Chapter 8

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It was around October and the spooky season was coming into fruition. Rin looked at her calendar and noticed that Halloween was coming up. At the same time, it meant that the school Halloween party was coming up. She looked over at her Kamen Rider W cosplay and the incomplete W Driver that she was working on. She finished the paintjob and added the finishing details to the Cyclone and Joker Gaia Memories. She also had a cosplay for each of Kamen Rider W's different forms: HeatMetal and LunarTrigger. Thinking about it, Rin also knew that a local cosplay convention was coming up and decided to ask Touma and his stepsister Hanna for help. 

"Yeah, I'm in." Touma said

"And me." Hanna said

"Thanks guys, I appreciate it. By the way, it's this Sunday at the Tokyo Dome." Rin said

"See ya there!" Touma and Hanna bellowed

As the day of the convention approached, Rin found herself getting more and more excited. She had spent countless hours perfecting her Kamen Rider W cosplay, and she couldn't wait to show it off to the other fans. She had even made a few props, including a replica of the W Driver and the Cyclone and Joker Gaia Memories.

Touma and Hanna had offered to help her with the logistics of the convention, and Rin was grateful for their support. The three of them met up on Saturday evening to discuss their plan of attack for the next day.

"Okay, so we need to get to the Tokyo Dome by 8 am to set up," Rin said, consulting her notes. "We'll need to bring the cosplay, the props, and the display board."

"Got it," Touma said, nodding. "I'll bring the car, and we can load everything up in the trunk."

"I'll bring some snacks and drinks," Hanna added. "We don't want to get stuck with overpriced convention food."

Rin smiled, feeling a sense of relief wash over her. She had been worried about how she was going to get everything to the convention centre, but with Touma and Hanna's help, she knew she could relax.

The next morning, the three of them set off early, Rin's cosplay and props packed carefully into the trunk of Touma's car. They arrived at the Tokyo Dome just as the sun was rising, and Rin's excitement grew as she saw the other cosplayers and fans starting to arrive.

As they set up their display, Rin couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Her Kamen Rider W cosplay looked amazing, and the props and display board really made it stand out. She had even made a few signs with fun facts about the series, and a banner that read "Kamen Rider W: The Heroes of Fuuto City."

Before long, the convention was in full swing, and Rin's display was attracting a lot of attention. Fans of all ages came by to admire her cosplay and take photos, and Rin was happy to oblige. She even got to meet a few other cosplayers who were also fans of Kamen Rider W, and they spent hours geeking out over the series.

As the day wore on, Rin started to feel a little hungry, and she was grateful for the snacks and drinks that Hanna had brought. They took a break to grab some lunch, and Rin was thrilled to see that there were a few food trucks set up outside the convention centre, offering everything from traditional Japanese cuisine to more Western-style burgers and hot dogs.

After lunch, the three of them decided to take a walk around the convention centre, checking out the other displays and exhibits. Rin was amazed by the creativity and talent on display, and she spent hours browsing through the various stalls and booths.

As the day drew to a close, Rin realized that she had had an amazing time. She had met some great people, seen some incredible cosplay, and even managed to sell a few of her own crafts and artwork. As they packed up the car to head home, Rin turned to Touma and Hanna with a huge smile on her face.

"Thanks, guys," she said. "I couldn't have done it without you. That was the best day ever!"

Touma and Hanna grinned back at her, and the three of them drove off into the sunset, already planning their next adventure.

Over the next few weeks, Rin's Kamen Rider W cosplay started to gain a lot of attention online. She had posted a few photos on social media, and they had quickly gone viral. She started to receive messages from other fans and cosplayers, asking for tips and advice on how to create their own Kamen Rider W cosplay.

Rin was happy to help, and she spent hours responding to messages and sharing her own experiences. She even started a blog, where she posted tutorials and guides on how to create different aspects of the cosplay.

As the months went by, Rin's blog became one of the go-to resources for Kamen Rider W cosplayers. She started to receive invitations to attend conventions and events, and she even landed a few sponsorships with companies that wanted to work with her.

Through it all, Touma and Hanna remained her closest friends and confidants. They attended conventions with her, helped her with her blog and social media, and even started to get involved in the cosplay scene themselves.

Rin looked back on that first convention as a turning point in her life. It had brought her closer to her friends, and had opened up a whole new world of possibilities for her. She knew that she would always be grateful for that day, and for the incredible journey that had followed.

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