Chapter 10

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Annabelle’s Point Of View.
The night is going great, better than great but I just can’t think of the word as my head is swimming with alcohol.
As soon as we got in the house, I drank down two shots of Tequila as I just couldn’t get over the fact that he was staring at me like he was a starved man and I was his delicious meal. I swear the more I think about it the more insane it sounds. Ridiculous... I’m not sure if its all in my head or not but it makes me feel good and sexy. Maybe I imagined it. Maybe its the alcohol too but who cares. We continue to do shots and then we hear one of our favourite songs come on and we drag each other to the dance floor that’s been made up by moving all the furniture to the walls of the living room.
Me and the girls are dancing song after song and then   Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO comes on and we all squeal in delight and start bouncing and jiggling like we don’t care; we are completely lost in the moment. I would never do this normally as I’d be too body conscious and have the fear that everyone is watching, but who cares as right this moment I don’t. It’s nice to be able to enjoy yourself and get out of your head, even if you are half drunk in the process so your head is a little hazy.
After a good hour of dancing with the girls. Amelia has disappeared and Nicole is grinding up Theo and he has his hands on her hips, looking like he is having the time of his life. I refuse to be the third wheel, so I walk towards the kitchen to get a drink as I’m parched due to the dancing and the number of bodies in this confided space. It feels like the heating is turn to the full capacity.

As I get closer to kitchen, I see that Amelia has just done a courage shot and finally does what she said she was going to do for the whole time we’ve been here. She’s gone to ask out Mario. As she walks up to him, I watch her every move just like a spy. As she reaches Mario I pull myself up on the kitchen counter and watch their exchange.
I hear or I say hear but I see her say his name he turns, and then she shocks the life out of me. She doesn’t ask him out instead she doesn’t even say anything, and she doesn’t even give him a chance to think or speak. She kisses him deeply. Wow that’s so hot, oh I’m so proud of her, she has more confidence than me but she is just as shy. At first he is shocked and looks like his had ice go down his back he is so tense, but after a few seconds he starts to relax and kisses her back then slowly rises his hand into her hair. I have a face splitting grin on my face as I am so happy for her. Well them both as he seems to like her as much as she likes him.
Then my attention is brought away from them to someone saying beside me.
‘You’re Annabelle, aren’t you?’ oh my god, that voice....I know that voice anywhere. It's that voice I can’t stop thinking about since bumping into him earlier today. I turn my head to the front of my body where I heard the voice coming from. And  I’m right it is him. it’s Kade. Standing so close to me, I can smell his heavenly scent.. I’m guessing he notices my shock as he grins at me. For a good few moments I’m shell shock. In complete surprise that he is speaking to me.
‘I.... I..... Urm.... Yes, that’s me.’ I say shyly.
He walks closer as he breathes in. Smiling again but his eyes are darker, more dangerous and he looks like he wants to eat me. His stomach is touching my knees.
I gasp as it feels like an electronic volt has just shot up my body from his body touching mine. He smiles a small smile and says ‘What’s a gorgeous girl like you doing alone? ‘
I laugh a gut aching laugh. He looks at me confused to what could be so funny to what he just said. But surely, he must see how ridiculous this is. One of the most popular boys in school speaking to a nobody. After some time I stop laughing and it dawns on me that I’m being rude.
‘Ooh.. Urm well I’m not alone, my friends are just preoccupied at the moment.’ I giggle. I point to my friends who have their tongues down Mario’s and Theo’s throats.
He turns to see what I’m looking at, then looks at me and laughs.
‘Ooo, well they seem like they will be busy for some time. Why don’t you hang with me?’ he asks.
I look at him like his grown two heads. I’m stunned I don’t know what to say. Why would he want me to hang with him when he is dating Penelope.

‘I.... I don’t think Penelope would like her boyfriend hanging around with me.’ I say simply.
He then laughs a gut achy laugh. Then looks at me straight in the eyes and says
‘She’s not my girlfriend. Fuck. No. And I wouldn’t give a fuck is she likes it or not. I wanna hang with you.’ He smiles.
Am I dreaming? Surely, I am. I need to pinch myself to wake me up from this dream. And I do pinch myself but I’m stopped by this huge warm and pressing my hand to my thigh.. Oh holy shit.. He can’t be touching my hand. I scrunch my eyes shut for just a moment then I open them to look straight into his chocolate brown eyes. He smiles at me.
I look down to my hand and he is holding my hand. What on earth is happening? My palms begin to sweat.
‘Why are you pinching yourself?’ he asks.
Oh fuck. This is embarrassing...
‘I.... Well I... I thought I was dreaming. As in no lifetime of mine would you ever notice me, let alone talk to me and want me to hang out at a party with you.’
He smiles...
Ooo what a beautiful sight that is.
‘Dream of me much Shortcake?’
Oh fuck. Not another embarrassing nickname. I just stare at him. I can’t believe this is happening. I feel a panic attack coming. My breathing harshens as I don’t know what to say or think.
He takes a step closer to me, pushing my thighs about. I shudder at the closeness. He puts his hand on my cheek and to what I think he believes will calm me down when in actual fact it makes it worse as the breath I have left evaporates into thin air.
‘Don’t worry Shortcake, I won’t bite.’  He says.
Then he leans forward, his mouth inches from mine. No. He. Is. Not.
My subconscious says ‘oh yes, he is’
He gently put his lips on mine. To what I guessed would be a peck then turned into a deep passionate kiss. Or to what I believe a passionate kiss would be. How would I know I’ve never been kissed like this before. He, Kade Michaelson is kissing me, of all the girls in the world he is kissing me. I stretch my arms out and around his neck, pulling him in-between my legs further and try to deepen the kiss further. He moves his hand from the kitchen counter onto  my waist. I moan at how good it feels. He replies with a inward groan. As we continue to kiss, he squeezes my hips tightly that I am so sure I’ll have bruises tomorrow.
Our attention is pulled away from each other with a throat being cleared. We look away from each other and to the side to see Theo and Nicole smiling a Cheshire cat grin. Their eyes look from Kade to me, back and forward a few times. Kade moves back and I cover my face with my hands and checks heat with embarrassment. What in the hell just happened and oh my god... I completely forgot we was in a house full of people.
I need to get away from him. I jump down from the kitchen side and without looking in his direction I walk away. I rush out breathlessly ‘I’m going to the toilet.’
I walk from the room feeling the heat of three sets of eyes on my back, but I don’t look back at them I carry on walking away.

When I get to the bathroom I lock the door, I slam the toilet seat lid down and sit on it. I cover my eyes with my hands and put my elbows on my knees and groan.
Oh my god...
It feels like I’m about to have a panic attack. My mind won’t clear from all the negative thoughts but as I touch my lips and feel them swollen, I smile. God his so hot.
Then a dark thought comes into my mind.
What if Penelope saw....
What in the hell did I just do?

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