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Pond was standing on a altar with joong beside him. He don't know why, but he was getting anxious. Everyone present in the hall was so eager to know the lucky person with whom the youngest billionaire of thailand was going to get married while some of them were jealousy because they wanted their daughter to get married in lertratkosum family.

Finally the door open and phuwin walked down on the aisle. Phuwin was so nervous because he can feel everyone eyes on him. But thanks to dunk who was beside him to make him feel secure but still phuwin didn't dare to raise his head.

(Pond POV)

I was getting impatient because I am standing here from the past 10 min and this bitch hasn't arrived yet. But thank god after sometime the door finally open.

My breath got stuck in my throat when I look at him. Not gonna lie but he was looking so beautiful in that pink suit. He was looking like an angel that come directly from the sky. "Man, where you blind when you say that he is ugly. I mean looked at him he look like a whole meal" joong whisper in my ears. And I unconsciously nodded my head.

I didn't even realize that I was staring at him for a long time until he stood in front of me and dunk made me held his hand which was soft like a baby. I immediately snapped out of my thought and leave his hand. I can't understand anything right now. GOD!! what is happening to me.

(phuwin POV)

I was feeling so nervous when I was walking down the aisle. I can feel everyone eyes on me. Some were judgemental while some were neutral. I am not used to this much attention toward me, which made me uncomfortable. But thanks to phi dunk for being beside me and assure me, which made me feel at ease.

I was looking down the whole time because I didn't dare to raise my head. When we finally reached toward the altar, phi dunk took my hand and put it in phi pond hand. But after sometime phi pond jerked my hand as if he was feeling disgusted by my touch. His action made me upset but I brushed it off because I am used to this kind of behavior of people around me. It still hurt but not as much as before.

Finally the priest started the wedding.

"Do you Mr pond naravit take Mr phuwin tangsakyuen as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest said.

"I do" phi pond said while looking straight in my eyes. I immediately broke the eyes contacted because his eyes itself scream coldness.

Do you Mr phuwin tangsakyuen take Mr pond naravit as your lawful husband, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better or for worse, for richer or for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and cherish until death do you part?" The priest said

"I do" I said. "Okay now I pronounce you as husband and husband. You guys can exchange the rings now" the priest said. We quickly exchange the rings. "You may kiss now" the priest again said.

The word 'kiss' made me nervous.  my hands started to become cold. But than I receive a warm forehead kiss. When I looked up I saw phi pond kissing me on my forehead. It was quick kiss but it made me feel millions of butterfly in my stomach.

(Pond POV)

When the priest say we should kiss now. I become tense because I am not gonna kiss a boy in front of so many people not even in my next life. So, after debating for sometime I just kissed him on his head and immediately move away. I don't know why but when he looks at me when I kissed him. I just couldn't take my eyes away from those innocent looking eyes which seems to hold so many unspoken words in them. But joong words again pulled me out of my thought and I immediately looked away.

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