the restaurant

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[So~ forgot to put it in the previous chapter but the straw hat flag isn’t fully the same. This me was the one to make it, so instead of just the simple one. It was more like, Luffy's skull with the straw hat and the now added scar on the skull's left cheek.

I also like the various fan-made jolly Rodgers of the straw hats so I'd figured for this me, he'd have a similar one with his skull biting into a green M with his glasses on. the bones replaced with his jacket covering the skull

It doesn't mean anything since I don't plan on this me making a crew or some shit but still. I think it would look badass]

After tugging the front cannon on top, luffy and usopp began to figure out how to fire while the rest did other things

When they finally fired the cannon they perfectly hit their target, a lone pillar of rock out in the middle of the ocean that somehow had grass on it.

Once it exploded Matthew's ears perked up while usopp was gobsmacked he actually hit it. Luffy was over the moon by how awesome the cannon was

“Hey dudes did yall just hear screams? Or am I just going insane?” Matthew asked however it fell to deaf ears as Zoro woke up and asked what was going on.

The fat man shrugged to himself and thought ‘might just be from my knowledge of the weird dudes who were there. Eh, I figured I forgot about them. Guess my sub conscience didn't tho. Weird’ 

While putting his manga stuff away after finishing the first true chapter of it and the rest went into the kitchen of the ship Matthew thought about its progress while drinking some of the rest of the tea he made earlier. ‘Still a lot more to do. And needing to figure out a publisher… if they have them here.’

Either way while doing so a man jumps aboard and begins trying to attack the ship with a drawn sword. Least he would have it if mathew didn’t pull out a his pistol and had him at range

“Howdy there. Didn't really think about what would happen if ya just jumped up here huh?” however the blue jacket man didn’t care and rushed at Matthew “you damned pirates think you can get away with what you did to my partner!?!”

Matthew wasn’t actually expecting him to rush and tried to take a shot only to miss and have to back away from the man swinging a sword. Backing away wasn’t the main issue but being led to the end of the ship would’ve been bad news if it wasn’t for luffy running outside yelling “whats going on here!”

With Luffy giving the perfect distraction Matthew took it and quickly tackled the man while knocking away the sword. Of course the man struggled but matthew was definitely bigger than him and kept the swordsman on the ground easily

“Matthew, who the heck is that guy?” with the question luffy jumped down and squats next to matthew. The fat man answered “fuck if i know. Guy just jumped up ready to break shit. Thanks for the distraction tho.”

Zoro was the next to exit and when he did he saw the man's head sticking out from under Matthew “Wait johnny? Is that you?”

“Big bro zoro? What are you doing here??” Zoro rubbed his eyes and said to Matthew “yo let him up. I know him.” Matthew of course did so and stood up while helping the guy up

The now named Johnny told his brother's tale of how they were resting on a small island since yosaku had suddenly become sick.

Which confirmed as they brought the sick man on board. Now Matthew slightly remembered their looks but seeing the green jacket bald man so close was weird. He nearly did laugh since it didn't even look bald. More like he was cutting his hair short, the scissor decided to revolt, leaving random hairs, then a giant tub of gray was spread across his head.

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