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The room was fill with silence as neither of them have the courage to speak up first. The silence was suffocating for phuwin because his mind keep on repeating with the thought of pond asking him to leave the house. After taking a deep long breath phuwin decide to break the silence.

"Phi pond, do you want to say something?" Phuwin asked after gathering his whole courage. "Phuwin..I....I want....I want to say that---" before pond could finish his sentence phuwin put his hand over his mouth. "Sorry phi" phuwin apologize after realizing his mistake. "It's okay. But why did you stop me" pond asked in confusion.

"Phi I know what do you want to say but I am not ready to hear it now" phuwin said while looking down. His voice cracking due to trying to hide the fact that he is crying.

Pond notice the tears in his face. He panicked thinking that he had done something that made phuwin cry. "Phuwin why are you crying and how do you know what I want to say" pond said while holding phuwin hand and pulling him closer toward himself. "Phi I know that you want me to leave this house. And go to my parents house" phuwin said while finally breaking down in tears.

Pond eyes widened in shock when he realize that phuwin had misunderstand him. "Phuwin that's not--" pond stop talking when phuwin suddenly hug him and said "phi don't throw me out.....I don't wanted to go back there....they will kill me phi....phi I know I am disgusted....I know I am pathetic but please don't leave me....phi I promise I will do  everything you will say..but...but please don't leave me there.....phi they will kill me just like they kill my mumma".

Phuwin said while sobbing in pond embraced. Pond lips parted to say something but he couldn't find a word to say. He was thinking that the boy infront him is tortured enough to called himself disgusted and pathetic. For the first time in his life pond eyes show tears for someone else. He didn't know when he start to cry. He cry more by the fact that they kill phuwin mom. He understood this pain because he also loose his mother due to car accident.

"Phuwin looked at me" pond said while trying to break the hug. But phuwin just tighten the hug and refuse to leave. "Phi please" phuwin said while still crying. "Phuwin I said look at me" pond said in a little firm voice which made phuwin to looked up at him.

Pond looked at the small person in front of him. Phuwin was all red due to crying his eyes, his nose and his cheeks all where red like a tomato. Pond chuckled slightly finding phuwin so cute right now. Phuwin frowned which made pond smile widely seeing that cute expression. "Phi why are you laughing" phuwin asked while still frowning looking so cute like a kitten.

"Nothing" pond said while still smiling. "Phi you should smile more often it look good on you" phuwin said. After hearing phuwin, pond immediately stopped smiling. "Phi did I say something wrong" phuwin asked when he notice a change of expression on pond face. "Nothing, the reason I told you to sit here is because I just wanted to apologize to you not to throw you out" pond said. "Really phi you are not going to throw me out?" Phuwin eyes sparkle hearing that. But after sometimes it again become gloomy. "But phi why you wanted me to stay here and why do you wanted to apologize?" Phuwin asked. Pond sighed and said "I am sorry for the things I had done to you and since we are married you need to stay with me...forever".

"But phi don't you feel disgusted of me? I don't deserve to be love phi. I am already used by someone else. Are you still going to let me stay here?" Phuwin said while trying to control his tears.

"Phuwin listen to me. Stop calling yourself disgusted. I dont know what happened to you but i am pretty sure That it was not your fault. Phuwin you deserve to be love. You are the most precious person I have met. Finding a person like you who is innocent and kind to other in this world is hard. Listen, I might not be good to you in the beginning but I promise I will not let anyone hurt you from now. That time I was stupid because I thought that you are doing this intentionally but later on I realize that you are also force in this with me. Phuwin I know it might be hard for you but please trust me. I promise to be good to you and take care of you. Please accept my apology. I am really sorry"

Pond said all the words sincerely. Hearing him phuwin tears fall continuously as he hug pond again. "Phi I was never angry at you. Please don't say sorry" phuwin said while tightening the hug. "But still I am sorry" pond whisper in phuwin ears and hugged him back.

"Than from now on we can be friends" pond said while breaking the
Hug and wiping phuwin tears away. "Friends? Really phi" phuwin asked with an spark in his eyes. Pond nodded his head. Phuwin smile widely and again hug pond while muttering thank you.

"You should smile more often its really beautiful" pond said. He has seen phuwin smiling widely like this for a first time. Not to forget that his heart start to beat rapidly again seeing phuwin smile. Phuwin didn't said anything as he was a blushing mess. "You were already red, now you are looking like a whole ass tomato" pond said while teasing phuwin. Phuwin just cover his face with his sweater paw. Pond chuckled seeing his cute behavior. "Come on. Its already late. Let's go to sleep".

"But phi are we really going to sleep together in one bed?" Phuwin asked stopping pond. "I can sleep in the guest room if you are not comfortable" pond said. "No phi its not like that. I have never sleep beside anyone expect my mom that's why" phuwin said. "Its okay you will get used to it after sometimes" pond said and pulled phuwin beside him to lay down.

"Phi when is uncle and aunty coming back?" Phuwin asked breaking the silence in the room. "Uncle and aunty?" Pond asked in confusion. "Phi your mom and dad" phuwin said. "Ahh, dad said he will be back by next week" pond said. "What about your mom phi? Where is she? I have not seen her since I come here" pond smile slightly hearing phuwin asking about his mom.

"She is in heaven".Pond said which made phuwin feel guilty so he immediately apologize. "Sorry phi I didn't know that".

"Its okay". Pond said and the room again fell into silence. "She died in a car accident when I was little" pond said after a brief moment. "She was out with her friend and his son. I used to like his son alot you know. because he was cute and kind but the three of them died in an accident".

"My mom also died in an accident right in front of me but the difference is that the accident was planned by my father". Phuwin said. "I hope our moms are happy in heaven" pond said. After that no one said a word as they both fell asleep side by side.

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