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Anne's fingers traced the smooth contours of her rejuvenated body, still marveling at the transformation. The soft fabric of her new purple suit hugged her form, and she couldn't help but compare it to the vibrant life now coursing through her veins. She glanced over at X'lar, who was busy at a console across the room, his large hands moving deftly over strange, glowing symbols. The sleek technology was just as alien and awe-inspiring as everything else about him.

His earlier words echoed in her mind: "You need nourishment. Sit down, I'll prepare your meal." She obeyed, sitting on the peculiar, soft sofa that overlooked the stunning view of Earth, but uncertainty gnawed at her. She was his now—what did that mean for her actions? Was she free to speak? Could she ask the endless questions swirling in her mind?

Just as Anne mustered the courage to ask something, X'lar approached with a plate of food and set it on the floating table beside her. The aroma was enticing, and her stomach growled in anticipation. She glanced up, smiling in thanks. "This looks amazing, thank you," she said, her hunger winning out over her nerves. But as she reached out to take the plate, X'lar's voice cut through the air.


The firmness in his tone startled her, and she pulled her hand back instinctively. Before she could fully process his command, X'lar had already scooped her up effortlessly, placing her on his lap as he sat down next to the table.

Anne's eyes flickered to the plate. The food looked unfamiliar—small, vibrant fruits that seemed to shimmer under the light, and a smooth, greenish paste with a faintly iridescent sheen. X'lar picked up one of the fruits, its shape unlike anything she'd seen before, like a translucent, plump teardrop. He held it up to her lips, patiently waiting.

Anne hesitated. "I can eat on my own, you know. You don't have to feed me."

X'lar's gaze was steady, unwavering. "I told you, all your needs are my responsibility now. Be a good girl and eat."

She felt a flutter of defiance but, feeling the weight of his words, she opened her mouth and accepted the fruit. The moment it touched her tongue, the taste exploded—a burst of sweetness and tang, like a mix of tropical flavors she couldn't quite place. It was delicious, and she found herself savoring it. There was something strangely soothing about his control, about surrendering to this unfamiliar sensation.

X'lar continued to feed her, each piece met with gentle encouragement. But as the fruits disappeared, he reached for the green paste, dipping his finger into the substance before holding it in front of her mouth. The pungent smell hit her immediately—sharp, earthy, and bitter. She wrinkled her nose, instinctively pulling her head back.

"I... I'm not hungry anymore," she said quickly, trying to wriggle away from his grasp. But X'lar tightened his hold on her just enough to keep her in place, his expression calm but firm.

"Open your mouth, little one."

Anne's heart raced, a wave of anxiety rushing over her. She turned her head, trying again to pull away, but his grip was unyielding. "Please, it smells awful," she pleaded, her voice small.

X'lar remained composed, but there was a hint of steel in his voice. "We will stay like this until you finish your meal. I told you, your well-being is mine to manage. Trust me."

Anne's resistance began to waver as she stared at the paste on his finger. She didn't understand why he was being so insistent, but there was no doubt in his voice, no room for negotiation. Reluctantly, she opened her mouth, allowing him to place the paste on her tongue. The taste was as unpleasant as the smell—bitter and foreign, with a texture that made her gag slightly.

X'lar's hand gently stroked her back, guiding her through the discomfort. "Good girl," he murmured softly. "Just swallow."

With great effort, Anne forced the paste down, her face scrunching in distaste. Despite the bitterness, there was a strange satisfaction in obeying him, in pushing past her discomfort because he asked her to. The praise that followed warmed her.

X'lar continued feeding her the paste, but with each portion, his touch became more deliberate. As he placed his finger in her mouth, he began to gently tease her tongue, lingering longer each time, exploring the softness of her mouth. His slow, intentional movements were sensual, stirring a different kind of sensation that quickly eclipsed her discomfort. Anne's focus shifted entirely; the bitter taste faded into the background as the intimacy of his touch took over.

Each stroke of his finger sent small shivers down her spine, her body responding to the unexpected pleasure of the moment. She found herself leaning into his touch, her breath quickening, and her resistance dissolving into quiet submission. By the time the plate was empty, Anne was flushed with unexpected desire, her thoughts clouded with a growing heat that drowned out the unpleasant taste.

X'lar watched her closely, satisfied as her resistance melted away into something else entirely. With a low, knowing tone, he murmured, "You've been nourished to my liking; time i attend to the heat burning inside you." He caressed her with a promise of what was to come, his fingers gliding over her skin with deliberate, teasing touches. Her body responded instinctively, a shiver of anticipation running through her as she leaned into his touch, her breath quickening.

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