quidditch craze pt 1| L.B.

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Does anyone else literally start bawling when any twilight song comes on, cause it's 5 am rn and im in tears listening to Possibility by Lykke Li. I was listening to it while writing thats why this one took so long cause Twilight has the best soundtrack everrr.
anyways enjoy an Enzo short story!!
editing later btw
P.s. this is a loooong one so there's a pt 2 coming

y/ns POV
This Saturday is the final Quidditch game of the season.
Every girl at Hogwarts know the status you gain wearing the quidditch jersey of a guy on the team, and showing up in one on the last game of the year would get the school talking. Most of the guys have girlfriends already but those who don't get basically stalked every end of year just for the damn jersey.
Now of course deep down i would die to get one, but i can't let anyone know that.

" babes guess what guess what guess whatttt" My roommate Pansy yells as she enters our shared dorm pulling me from my thoughts.
" Merlin Pans you woke me up what happened?" our other roommate Astoria says as i stand up to attempt an inspection at what Pansy was hiding behind her back.
" guess who's got a jersey with the letters T.N. on the back!" She squeals showing up the large green quidditch jersey belonging to the infamous Theodore Nott.
" Congrats Pans! i know you've been wanting one forever now and now you and Tori can match!" i say genuinely excited for my two best friends.

One thing about Pansy and Astoria is that no matter what year, they had guys chasing after them.  Almost every week we get flowers and gifts placed by our door by random guys and every week i see my friends throw them away like these gestures are meaningless. Little do they know is that i would die for any guy to put even a little effort for me. Of course i've had little flings and one night stands but for once i just wish i could have a guy actually care about me. But once again seeing my friends excited faces drown out the majority of the conflicted feelings i have whenever something like this happens.

" it's ok y/n i'm sure you'll get one next year. Most of these guys have girlfriends already anyways. Well except Dean Thomas on the Gryffindor team i'm like 95% he has a thing for Seamus Finnegan." Astoria says looking at me with her usual misty grey eyes.
" yea y/n! trust me having these guys chasing you isn't all it's kept up to be. The amount of times Cormac has tried to slip a love potion into my morning pumpkin juice is SO dreadful" Pansy says in a disgusted tone as she heads to the bathroom to presumably bask in the glory of her new jersey.
I know she means well both of them do, they understand how i feel about guys and my secret yearning to have a boyfriend, but sometimes they can be a little ignorant.

Lorenzo's POV ( or thoughts on the matter)
So far out of all the guys on both the Gryffindor and Slytherin Quidditch team i'm the only guy who hasn't given my jersey away. And you might be thinking " oh Enzo your so handsome and talented aren't girls fawning over you trying to get your jersey" and you would be correct i am handsome and talented and girls are fawning over me. But that's not the problem. the girl i actually want to be fawning over me is one of the big three. she's untouchable no one has ever gotten with her. Her friends say she thinks guys just don't want her but every time one goes up to her she answers bluntly and uninterested. Many think she has the " im too good for you" mindset but i think i've got her figured out. Again you might be thinking " blimey Enzo who are the big three and why the fuck do you want her?" Well the big three consist of Pansy Parkinson aka "the girl who's fucked everyone" shes nice though, Astoria Greengrass, aka " Draco's girl" no one can touch her, and finally the girl i've been thinking about all year Y/n Y/l/n aka " the priced possession" she's never had anything long term but i want to change that she deserves someone special and i hope it can be me.

Y/ns POV
Ugh finally Thursday which means it's almost Friday and the Quidditch games this Saturday.
Right now it's our last block before lunch and it just happens to be potions, surprisingly one of my favourite subjects because i get to finally stare and the only guy in Hogwarts i've ver actually fancied. Enzo Berkshire. Everyone knows i like him and there is always rumours about us but i'm never fully sure if he likes me back.

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