Chapter 7

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Annabelle’s Point Of View.
I hate shopping, it’s official. We have been around so many shopping to find the perfect outfit. I don’t understand all this. It's just a party. I would have worn jeans and a top but the more I argue with mum the more she repeats herself and says
‘No, you need to make a good impression on the boys.’
And by that she has meant a white t-shirt which had a V-neck line to show off a little bit of cleavage even more with a good bra apparently, a short-checked skirt mainly black with the lines coloured in pink and white, that come ¾ down my thighs some black tights, black leather knee-high boots with a chucky heel. That was my one and only choice and for comfort that my mum actually agreed with me. Then she found a light pink denim jacket that goes well with the outfit, for just in case it turns cold.
‘Now, it’s time to get home and get you all ready.’ My mum beams.

As we drive home, I regret my choices of this outfit and wishing i took the control of the choices and not just allowing my mum to pick, but she seemed so in her element and I felt cruel trying to thinking of trying to stop her. I can't help but think it will show all my bad areas off, all the ones I hate, my thighs, my stomach. Oh god what have I done. And its not like I can change it as it will upset mum and I’ll never hear the end of it.
‘It’s okay. It's okay.’ My new mantra in my head. ‘It will be OK. You will look good, it's not like anyone will be looking at you. They will be looking at everyone but you.’

As soon as we get home my dad is in the kitchen making a cup of tea, he sees we are home so makes us one too. He is the perfect gent. I always dream of finding a man who is as gentlemanly like as my dad. He asked about our day and mum is in full streams ahead mode and that I let her enjoy herself explaining every little detail.

‘Oh Rupert, you should have seen her in her dress it looked stunning in her. And the shoes and jewellery she has got are just so complementarity to her dress and her best features. Yes, I admit it was a lot of money, but it was so worth the money remember she only get this chance once.’
Dad looks from her to me and smiles, then looks back at my mum adoringly.
‘As long as you are both getting on and not fighting and you both had a lovely time that’s all I care about.’
She beams at him. ‘Oh, we did, and she has a party to get ready for. We even got her an outfit for that as well. Also, I get to help her get ready and do her hair and makeup.’ She tells him.
‘I’m glad you both had a nice time. And a party? Is that a good idea? Are you OK with going? He asked me directly.
‘Yes, I’m sure I’ll be OK, Nicole and Amelia are going’ I say reassuring him and myself at the same time.

Then, the door busts open and Carlos walks in grunting about some dick (his words) on the opposite team dug his football boot in his shin and mum goes rushing over and acting like a nurse patching him up. I go to my room to start to get ready. First a shower as I feel all hot and bothered with the dress trying on and bumping into Kade. Oh god I need to stop thinking about him.

After my shower I walk into my room to see my mum sat on the bed waiting patiently for me sipping from a wine glass, but she had set up everything on my dressing table to do my hair and makeup.
She pulls me to sit on the stool and hands me another wineglass filled with someone sparkly as she starts to brush my hair and curl it. Tasting the sparkly liquid noticing it was her favourite Prosecco.
‘Thank you for today mum it’s been really nice.’ I say.
‘It’s been the best. I hope we have more days out together.’ She says smiling at me.
As she is curling my hair, I put on some music to chill out my nerves as much as possible. All the music ranging for different females artists new and old. We even get so into it we both start singing along. The best one is when mum is singing Fucking Perfect by Pink. She’s looking straight into my eyes through the mirror making my eyes go all watery but I pulls myself together before the threaten to fall.

Once my hair is done, she starts with my makeup. And by the end of it I look a different person almost. I must say I do look good. But I bet the other girls at the party will look better. I get dressed into the clothes we purchased earlier and as I look in the mirror, I think to myself that my thighs look huge.
‘Maybe, I should wear jeans instead. Hide my thighs’ I say
‘No, you look stunning, and your thighs are perfect. All the guys will be wanting you.’ She replies.
‘Thank you’ I smile a small smile for the vote of confidence, but I don’t think any guy will be.

Then we hear the doorbell, and I can already know who it is as I can hear their laughter. Nicole and Amelia.
When we get down the stairs my dad had already let them in, and they are giggling at my dad’s jokes.
They all turn to see me, and all complement me. They are in mini dresses with puffer coats on a small heels. Both of them have their hair straighten.
‘Are you sure, my thighs look huge, don’t they?.’ I ask.
Nicole says ‘It’s all in your head. You have the best figure in the whole damn world, and you could be a model that’s the now thing with curves who wants a rake when they have something to hold on to. I wish I had curves like you’
Amelia agreed with her. I smiled a small smile at them both, unsure what to say back. But of course something had to make my nerves come back within seconds and that was Carlos.
He said, ‘You look like a Drag Queen.’ Laughing and pointing a finger at me. My smile sank. I just stood there staring at him frozen on the point, unable to think of a comeback but then
Nicole said, ‘And you look like you’ve been sucking a rotten lemon.’
Mum, dad and Amelia busted into a fit of giggles. That made Carlos angry, and he shouts ‘whatever’ as he starts to walk to the front door and slamming it behind him.
‘Bye then’ Nicole calls after him. Then we all start to giggle again.
We say our goodbyes to my parents and start the walk to Theo’s house.
My god the walk there felt like agers when in fact it was only 20 minutes, but it was freezing out. Felt like the temperature from the day time had ran away completely. I pulled my jacket around me to keep the warmth in.
Me and the girls were giggling all the way there and Nicole said ‘I don’t understand what Carlos’s issue is.’
I told her ‘When you found out to let me know.’ And we all started laughing.

Nicole’s phone rang and it was Theo asking where we were and how long we were going to be. She said about 5 minutes away and then ended the call.
As we got outside the front of his garden, my stomach went into a somersault and the coldness I felt disappeared as soon as I saw him. You’ll never believe who I saw standing in the garden.... Kade Michaelson.


Kade was standing in Theo’s garden having a fag with his mate Mario. Amelia has always had a crush on Mario since the start of school but was too nervous to ask him out.

This had to be a conscience. I knew he was friends with Theo but never expected him to be here, sounds stupid when you say it out loud but still three times in a day that wasn’t a school day. Them butterflies soon disappeared when I heard the screech of her voice again... Penelope Smithers questioning me by saying ‘What you looking at you sket?’

I look over his shoulder to see her and the other girls that follow her around as me, Nicole and Amelia call them the PRATS.

They all laugh at the name calling. All sounding like a bunch of witches.
Nicole shouts ‘Not you, you trollop. Sure, do have a nerve calling her a sket. You should take a look in the mirror.’
Amelia busted out of laughter.
All while I am totally embarrassed and blushing, I can feel the heat in my cheeks.
I then looked up to see Kade Michaelson was staring at me like I was some delicious snack. He had a full-face smile on his face. He then looked up and down my body lingering on breasts a bit longer than he should have. I took a deep breathe in. Then i look back to my friends and see them walking to the house so I follow them girls to go find Theo.

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