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Phuwin slowly open his eyes, he hissed when he feel a sharp pain in his head. "Phuwin how are you"? He heard dunk voice that was filled with worry. Phuwin squint his eyes to see the person in front of him. "Wait a min I will call the doctor". Dunk said and leave from there.

"He is fine. After some more tests you guys can take him home". The doctor said after briefly examining phuwin and asking him some questions. Dunk muttered a small thank you while bowing to doctor.

"Phuwin how are you feeling?" Dunk asked. "Phuwin" dunk again said when he didn't receive any reply for his question. "Where is phi pond?" Phuwin said after being quite for sometime. "You want pond to come here?" Dunk asked in a soft voice. Again phuwin didn't answer and just nodded his head. Dunk immediately dialled pond number and told him to come over here.


After half an hour pond arrived there. "How is he?" Pond asked to dunk who was sitting outside. "He refused to talk to me. I think he is still shaken by the incident earlier, pond you should better behave or else I will kill you" dunk said while threatening pond but pond just rolled his eyes at him and goes inside.

When pond stepped inside, he saw phuwin sitting there with a expressionless face. Phuwin doesn't seems to realize that pond has come inside because he was still deep in his thought. Pond slowly made his way toward phuwin and sat beside him.

"Phuwin, are you okay" pond asked with his softest voice ever that even he himself doesn't know exit. Hearing his voice phuwin looked up at him with his eyes filled with tears. Phuwin immediately hugged pond and started crying on his chest. Pond was caught off guard when phuwin pulled him in a tight hug.

(Pond POV)

When I enter inside I saw phuwin sitting on the bed with a bandage wrapped around his head. He doesn't seem to realize my presence, so I slowly made my way toward him and sat beside him.

"Phuwin, are you okay?" I asked him with my softest voice ever because I can see phuwin is still scared and if I used my cold voice than he will probably be more scare. Hearing my voice he looked up. I don't know why but I feel a pang in my heart after seeing his eyes that hold so much unspoken pains.

But his next action caught me off guard. HE HUGGED ME. I was shocked because in my whole life no one has the gut to even come close to me. And this boy in front of me is hugging me so tightly.

But again I broke my own rule letting him hugged me and cry his heart out. We sat there for a moment like this. Phuwin was crying continuously on my chest but I don't know how to comfort him because I have never comfort anyone in my whole life expect my friends and dad. So I just sit there while hugging him back.

After sometimes he pulled away. "Are you okay now?" I asked as,soon as he pulled away. "Phi can I asked you for something?" Phuwin said without looking at me. I nodded my head being confused. Phuwin finally looked toward me and said...

"Kill me"

I was shocked when I heard this words. "What are you talking about. Phuwin I think you need rest. You are not in your right state of mind" I said while forcing him to lie down. But he held my hand, stopping me from doing anything further. "Phi i am not joking. I am serious please kill me" phuwin said while again crying.

"Phuwin you have gone mad" i said i little loudly. "Than what the hell you guys wanted from me?" I was again shocked to see him shouting like this. "Why are you quite?? Why are you not saying anything huh?" My words were stuck in my throat as i can feel the pain in his voice.

"Phi i am tired. I am tired one love me here they just use me than throw me away
.....I don't wanted to live feeling disgusted of my own self my whole life....they wouldn't let me live nor die peacefully....phi no one wanted me....I am tired phi.....I just wanted a peaceful life...I just want to be Happy for once one one want me they all hate me......even you too"

Phuwin said all the things he had buried deep inside his heart for years. I don't know why but instead of being angry at him for yelling at me, I just hugged him. Phuwin hugged me back while again crying. "Phuwin, don't cry too much or else your head will hurt" I said. I don't know why but the word he said at last, keep on repeating at my mind. At that moment I realize that I just had hurt a soul that is too pure and innocent for this world.

(No one POV)

"Khun naravit, as per your husband record he is mentally disturbed right now. It might be happening because of the past traumas. It will be better if you made him feel comfortable and happy as medicine alone cannot help. That's why you also need to be careful". The doctor said.

After crying for half an hour phuwin fall a sleep. Pond somehow realize that phuwin is suffering from inside that's why he asked doctor to check upon him.

Pond nodded his head and leave from there. When he come out he saw dunk standing there. "Why are you still here? Don't you have any work huh?" Pond said while glaring at dunk. "I am not gonna leave until phuwin is discharge from the hospital" dunk said stubbornly. Pond stormed toward him angrily and slapped with a file on his head. "Ouchhhh" dunk hissed in pain while rubbing his head.

"What the hell is your problem you monster" dunk said angrily. "The problem is you. How many time do I have to tell you to stay away from my husband" pond said. "Husband?" Dunk asked while chuckling.

"Wah khun naravit, I didn't expect that you must have already accept him as your husband so soon" dunk said while grinning widely. "You....shut up" pond said. Dunk just laughed it off. "Okay I will not teased you anymore now tell me what the doctor said" dunk asked while sitting beside pond.

Pond sighed and said "the doctor said that he is disturbed right now. It will be better if we take good care of him and don't make him sad". "You know what pond whenever I looked into his eyes I only saw an innocent soul who is stuck in this world full of monster. He is so innocent and kind. Why the hell people always tortured those who are kind" dunk said in frustration.

"Pond you heard what the doctor said right?. Now you should better accept him as you life partner because you can't change your fate now. You should treat him with love and if you can't love him than please don't hate him and made him suffer" dunk said. Pond listen to each and every word dunk said but didn't said anything and goes inside phuwin room.

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