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X'lar carried Anne back to the room with the giant window, Earth hanging like a precious gem against the velvet black of space. As soon as she noticed it, she raised her head, her breath catching. "Wow," she whispered, her voice barely audible.

X'lar moved closer to the window, carrying her with ease, then gently set her down, making sure she could stand on her own. Anne steadied herself, her gaze locked on the mesmerizing sight. Pressing her hands against the glass, she stared at her home planet, mouth slightly open in awe. "I never thought I'd see Earth like this."

X'lar glanced at her, then turned back to the breathtaking view. "It is a beautiful planet. I know not many humans ever have the chance to see it from this perspective."

They stood in silence, soaking in the surreal moment. Anne was mesmerized by the sight of her world, so distant, so beautiful. For a brief moment, it felt like everything else fell away. But reality crept back in; the alien beside her, his towering presence, reminded her of where she was—or rather, where she wasn't.

She turned to X'lar, her eyes tracing up to his face as he continued to gaze at Earth. Finally, he looked down, meeting her eyes with his glowing, molten-gold stare. "Are you ready for our conversation? There is much we need to discuss."

Anne took a breath, feeling the weight of the moment settle around her. "I believe so."

X'lar studied her for a moment, the glow of his eyes reflecting a sense of gravity in what he was about to say. He turned fully toward her, his massive frame casting a shadow against the brilliant view of Earth behind them.

"For us to continue," he began, his voice low and measured, "it is essential that you are honest with me. If I ask you a question, you will do your best to answer truthfully, without pretense."

Anne nodded, her heart beating a little faster. There was a seriousness in his tone that made her realize this wasn't just a conversation; it was a foundation being set.

X'lar's gaze intensified as he continued, his glowing eyes locking onto hers. "If we both agree to a pairing," he said, his tone deepening with emphasis, "honesty will be our most important rule. It's not just something I expect—it's what I demand most of all. Should you choose to submit to me, understand this: dishonesty will have consequences."

Anne felt the weight of his words settle over her. There was no threat in his voice, just a clear statement of how things would be between them. The seriousness of his promise made her stomach flutter; he wasn't just playing a part—he meant every word.

With a slow, deep breath, Anne summoned the courage to ask what had been gnawing at her mind. "And... what happens if I don't agree to a pairing?"

X'lar turned to face her fully, his glowing eyes meeting hers with unwavering calm. "I will return you to your planet."

His response was steady and without hesitation, and Anne found herself believing every word. The way he spoke—direct, firm, yet without malice—left no room for doubt. She nodded, feeling an unexpected sense of relief and trust.

X'lar's gaze remained steady as he asked, "In our communication so far, have you been completely honest with me? Are you truly ready to leave Earth, or are there any responsibilities or ties that you are hesitant to leave behind?"

Anne took a moment to consider. She had no family, her connections were mostly superficial, and her remote job was neither fulfilling nor something she would miss. There was nothing truly holding her back. Yet, she couldn't just up and leave with someone she just met, that was crazy, so she decided to respond truthfully.

"I don't feel entirely comfortable making a final decision just yet," she admitted.

X'lar's eyes softened slightly as he nodded. "I anticipated that you might not be ready immediately. I'm glad you're being honest. To address this, I propose a trial period. During this time, we will engage in the dynamic, but you will remain free to leave at any point. I've made arrangements to handle your responsibilities on Earth so you would be free to return if you choose."

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