In the stillness of the midnight hour, Veer awoke with a start, his hand instinctively reaching out to pull Aditi close.
But as his fingers grasped at empty air, he opened his eyes in confusion, searching for her.
He heard faint sounds coming from the bathroom and a sense of unease gripped his heart.
Pushing aside the covers, he got up and made his way towards the source of the noise.
The bathroom door was slightly ajar, and as he pushed it open, his breath caught in his throat at the sight before him.
There she was, sitting on the cold tiled floor, clutching her stomach in pain and groaning softly.
"Aditi," he called out and she looked up at him with tear-filled eyes.
Rushing to her side, Veer knelt down beside her, concern etched on his face.
"What happened baccha? Why are you sitting here like this? Why are you crying?" he asked gently.
she looked down crying.
"Baccha what happened why are you crying, you are scaring me now please say.."
Veer's gaze fell upon the red stains on her dress and realization dawned on him.
"Baby...are you on your periods?" he asked softly.
She nodded silently, unable to find words through her pain and discomfort.
"I don't have any sanitary pads...I forgot to get them...and my stomach is hurting so much," she whispered brokenly.
His heart clenched at her distress; seeing her in such agony tore at his soul.
"Okay baccha...don't cry...I'll take care of everything,"
he assured her soothingly.
"Just calm down for me...please stop crying."
She nodded.
He understood why she was having mood swings today.
After a few minutes he came back with a bag.
"Take this" he said.
She looked inside and saw sanitary pads, a hot water bag, and dark chocolates.
She smiled at him.
"change into something comfortable I am outside only if you need anything just call me" he said and went out.
She went out.
"Are you fine now..??"
"Hmm....veer I am hungry, actually I didn't have dinner properly so..."
"Okay, what you'll eat..??"
"Wait for me I'll come...till then message with a hot water bag, you'll get relief"
She nodded.
He came into the kitchen and thought about what to make...??
He thought to make pasta.
He boiled the pasta and cut the veggies.
"Thank god you taught me dadi, now it's going to be worth it."
He quickly made pasta and went to their room.
He saw her sitting and messaging with the hot water bag.
"Aditi, have this pasta.."
"Thank you...!!!"
He fed her.
"How's it..??"
"It's tasty, from where you ordered it?"
"I made it baby..!!!"
"Seriously...??" She said with shocking expression.
"Hey are you mocking me...??"
"No no it was just I didn't know you knew about cooking..??"
"Your veer has many qualities Mrs Rajvansh, I'll show you everything...!!!"
She blushed at his flirting.
"From where did you learn cooking..??
"Dadi taught me everything....she loved me to the core but never ever she spoiled me in her love, I used to do all my work by myself only, on sunday I used to cook for us, I still remember when it was new for me, I made many mistakes, but she appreciated it, and asked me to correct the things in which I lacked and with the time passing, I became a perfect cook...!!!"
"You never told me about this...!!!"
"Actually it has been 2 years since I left cooking and focused on the business only, sometimes if I am hungry I make it on my own."
"You know veer, every girl dreams of this life I am experiencing right now , I still remember, whenever mumma or me were on our periods, my grandma locked us in the room, and gave food only once a day and papa never felt it wrong, he felt disgusted with us as if we have done any crime, they doesn't allowed me to go school too in that days, I used to hate periods, but since I came here, it's like a another normal day for me, I used to hate love, I used to hate marriage relationships but now I understood that love, marriage, relationships these are not wrong, person who doesn't respect it, is wrong..!!!"
"You know since my parents died, I saw dadi struggling, I thought nobody is stronger than my dadi, but as you said, now I understand every woman is strong"
She smiled..
"Now sleep..!!!"
"I am not feeling sleepy...!!!"
"So what do you have to do...??"
He smiled...
They settled themselves on the bed, he took her in his arms while messaging her and played a movie...!!!!
He kissed her forehead, she snuggled to him more.
After some time, he saw her sleeping peacefully, he smiled and closed the laptop.
He slowly made her lay down on bed and covered her with the duvet.
He kissed her forehead...!!!!
Chapter 25 is out on scrollstack..!!!!
For a change I've kept it exclusively free for my followers for some time, so my followers would be able to read the chapter...!!!!
So hurry up guys...!!!

My World Revolves Around You
Romancehi guys my new story. ADITI MALHOTRA, a 20 year old girl, aspires to become a doctor, brought up in the broken family, always saw her mother gets beaten up by her father, her father to bring sluts to their house, had gave up on the concept of love a...