Rachel POV
I am four months pregnant and my hormones are all over the place. Even Chris has learned not to bug me right now. I feel like I am really, like really fat. I mean I was big with chris, but not this much at four months. Quinn and Puck are getting married in August. Oh and did I mention Finn proposed! I of course said yes. He did it in June when we were having an engagement party for Quinn.
Rachel POV
I've been like really emotional lately, and I feel really bad for everyone who lives with me right now. I hope it doesn't last. Finn had laid out a little "private" picnic in the corner of the backyard, and it was exactly like the one I made for our first date in the auditorium. I was about to take a big of the finger sandwiches, when Finn kneeled down and pulled out a ring
"I know, we haven't had the easiest relationship and we've had our struggles, but I know that what I don't struggle with is loving you, I have loved you since we first met, and with this ring I promise to do just that for the rest of our lives, if you let me, so Rachel Barbra Berry, will you do me the honor of marrying me?" Finn asked kind of nervous
"Yes, I will marry you Finn" I said hugging him and kissing him
He spun me around and everyone around us just awed. It was the best thing ever
//end of flashback//Finn POV
Rachel is four months pregnant right now. No one really tells her anything right now because they're scared of what she might do. I don't really blame them, even Chris knows better. We are going to go to the doctors later to see the gender. Right now we are shopping for groceries with Chris. Quinn and puck have a separate cart and are off in the like dairy isle or something.Rachel POV
Finn is pushing the cart holding Chris while I walk rubbing my belly. I was about to grab some apples when someone steals the one right in front of me, when there are tons of others around. I got kind of angry and i heard Chris say
"Ohhhh....you shouldn't have done that mr." he said warning while Finn nodded his head in agreement
"Hey that was my apple!" I yelled tapping his shoulder
The guy turned around and I instantly felt the need to walk away"Hello rachel" he said smiling
Finn walked in front of me and the cart that was holding Chris.
"Sam," Finn said for me
"I believe I was talking to Rachel, tree giant," sam said ticked off
"What do you want sam?" I asked
"You, and your babies" sam replied casually
I quickly held onto Finns hand and hugged Chris tight while
"Not going to happen trouty mouth" Finn said on the verge of hitting him, I pulled him away, when we heard sam yell " watch your backs!" Finn and I just walked away quicker until we saw Quinn running toward us
"You guys we saw" Finn interrupted her "sam" he answered
"Yea how did you" I interrupted "we just spoke to him" I said
"Well, then I ran for nothing!" She said going back to the line
Finn and I just laughed because, Quinn's effort to warn us completely failed.
*At the doctors office"Alright Rachel let's take a look" the doctor said putting the gel on Rachel's stomach
She moved it around a little bit and said
"Everything looks good, would you like to know the sex?" She asked
Finn and Rachel shot each other a look and decided
"Yes" Finn said
"Alright, look like you're having girls!" She said
"I'm sorry, girl-S" Rachel asked shocked
"Yup, you're having twins" the doctor said happily, getting up
"I'll be back with your photos" she said walking out
Rachel looked at Finn with a shocked face. Finn shared the same look, then smiled.
"We're having twins" he said happily
"Wow, two more kids" Rachel said
"Wow" they both said smiling-
Rachel POV
Two girls, wow, I just thought I'd be having one more kid. Looks like I have to deliver two babies, great. Finn and I walked in to see a smiling Quinn and puck.
"Sooooo, what are you having?" Quinn asked
Finn and I looked at each other and said
"We're having girls!" Then we all got in a group hug jumping up and down until Quinn pulled away
"Wait..did you say girls, as in more than one?" Quinn asked
"Yup" Finn said
Puck pated him on the back and said
"Good luck bro"

It's been too long ||finchel sequel||
FanfictionTwo years have passed since Finn said goodbye to Rachel. They haven't heard or seen each other since, but what happens when they meet again at the wrong time and day? Find out where Finn and Rachel stand in heir relationship. ********SEQUEL TO LOVI...