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Sabastian pov

In those past three years, we weren't perfect, if I may say. We had arguments here and there, but we always came back together because we loved each other. Most of them were from me and others from him because he wasn't that perfect, he was a human too! I was so cautious about my surrounding every damn minute, but can you blame me, I was fucking a seventeen-year-old. The day Mason turned eighteen was the greatest day of our lives.

Mason was happy because he was an adult, but if you had seen me, you would have thought that it was me who turned eighteen. We had waited for months for him to turn eighteen, and now he was.

I was glad that Mason was an adult, he could do whatever he wanted without anyone stopping him. He could love whoever he wanted, yet he was stuck with me. That day Mason celebrated with his family and friends, and I was there too, of course.

My eyes followed Mason every step, and I couldn't contain how happy I was. I wanted to pull him into the next room and kiss him, but I restrained myself and that was the day I most got angry at him in that I wanted to break up with him instantly.

I knew I was in the wrong.

But he was too!

We were celebrating his and his sister's birthday and everything was going fine until Nate asked "so Mas tell us who you have you been seeing all these months?" my heart raced instantly in fear. Mason put down his glass of wine as he glanced at me with that smile which melts my whole being whenever I see it.

I was freaking out, why was he looking at me like that. Was he going to tell them? " Yes Mason tell us" Nolan added, pulling Nate towards him as he gave him a kiss on his forehead. They were still in love and I envied them, I wish I could be like that with Mason, but we couldn't, I don't even think we would be like that ever. Even though he had turned eighteen, I was still in fear. But I couldn't stop myself from thinking so much when; it hit like a stone as I started thinking nonsense like Mason says!

Will we ever be like that?

Will I ever hold his hand in public?

Will we ever kiss in public and no one would judge me?

"It's...." That brought me back to reality as I swallowed hard, Mason was still looking at me in the eyes and I started to freak out. "You wouldn't like the answer let's drop it" Mason finally said, I let out a breath which I didn't know I was holding in the first place.

He picked up his drink, downing it in one go but all his eyes were on me and I didn't know what he was thinking. His eyes held something I have never seen before, that it made me tremble. "Ewww just tell us, why wouldn't we like him or her" Mateo pressed hard.

I started to freak out again. Why was Mason looking at me like that? That's when it all happened. "It's me" we all looked at the person who said it and it was Austin, Mason's best friend.

" I thought you didn't like him" Nate asked confused. Yes, they used to kiss here and there, and he used to be his sub, but Mason emphasized that he doesn't want him. He told us that he was done with him, now why was Austin saying that he was the person Mason was seeing, and the bad part was Mason didn't deny it.

My heart pounded hard in my chest when Mason replied looking me in the eye "things change" my heart broke, and it dropped on the floor that instant moment. I felt sick to my stomach, that I wanted to puke. My whole body went cold when Austin leaned in and kissed Mason on the lips in front of my eyes and Mason himself pulled Austin on his lap like he always does to me. My eyes widened in shock!

That day I was so mad.

Not at Mason, but at myself.

All this was my fault, I let myself into this when I knew it wouldn't work. I knew it wasn't going anywhere, but I let myself believe that finally I had found love. The forbidden love. I remember standing up slowly when everyone was so engrossed in talking to the couple and running into my car.
I drove off instantly feeling sick that I cried the entire way home. Why would Mason do this to me? He tells me now and then that he loves me. Was it all a lie, was it all a game?

What game was he playing now?

I felt like dying, I felt like I couldn't live anymore.

First it was Nate now his son.

I was so angry at myself, I knew all this was wrong, but I let myself be fooled. He was a goddamn liar. I entered the lifestyle which I didn't even know whar it was about because I was stupid. Just because he told me I'm special and made me fall for him. He made me feel special.

I reached my apartment and ran in disgusted by myself, I felt ashamed and used. I knew he would eventually get tired of me, but I didn't think it would take only a few months.

I was stupid! So damn stupid, and I hate myself for it.

It was 2 in the morning, I was still drinking my sorrows away when someone knocked on my door. I stopped thinking as I looked at my door, wondering who it was.

My heart was broken into pieces and I thought I was never meant to be loved.

Was I that unloveable!

I have never told this to anyone, but I was once in love with this person in high school, I had loved him for two years. His name was Dave, he was my friend, not my best friend per se, but we used to hang around every time. I had loved him since the day I saw him. One day, I couldn't help it and walked up to him and told him how I felt. He laughed at me and told me that he wasn't gay.

I told him that it was cool, yet my heart was broken, I really loved him. We stayed as friends, I thought he would beat me up, but he didn't. What surprised me was the next day I found him kissing another guy from college. It broke my heart and when I asked him, he just said he didn't like me. Dave broke my heart that day, and I vowed to never love again.

Then there came Nate.

I was with Nate, but all he kept thinking about was Nolan. Whenever we fucked I could see it in his eyes that he was thinking about Nolan, and I was so stupid to think that one day he might love me. The person on the door continued knocking, and I gave up, walking towards the door.

I was a mess, my eyes were red and I was sad.

I didn't clean my eyes as I opened the door, seeing the grinning Mason. " What are you doing here" I asked, my voice was deep with anger. Was he here to throw it in my face how he used me, remind me how stupid I was to fall for his words and affection?

" I was looking for you." he replied, looking at me with concerned eyes.

"What do you want" I asked bitterly, my head dizzy. I think I drank too much.

"What's wrong my love" I shook my head in disbelief. The nerve of this man. I was about to close the door in his face when he caught it entering without permission.

"Get out Mason" I hiccuped, tears falling down my cheeks.

"You drank baby" he pointed at me and I couldn't believe him.

"I..." I covered my mouth when I felt like throwing up and ran towards the bathroom puking all the contents in my stomach down the toilet. I was puking while crying. I felt so heartbroken, I felt cheated, I felt like dying, I felt the emotions all at once, and I couldn't stop crying. I was hurting so bad, yet iI knew it was the right thing to do.

It was the right thing to let Mason go. I knew it was time, but I wanted to act selfish for once, but I couldn't. I love him and I was in too deep. Mason pulled me up from the floor, handing me my toothbrush which I accepted and brushed my teeth.

I was still sobbing.

I pulled off my clothes when I finished brushing my teeth. I was tipsya my whole body was aching so badly, my head was dizzy, and I thought hot water will do for now.

I stood under the shower, still crying like a baby. It hurt me when Nate left me, but it was all my fault. Wishing for something which I knew it would never happen. Nate didn't give me false hopes, he always showed me where he stands.

But Mason gave me more than hopes.

I trusted him "it's ok my darling I'm here" he whispered into my ear and I hated my myself because my body reacted just by hearing his voice. I felt my dick jump up and I wanted him so badly. I couldn't restrain myself, but I did push him away.

"Don't touch me, go back to your boyfriend" I barked at him turning off the shower, tying my towel over my waist while walking out of the bathroom.

"What are you talking about?" Mason sounded like he didn't know what I was talking about. Was he bipolar or something?

"Go to Austin" I gritted my teeth in anger.

"That was nothing baby" he smiled

" Nothing!" I let out a soft laugh, "it was nothing kissing him in front of me, and him sitting on your lap like he owns it. Don't question my intelligent Mason, my parents spent too much money on me to go to school,so stop" I yelled at him wanting to punch him square in the face.

"You got it all wrong" he looked at me with confused eyes. "Austin is my best friend, and he just helped me out because my parents weren't going to let it go. He saw me hesitate, so he helped me out. It was nothing, I swear" the way he explained it I almost believed him.

"Let's break up!" I say in a small voice.

"What? Don't say that Tian I love you, I swear that was nothing. He knows I don't love him. He was just helping me to get out of that situation" Mason was in front of me in seconds "do you know how much I wanted to tell them that you're the person I was seeing. Do you know how much I want to shout to the whole world that I love you?

" But I know you're not ready. I'm eighteen now, and I want them to know about us, but I'm holding back because of you. Understand me baby!" he looked to be sincere that I just threw myself to him crying on his shoulder feeling guilty.

"I'm sorry! I assumed the worst" I muttered in his neck.

"It's ok my love" Mason said, "I will never cheat on you baby, you're the only one for me and I love you so much. Your special to me, you're perfect" only those words melts my whole being. A smile appeared on my lips as I kissed him deeply.

That was our biggest fight and from that day onwards I trusted Mason with my entire being. I never undermined myself again. " I love you" with that he made love to me the whole night long and just like that we went back to being boyfriends.

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