May 12th
Rachel POV
It's been a month since the party. Finns surprise gift was a drum set, yay, note the sarcasm. Chris plays it all the time. He got a lot of clothes and ninja turtle merchandise, my dad's got him a toy car that he drives as well. Carol and Burt got him a trampoline. The point is he got a lot of cool stuff. Quinn and puck decided to stay with us for a year to see how they like it in New York. Now there's too little voices fighting all day long as well. I swear Chris and Beth don't get along at all! Beth has a lot of toys from her party and the movers brought in even more toys so now the playroom and the backyard is full of Chris and Beth's toys. Quinn got a job at the diner, while taking online classes and puck still has his pool cleaning business. Ever since the party I've been getting sick in the mornings. I took this week off at the diner and Finn is with puck getting chlorine or something while the kids are at daycare, so it's just me and Quinn. Although I have a feeling this is more than the flu
Rachel POV
I ran to the bathroom to throw up again, Quinn stopped sweeping and told me to sit
"Rachel, when was the past time you got your period?" Quinn said straightforward
"Nope I am not pregnant, ok? There's just no way" I said standing up
"Rachel.." Quinn pleaded
"No, ok there's no way I'm giving birth, again! I mean Chris is barely four now" I said pacing back and forth
"I know, but you're an adult now, it's ok to have more kids" Quinn said rubbing my back
"No, you don't get it Quinn, it's already going to be hard for me with Chris when Finn has to go back, I can't handle two kids!" I yelled
"Just take the test to see if you're even pregnant ok?" Quinn said going to the feminine cabinet, I got it just in case a situation like this happened
"Fine" I said taking a test and heading toward the bathroom
Quinn POV
I don't understand why Rachel doesn't want another kid. It's not like she doesn't have one already! But she does have a point with the whole Finn army thing. I hope Finn changes his mind if Rachel is pregnant and decided to stay. He's like an older brother to me and him in the army is scary, especially for Rachel.
"We're Home!" Finn yelled waking in with Puck and the kids
I widened my eyes because I assume Rachel doesn't want Finn to know unless she really is pregnant. So I head over to Finn and hug him then I say
"GROUP HUG" surprisingly it works because now everyone is just hugging then Finn just has to say
"As much as I enjoy this, where's Rachel" damn you Finn, but before I could answer
Rachel walks in saying
"Finally you're home!" She chuckles going over to hug Finn and Chris, her face isn't facing Finn but it is mine so I mouth 'are you?' She nods yes
*During dinner
Rachel POV
I can't believe this, what am I going to tell Finn! I hope this makes him stay longer. I really don't want to do it alone, again. I'm going to tell him tonight, when everyone's sleeping.
"Momma, I don't want to eat the carrots!" Chris yelled
"Me either!" Beth said facing Puck and Quinn
"Well that's just too bad" I said pointing toward his plate and saying "Eat" Quinn did the same to Beth
"Daddy please don't make me" Chris pleaded toward Finn
"Chris eat your vegetables" Finn said
"Fine" Chris replied poking at his food
"I said eat it, not play with it" I told him
We spent the night laughing and talking with the kids. The whole night Quinn was showing me her 'tell him' face.
Rachel POV
"Alright goodnight baby" I said kissing his head and walking out with Finn.We brushed our teeth and changed into our Pjs, I stopped him before he got comfortable.
"Finn I have something important to tell you" I said looking in his eyes
"What is it?" He said taking my hand worried
"I'm pregnant" I said scaredFinn POV
I was going along my usual nighttime routine when Rachel stops me. She looks scared, so I hold her hand in comfort. Then she tells me she's pregnant, and it feels like déjà vu except were not in high school. I'm kind of happy she's pregnant, now our family can grow and Chris can have a sibling.
"Rach that's great!" I said hugging her
"You mean you're not mad" she said
"No how could I be mad?" I said looking into her eyes
"I thought maybe you wouldn't want anymore kids" she said
"I don't care how many kids I have as long as they're with you" I said hugging her and with that we fell asleep.

It's been too long ||finchel sequel||
FanfictionTwo years have passed since Finn said goodbye to Rachel. They haven't heard or seen each other since, but what happens when they meet again at the wrong time and day? Find out where Finn and Rachel stand in heir relationship. ********SEQUEL TO LOVI...