to be the next hot topic. And i cant wait to find out more.

pt 2 coming soon!
thanks for reading my loves 💋
-Kat 🐍

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