Chapter 3

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Rin was helping Touma carry groceries home. Halfway, Rin began singing the theme song of Kamen Rider W: "WBX- Boiled Extreme". Because of this, Touma heard her singing voice and stated that she was very good at singing. This comment made Rin blush in embarrassment, but she thanked him for the compliment nonetheless. It was at this moment when they ran into someone from Touma's past. This girl had green hair and green eyes.

 This girl had green hair and green eyes

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"Hey, Touma!" the girl bellowed

"Izuku, hey!" Touma bellowed

"Touma, do you know this girl?" Rin asked

"This is my childhood friend, Izuku Midoriya. Izuku, this is my classmate... Rin Kamiya." Touma said

Rin's eyes widened as she took in Izuku's energetic demeanor, her green hair and eyes sparkling with an infectious enthusiasm. "Nice to meet you, Izuku!" Rin chimed in, her own embarrassment from earlier forgotten in the face of this new encounter.

Izuku, not one to be subtle, charged forward and enveloped Touma in a bear hug. "It's been ages, Touma! I've missed you so much!" she exclaimed, her voice carrying across the quiet streets.

Touma, laughing, patted Izuku on the back before gently extricating himself from her grasp. "Easy there, Izu. What brings you to this part of town?" he asked, curiosity getting the better of him.

Izuku's face lit up, her eyes shining with excitement. "I'm on a mission to find the best ramen in the city! I heard there's a new shop nearby that's supposed to be amazing. Want to come with me?"

Rin, intrigued, spoke up, "Ramen sounds great, but shouldn't we finish getting the groceries home first?" She glanced down at the bags still clutched in Touma's hands, a reminder of their original task.

Touma nodded, "Yeah, good point, Rin. We can drop off the groceries and then head out for ramen. Izuku, you can come with us and we can catch up while we walk."

Izuku grinned, her green eyes sparkling. "Sounds like a plan! Lead the way, Touma!"

As they continued on their way, Rin couldn't help but notice the easy camaraderie between Touma and Izuku. It was clear that their friendship was deeply rooted, and she found herself feeling a little left out. But Izuku's infectious energy soon drew her in, and before long, the three of them were chatting and laughing together like old friends.

As they approached Touma's apartment building, Izuku suddenly stopped in her tracks, her gaze fixed on something behind Rin. "Wait, what's that?" she asked, her voice tinged with curiosity.

Rin turned to see what had caught Izuku's attention, and her eyes widened as she took in the sight of a sleek, black motorcycle parked by the curb. "Is that... a motorcycle?" she asked, her heart racing with excitement.

Izuku's eyes lit up, and she let out a whoop of excitement. "It's a Ducati! Oh man, I've always wanted to ride one of those!"

Touma chuckled, "I think it belongs to our neighbour, Shouta. He's a bit of a bike enthusiast."

Rin's eyes sparkled with mischief. "You know, Touma, since we're already out, why don't we take a detour and go for a ride? It'll be fun, I promise!"

Izuku's eyes met Rin's, and they shared a conspiratorial grin. "Come on, Touma, it'll be an adventure!" they chimed in unison, their voices carrying across the quiet afternoon air.

As Touma hesitated, Rin and Izuku could sense the wheels turning in his mind. They exchanged a mischievous glance, and before Touma could respond, Rin had already taken matters into her own hands. She strode over to the Ducati, her eyes scanning the sleek design with an air of excitement.

"Izuku, can you check if the owner left the keys in the ignition?" Rin asked, her voice tinged with a hint of mischief.

Izuku, always up for an adventure, quickly obliged. She hopped onto the sidewalk and peered into the ignition. "Yes! The keys are in! We're good to go!"

Touma's eyes widened in alarm as Rin began to examine the motorcycle's controls. "Rin, I don't think this is a good idea. We can't just take someone's motorcycle without permission."

Rin turned to face him, a persuasive smile spreading across her face. "Come on, Touma! It'll be a quick spin. We'll be back before Shouta even notices. Besides, I've always wanted to ride a Ducati. It's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!"

Izuku chimed in, her green eyes sparkling with enthusiasm. "Yeah, Touma! It'll be a blast! We can even make it a racing game! Loser buys ramen for the winner!"

Touma's resolve began to crumble under the pressure of his friends' infectious energy. He glanced around, ensuring they were alone, before giving in to the temptation. "Fine, but just a quick spin. And no racing, Izuku. We don't want to get into an accident."

Rin let out a triumphant whoop, while Izuku performed a small victory dance on the sidewalk. As they prepared to mount the motorcycle, Rin turned to Touma and handed him a helmet. "You're driving, Touma. You're the most responsible one here."

Touma donned the helmet, feeling a mix of excitement and trepidation. He straddled the motorcycle, feeling the powerful engine rumble beneath him. Rin hopped on behind him, wrapping her arms around his waist, while Izuku perched on the back, holding onto Rin's waist.

As they roared to life, the Ducati's engine growling like a beast, Touma felt a rush of adrenaline coursing through his veins. They sped off into the afternoon, the wind whipping through their hair, and the cityscape blurring into a colourful smear.

The trio weaved through the streets, laughing and shouting, as they explored the city from a new perspective. They took sharp turns, feeling the motorcycle's tires grip the asphalt, and accelerated down straightaways, the wind buffeting their faces.

As they rode, Rin began to sing again, her voice carrying above the roar of the engine. This time, it was a rendition of "Born to Be Wild," her voice blending with the wind and the motorcycle's rumble. Izuku and Touma joined in, their voices harmonizing as they belted out the classic rock anthem.

Their impromptu joyride came to an end all too soon, as they pulled back into the apartment complex's parking lot. Shouta, the motorcycle's owner, stood by the curb, a look of surprise on his face.

"Hey, you three! I see you found my bike. I hope you had fun, but next time, please ask permission before taking it for a spin."

Rin, Izuku, and Touma exchanged sheepish glances, grinning from ear to ear. "Sorry, Shouta," they chimed in unison, still high on the thrill of their adventure.

As they dismounted the motorcycle, Touma turned to his friends, a newfound appreciation for their spontaneity. "You know, I never would have done that if it weren't for you two. Thanks for pushing me out of my comfort zone."

Rin smiled, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Anytime, Touma. Now, about that ramen...?"

The three friends shared a laugh, as they walked off towards the nearby ramen shop, already planning their next adventure. As they disappeared into the crowded streets, the Ducati's engine fell silent, waiting for its next thrill-seeking riders to take it for a spin.

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