Chapter 116-120

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Chapter 116

When Zhao Lei came back yesterday, he passed by Xiawan Village. He drove into the village and walked around to the door of the Yao family to give him the various New Year gifts that Zhao Jun and Yao Qingtian had prepared for the Yao family. The gifts were neither light nor heavy. They could only It's quite satisfactory.

But now that Zhao Jun and Yao Qingtian have a big business, this normal New Year's gift is a slap in the face. The face of Chen Yu, Yao's eldest daughter-in-law, who is not fair to begin with, is now covered with dark clouds, so dark that she can barely use water to grind the ink.

Chen Yu has been feeling depressed for the past year. She is waiting for the two brothers Yao Chengjun and Yao Qingtian to come back this year to celebrate the New Year. There is no trace of her return yet. Yao Qingtian, a married woman, actually asked someone to bring her New Year's gifts and gifts for returning to her parents' home on the second day of the second lunar month. Is this person who is not separated by mountains and rivers determined not to come back to celebrate the New Year?

Father Yao and Mother Yao had normal expressions, and Yao Chengtian was particularly enthusiastic. Although there were very few New Year gifts belonging to their family, they didn't seem to care at all. Even Xia Xiaoyu smiled and asked Zhao Lei and his family to go inside for a sip of tea and praised Zhao Lei. His son was looking good, so he asked Zhao Xinyue how much his niece weighed...

Zhao Lei was so excited that he started to drive away on his tricycle with a few simple words.

Tricycles are no longer so rare in the county, but they still attract attention once they appear in the village. Anyone who sees them while driving by has to stop and look at them for a while.

This year, Zhao Lei often returned to the village, either riding a motorcycle or driving a tricycle. He was always in the spotlight, but the Yao family didn't know that those cars were bought by Zhao Jun and Yao Qingtian.

In fact, Yao Chengcai is better at selling meat than others who just farm, but after the separation, his family's expenses have also increased. Compared with the Yao brothers and sisters, he is obviously the one with the worst conditions. Youdao is that people are better than others, and angry Dead people, Chen Yu and Yao Chengcai themselves are not very cultivated people, how can they be calm.

Chen Yu carried the basket back to her parents' house in the evening. At 1 o'clock in the evening, it was completely dark. Yao Chengcai went to pick up the talent and came back. When he came back, he went to the kitchen and saw that the cold pot and stove had not left any food for her. Although he didn't say anything, he was very clumsy in his work. The pots, dishes, and chopsticks made a ping-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pang-pong-pang-pang-pang-pong-pang-pang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang sound at night.

Mother Yao was probably angry too, so she ignored the three children of Chen Yu's family to wash themselves, closed the door, turned out the lights and went to bed early.

The next day, on New Year's Eve, the village was full of joy, with the sounds of children laughing everywhere, and one or two cannon fires from time to time. There was a faint smell of meat wafting in the air, and some families had already started preparing for the New Year's dinner early.

As for the Yao family, Chen Yu hadn't gotten up yet, and Yao's mother stopped being coy and slapped the door of her room louder than the noise Chen Yu made last night.

Rural people are very particular about auspiciousness. If they get really noisy during the Chinese New Year, their luck may be bad in the coming year. Chen Yuben didn't have the confidence to make a noise, so he came out with a face in the face of Yao's mother scolding her.

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