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"Yo bitch!" Aisha yelled as she entered Hauwa's bedroom and smacked her ass and Hauwa hissed and turned her back to her.
"You'll not even stand up and hug me and tell me you miss me." Aisha said as she hissed and rolled her eyes. She dropped Aliyu beside Hauwa who was busy babbling and giggling to himself.
"Me kumutun puff puff; puff puff cheeks." Hauwa said as she pinched his chubby cheeks, he had very fat cheeks. He was barely 2 years but he looked at least 4, he ate everything he saw, he is a foodie. And Hauwa always teased him about his chubby cheeks and body, he would always look at her disapprovingly and then snort whenever she teased him as if he understood what she meant.

"Leave my baby alone." Aisha said and Hauwa rolled her eyes. 

Hauwa continued playing with Aliyu, tickling his chubby cheeks and making him giggle uncontrollably. As the morning wore on, Aliyu's eyelids began to droop, and he eventually fell asleep in Hauwa's arms. She gently laid him down on the bed and covered him with a light blanket.

Just then, Hanan and Muhammad burst into the room, their faces lighting up with excitement. "Aunty Hauwa!" they chimed in unison. Hauwa smiled and handed each of them a piece of candy from her dresser drawer. "Hey, my munchkins! How are you?"

The two kids chattered enthusiastically about how there were many children to play with and hence the reason they forgot to come and see Hauwa, and Hauwa listened attentively, asking questions and making supportive noises. After a few minutes, they bid her farewell and ran out to play with their friends.

As the room fell silent, Hauwa's expression turned sombre. She flopped back onto her bed, staring blankly at the ceiling. Her wedding to Sa'eed was just a week away, and today his family was bringing the lefe (bridal gift). Aisha's presence was a welcome distraction, but Hauwa couldn't shake off the feeling of unease that had been growing inside her.

Aisha noticed the change in Hauwa's demeanour and sat down beside her. "Hey, what's wrong? You look like you've lost your last friend."

Hauwa hesitated, unsure if she should confide in Aisha. But the messages she had been receiving since her engagement to Sa'eed had been weighing heavily on her mind. She pulled out her phone and showed Aisha the messages:

'Sa'eed is not who he seems to be. He's hiding something from you.'

'Be careful, Hauwa. Sa'eed has a dark past.'

'You're making a huge mistake marrying him. He's not good enough for you.'

And many more similar messages, all anonymous, but all warning her away from Sa'eed.

Aisha's expression turned serious as she scrolled through the messages. "Mai-Jidda, where did these come from?"

Hauwa shrugged. "I don't know. They started coming in after our engagement was announced. I thought it was just random people being mean, but...I don't know, Ya Aisha. What if there's truth to them?"

Aisha put her arm around Hauwa's shoulders. "I'm worried about you, sis. I know you think Sa'eed is great, but I've seen some things that make me question his intentions. Have you noticed anything off about him?"

Hauwa frowned, feeling a twinge of defensiveness. "No, Ya Aisha, I haven't. Sa'eed is kind and loving. He's perfect for me."

Aisha sighed. "I want to believe that, Kulu. But promise me you'll be careful, okay? If anything feels off, don't hesitate to reach out to me, Ali, baba or mama."

Hauwa nodded, feeling a mix of emotions. She appreciated Aisha's concern but also felt frustrated that her sister didn't trust her judgement. Little did she know, Aisha's concerns were only the beginning of a series of events that would challenge Hauwa's perceptions of Sa'eed and their relationship.

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