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When he returned to his room, there was still no bed. Maybe she wouldn't meet him here. He fell back into his usual routine of working out, pacing, and practicing mental spells until he heard a shy knock. He tried not to think about his arm. He knew it was deep and the scar tissue would be ugly, but he didn't care. Nothing hurt worse than the guilt he already felt.

Tap Tap.

Was that a knock? It seemed too shy and timid to be considered a knock on a Death Eater's door in Azkaban, Draco thought. Suddenly, the same guard from earlier aggressively pushed open the door and as soon as Granger stepped inside the door slammed shut. It was real. She was real. Oh God, why did I pick her? Draco's mind suddenly raced with a million thoughts. He had been so stupid. He should have just died in peace without bringing more embarrassment and attention. He didn't know what to say so he just stared. It's not like "Hello Hermione, I've been slowly going insane and having many dreams about you," was a good starter.

She looked so small. Even in the worst shape he's ever been in, Draco was still over a foot taller than her. Her curly brown hair rested down below her shoulders and her big eyes looked gently up at him. She barely even whispered,


Suddenly, upon hearing his name, Draco stuttered. "I-I'm sorry. I didn't know who else to ask for. I can't remember anything for months before the last battle. My parents are dead. I didn't want to be a Death Eater. I don't know what to do. I'm going to die." His shoulders started shaking. He couldn't breathe. His chest hurt. What's wrong with me?

"Draco hey, hey," she rushed towards him and caught him and he sank down to the ground shaking so violently it shook both their frames.

"I'm so sorry Hermione," he looked at her pleading for someone to understand. "I didn't want to do any of it. I tried. I tried so hard to save them. And he killed them anyway. My parents are gone." He then turned and violently retched into the chamber pot nearby, which progressed into a sob. Oh God, now he was crying in front of her.

"Look at me, I need you to listen to me."

He stared at her through glazed over eyes.

"I know," she said, "I know you can't remember right now, but I'm going to fix this. I'm going to get you out and I'm going to help you." She said it in an objective manner. Gentle, but Draco still couldn't tell if it was laced with personal sentiment or was the tone she always used when talking to someone.

"Hermione, I need you to tell me something, was there a night in the library with you and me? I was reading a book about archaic ruins and spells then you quizzed me and invited me to study. Did that happen or am I going insane? Are we friends? Was I nice to you?"

She looked at him with a mixture of shock and worry, but also hope? Draco didn't know how to read her. She unexpectedly grabbed his face. "Draco, shhhh, you have to be quiet and listen to me. Yes, the library was real. Yes we were friends, although not many other people knew. And you grew to be exceptionally kind to me." She said all of this is a low and rushed voice. "Something is going on that isn't right, the other Death Eaters are all dead. Something is different. We're only 17, you shouldn't matter to Scrimgeour, but for some reason he's keeping you here and alive. You're important to him, and that makes him dangerous. I am going to get you out."

Draco had finally stopped shaking. She remained close to him. He was relieved. The library was real. What happened after? He had so many questions that were competing for his attention, but he shoved them into the corner of his mind and focused on his immediate survival.

"What do I do Hermione?"

"I have a plan. Granted, it's not a very good one, but it's the best that we've got. We weren't even sure that the political pressure would work on Scrimgeour to let you have a visitor. You're a very popular man right now, and Scrimgeour can't take the PR hit of mistreating the most important post-war prisoner without extracting any valuable information..." He interrupted, "Wait, who's we?"

"Right, sorry," she continued, "Me, Harry, Ron, Hagrid, Mcgonagall, Neville, Ginny, and well, a lot of people. I promise I'll explain everything once you're safe."

Malfoy suddenly realized for the first time that there was hope. Real hope, that he would get out of Azkaban, that he would live, that he would clear his name.

Hermione glanced at the watch on her wrist. "We don't have much time. Quick, let me tell you what you need to do."

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