Irresistible Fantasy

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A new notification lit up Anne's screen: "You have a new message!"

Curious, she opened it and read:

Greetings, Anne. I am X'lar, unpaired and seeking a compatible partner. My initial research suggests a possibility for compatibility between us. My species is naturally dominant, finding purpose and pleasure in guiding, caring for, and taking charge in a consensual relationship with a submissive partner.

In such a dynamic, my role would be to understand your needs and provide what is necessary for you to thrive under my care. I propose communication as the next step to explore our potential alignment.

Anne blinked, surprised by the unexpected formality and thoughtfulness of the message. "Well, that's... different," she thought.

She reread the message from X'lar, appreciating how polite yet straightforward it was. He conveyed exactly what he was offering, no guessing games, no vague promises. "If only real men on my dating apps were this direct," she muttered, shaking her head.

Curious, she checked his profile, hoping for a picture or at least a few details. Nothing. No image, no additional information—just his name, X'lar. She decided to send a reply.

I accept your proposal for communication, but I have to ask... why is there nothing on your profile? Not even a picture?

I prefer to communicate directly, without preconceived notions. I find it more efficient.

Anne couldn't help but smile. "Efficient, huh? This guy really does things his own way."

Do you have experience as a submissive?

She hesitated, feeling a little vulnerable but deciding to be honest. No harm in being honest to an AI after all.

Not really... I've always wanted to, but I never found anyone worthy enough to submit to. I have the urge, the desire...i know it's what i need... but no experience.

There was a brief pause before X'lar's next message appeared.

Understandable. Finding a worthy Earthling seems almost impossible. They are so... tiny and powerless.

Anne burst out laughing at that. She quickly typed back:

You have no idea!

He replied swiftly:

Is what I offer what you are seeking?

Anne thought for a moment, then answered truthfully:

Yes, it is.

She bit her lip, feeling a flutter of excitement and typed again:

So, how do we proceed?

Now that you have agreed to communication, I must make preparations for us to meet in person. It is the most effective way to proceed.

Anne grinned, feeling playful.

So... you'll beam me up to your ship, then?

There was a pause, and then:

Precisely, once i'm in orbit. But if you prefer, and it would make you feel safer, I can come to your planet instead.

Anne chuckled, finding herself genuinely entertained. A little alien space station roleplay sounded like fun.

No, that's ok. Just make sure your ship is safe for humans—like, oxygen to breathe and nothing that could accidentally kill me would be nice :) and promise you won't just abduct me against my will.

I promise you will be safe. Your well-being is my responsibility and i take that very seriously. You will be free to leave at any time.

Anne felt a strange comfort in his words. Even if this was just a game, he was saying all the right things.

I will handle all necessary preparations. Once everything is in order, I will contact you. We will discuss the rest when we meet.

Anne smiled and replied:

Can't wait.

She set her phone down, waiting for a new message from X'lar to continue the roleplay, but after a while, there were still no new notifications. A twinge of disappointment crept in.

She sighed and put her phone aside. A part of her wished this was more than just a game. The thought of X'lar, mysterious and intriguing, sent unexpected shivers down her spine and a flutter of excitement between her legs.

Anne lay back on her bed, her thoughts still lingering on the enigmatic X'lar. She closed her eyes, trying to imagine the mysterious figure who had so captivated her imagination. In her mind, he took shape as a tall, imposing silhouette, his presence both commanding and intriguing. The shadowy figure hovered over her, evoking a sense of authority and care, wrapped in a shroud of mystery.

As she focused on the tingling sensation between her legs, her breath quickened. She let herself drift into the fantasy, the image of X'lar's dark silhouette becoming more vivid. The thought of his powerful presence, even in her imagination, sent waves of excitement through her.

She began to gently touch herself, her movements slow and deliberate. The sensation of her own fingers brought her closer to the edge. In her mind, she felt his gaze, his control, and his promise of taking care of her.

The tingles between her legs intensified, and she let out a soft sigh, lost completely in this irresistible fantasy.

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