camping pt 2 | M.R.

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SMUT WARNING ⚠️ i will put a little ⭐️ when it starts and a 💫 when the smut ends.
hey guys so i'm writing this while camping myself haha. Just wanted to say i'm sorry if the ships i made are like incorrect at all because i literally forget who goes with Enzo so i'm so sorry haha. Also writing smut is low key awkward cause i don't know if y'all want it but i love doing it so lmk!

" Y/n can you make me one of those more things please." Going camping with 10 wealthy Slytherins who've never actually camped was not how i expected my summer to go. But i love it so far. Me and Mattheo Riddle have hit it off even more then before and it's hard not to blush from ear to ear each time i see him looking at me across the campsite.
" i assume you mean a s'more?" i respond grabbing my bag of marshmallows from blaise's hands before he eats them all.
" yes! more s'mores i neeeeed more s'mores" he replies already a little tipsy from tonight's fire whiskey.
" of course Enzo"i say stifling a laugh.

" I'm sooo bloody tired, all that sun today makes me want to sleep for ages " Mattheo says with a yawn resting his head on my lap causing the butterfly's in my stomach to literally explode.
" speaking of sleeping i think we should head to bed you guys, Blaise and y/n found us some hiking trails" Pansy says grabbing some lanterns.
" what's the tent situation you guys?" Draco asks while he begin to put out the fire.
" so we have about 5 tents because i overestimated my transfiguration skills. So i think me Daph and Lily can go in one Pansy and Astoria can go in wait, where's Astoria?" i say looking around our dimly lit campsite
" wait i just noticed Theo never came back from re-filling our water jug" Blaise says.
Of course Theo and Astoria have probably found some tree to make out by that's sooo like them.
" well they can have their own tent i don't really care" i say smiling to the group
" i'm gonna put a silencing charm on it for when they get back cause no way in hell am i listening to Theos moans again" Mattheo says laughing and fake gagging as we all recall Theodores fling with a Hufflepuff girl which caused Mattheo and Enzo having to bunk in me and Pansy's room.
" um ok well you guys can figure out the beds and stuff me and y/n are gonna go to the dish pit and do this dishes so we don't attract animals." Daphne says as Mattheo groggily sits up to let me remove the array of s'mores supplies from the table next to me.

" Come on girl there has to be something happening with you and Riddle." Daphne says for the 3rd time as we finish up the dishes in the dark.
" i told you Daph i don't think he sees me that way." i say almost too sadly
" come on y/n everyone sees it, the way he looks at you i wish someone looked at me like that" she says as i try not to start jumping up and down, screaming , kicking my feet while giggling and asking her questions like " ok but what do his eyes LOOK like when he looks at me" and shit like that. He's my friend and my brothers best friend, i can't admit ANYTHING.
" Ok but someone does look at you like that though! Berkshire is always checking you out" i say laughing as we walk down the path back to the campsite with our finished dishes.
" Ok but how does he look at me you need to be more specific" she says looking at me.
Ahh great minds think alike.
" Aha! i knew you fancied him!" i say stifling a laugh
" whatever!" Daphne says blushing.

" Where is everyone?" Daphne says placing the clean dishes in our bin
" y/n, Daph, is that you?" i hear Mattheos voice say as he unzips one of the tent zippers.
" Lily and Draco snuck off to one tent, Theo and Astoria came back all ruffled and " tired" with no explanation and went in another tent, Blaise said he didn't wanna share with me or Enzo so he's in one tent with Pansy. And Enzo was passed out from fire whiskey in the tent next to this one but i think he's awake now. But i am not bunking with him cause he keeps threatening to chop my dick off if i try to "go near Daphne" so uhh good luck guys. Oh and he's definitely a tad sick from all those s'mores." Mattheo says pointing to the closest tent.
" i can move in with Berkshire if you guys want, you probably have your stuff set up already Mattheo. And of course we can't have him chopping any of you off before the summer even ends!" Daphne says with a cheeky smile.
Know knowing i'll be rooming with Mattheo my mind begins to spin with possibilities and all i can get out is a quiet " oh ok" as i take in the situation

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