Chapter 31

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Annabelle's Point of View.
Oh my god, school has never looked this good before. The hall dining hall looks completely different, the entrance has a gold streamer hanging across the door way and just beyond it is a photo booth where you can get the pictures printed out straight away like the ones at the seaside, as we wait in the queue I take in the whole of the hall's surroundings... A huge DJ set is against one of the walls with music beating out, a make shift dance floor is set to one corner, tables set with 6 chairs to each table as beautiful black and golden themes, fairy lights hanging everywhere making a soft glow to the room. There confetti all other the tables, a disco ball screwed to the ceiling. It’s magical and it truly makes me grateful to the fact that I was forced to come. So many of the students are already dancing and smiling laughing. I don’t even know what I was so worried about. It’s truly a pleasure to be here and I’ve only been here 5 minutes or less. I don’t feel body conscious or worry that people are staring I’m to memorised that I’m here in the beautiful place.
Kade squeezes my hand to bring my attention back to him. I smile up at him and he pulls me closer to the photo booth the line has gone down so much in the few moments I looked around the room that we are next. I don’t know why we are in the queue but I’m glad we are as I’d love a copy of a picture for keepsake.
It’s our turn, and I’m so excited we can have up to 5 pictures and I am now worried that I don’t look good enough. Shit... It’s okay just breathe. If I don’t like them it’s okay, I can bin them. I take a deep breathe. And smile to the camera. Kade pulls me in close and rest his arm on my hip and places my hand with the bracelet on his chest and smiles to the camera.
The next photo he pulls me closer if closer is even possible and he places a kiss to my cheek and my smile becomes wider. I’m also surprised that he wants to show his affection of so publicly. We do a couple more smiling pictures and our time is up or so I thought. Kade walked over to the photographer and what I could guess was give him some money but Kade’s back was covering up what he was doing. He walks back over to my and pulls me in close hold the lower part of my back and cheek then he dips me down in a show stopper move and kisses me deeply. So deeply I forget where we are and I kiss back just as deep. After a while the photographer clears his throat and we break our lips and move to a standing position. I feel my cheeks heat with embarrassment of such a public display and I hide my face behind Kade’s shoulder. He chuckles at my embarrassment and pulls me along to collect the photos.
We have to wait a few minutes for them to develop. Kade looks down at me and touches my chin to make me look him in the eyes. I smile sweetly at him but my heart beats so fast in my chest, the way he is looking at me make me feel all kinds of stuff... Hot stuff.
We are interrupted by my girls screaming in happiness that I’m guessing that I actually came. They run from their guys to me and jump up and down and bear hug me.
Nicole pulls away first and gives me a full once over.

‘Girl, you look smoking... I wanna bang you myself.’ She states.
I feel my cheeks heat, damn she’s so fine with her words but I never expected that to come from her mouth. Amelia tuts at Nicole and they both start to laugh. I join in too as what the hell.
Amelia says ‘Dirty bitch... But Annabelle you do look stunning, see what was there to worry about?’
I look from her to Nicole, Nicole to Kade who’s chatting to Theo and Mario but staring straight at me. Hunger in his eyes. I look away before I get too distracted and smile at both girls.
‘I have no idea’ I shrug my shoulders and giggle lightly. Nicole takes both mine and Amelia’s hands and takes us to the dance floor leaving the boys to chat.
We dance for so long my feet begin to ache so bad. But I am having the best time of my life. I never in my wildest dreams would believe that I would enjoy something like this and I have wholeheartedly. We danced for so long and the guys have just chatted to the side of the dance floor but I’ve felt Kade’s stare on my back the whole time. I hope his enjoying the view.

After a few songs the DJ announces that the next song is for all the couples out there and I cringe. How awkward is that. I’m going to have to stand at the edge of the dancefloor watching my friends dance, I can’t make Kade dance with me as we aren’t officially a couple. My happiness sinks for all of a minute or so as I feel his presents behind me and he pulls me closer to him and says ‘Apologises for cutting in but I want my girl for the next song. I’m done sharing now.’

My insides heat with pleasure just by a few words I feel flustered by what he’s said. But God, it makes me feel so good. The girls giggle and shrug their shoulders and me and walk over to their men. I smile towards their back as they walk of, I’m so happy they have the guys to make them happy. Kade pulls my closer to his body to get my attention I look up at him and smile. I can't help but feel like he must feel forced to do this. I’m about to tell him he doesn’t have to dance with me if he doesn’t want to but her cuts me off by kissing me.

The song Hold On by Chord Overstreet begins and I sign appreciatively as any girl who’s a girl's girl will know where this song comes from. All the Vampires Diaries fans out there will love this. We begin to dance slowly to the song and I honestly feel so God damn lucky to be here with him. I just hope he feels the same way too. This night has been so good and it’s not even close to ending.
As the song comes to an end the principle goes up onto the make shift stage, and this is the moment I’ve been dreading all evening.

He speaking into a mic and says ‘Good evening all, it’s come to the time of the night where we will be announcing the prom King and Queen. Please all nominated come to the stage so we can go back to enjoying our evening.’

My heart is in my throat every step of the way, Kade still holding onto my hand. I’m sure he can feel the sweat all in my hand. I feel hot, I feel sick someone please save me from this. I don’t want everyone looking at me. Judging me. This isn’t the life I want. I want to be back in the shadows where no one can see me.
We get to the stages the guys nominated for king are one side and the girls on another. Kade gives me a peck on the cheek and walks to the guy's side. I take a deep breath and walk to the girl's side. I can hear giggling as I approached from the other girls nominated and I can't say I don’t blame them it’s ridiculous that I was nominated against them.
Deep breathe in and out. The principle announces the prom king and that’s what brings me out of my mini panic attack.

‘And the prom king is............ ‘
A few seconds pass and it’s like waiting forever.
‘Kade Michaelson’
The whole hall erupts in cheers, whispers and clapping. I am so happy for him I feel myself smiling. He is the most handsome out of them all. The principal places a crown on his head and then walks back to the centre on the stage. Then the principle says.
‘And the prom queen is...... ‘
I feel sick to my stomach, my heart is racing the wait is worse than before. I chant in my head please not me, please not me over and over again. And then I hear the one thing I dreaded the worst.
‘Annabelle Stevens’
My name. Noooo no no. Not my name. I feel my panic come more and more, it doesn’t help that people a cheering and chanting my name. Oh no please ground swallow me whole I beg you. The principle walks over to me and places a tiara on my head.  I politely say a quiet thank you and he walks back to the mic.
‘Congratulations to the Prom King and Queen, please head to the centre of the dance floor and dance your first dance newly crowned.’ The principal says proudly.

I'm frozen on the spot and really want to leave I don’t want to do this. Kade walks over to me takes my hand and pulls me all the way to the dance floor. We turn to each other, my panic rising above crazy level and he just simply smiles at me.
‘Just look at me. No one else matter but us.’ Kade says sweetly. I reply with a smile and that when the song Kiss Me by Ed Sheeran starts to play. This is one of my favourite songs on his and I can't believe I’m dancing to it as prom queen with the guy I like so much.
Kade starts singing along to the words and my heart is literally melting, this boy knows how to win my heart over without even trying. God, I think.... I love him already and we haven’t even been fully intimate, but I’m going to make it my mission to happen.
The song begins to end and he raises his arms from around my waist to the back of my neck as kisses me so fiercely so deeply I let out a moan. God his lips feel so good on mine. The kiss is cut short by him pulling back grabbing my hand as saying.
‘Let’s go, I want my queen all be myself now. I’m sick of sharing you with the whole school.’
I smile shyly at him and walk to the exist with him. Tonight has been the best night but I have a feeling it’s about to get better.

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