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That night they all played a muggle game that Hermione called Go Fish. Draco found that there were no fish involved, but he was fond of strategy-based games and quite familiar with the field of deception. He easily won every time by keeping track of the cards that other players didn't have, thus deducing what they did have. Draco did not ever have to "go fishing." He also won the games called Pitch and UNO. Ron asked if he had taken liquid luck.

They were all drinking except Draco. He decided that he had endured enough confusion and memory loss for a while. Even Hermione, who normally opposed purposefully installing mental impairment upon oneself, was drinking. She needed to let loose. Last night was the first night I've slept soundly in months, she thought. She raised her strawberry daiquiri to meet Draco's glass of the muggle drink called Coke. Harry, Neville, and Ron had beers, and Luna had a lime daiquiri. Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Luna quickly cast her wand to the record player and stopped the music. They all made eye contact. Harry cautiously crept over to the door, wand at the ready.

He opened the door to find Ginny.

"Ginny! Bloody Hell, you scared me, how did you get here so fast?" Harry said while wrapping her into a hug and kissing her on the cheek.

"Well, trust me- no one was following. The wizarding world is in shambles right now. The media doesn't know what to do about Malfoy and Scrimgeour is trying to instill new magical regulations everywhere. He says that he's trying to prevent another wizard like Voldemort from slipping through the systematic cracks, but he's really trying to take away the freedom to use magic. I took a day trip train to southern France, then apparated to a hotel in northern Belgium before here. I made sure to occlude anyone who I talked to at the station and hotel, and I wrapped my hair to avoid recognition."

"You're brilliant. I've missed you," Harry said.

"Oi, come inside now. Let me see my dearest baby sister," Ron said while sweeping Ginny into another hug. Luna and Neville followed, handing Ginny a lime daiquiri of her own. Ginny quickly thanked them and wandered into the kitchen where Hermione and Draco were left sitting.

Hermione was rambling on about how once when she was six, she ran straight into a door in her house and knocked out a tooth. She thought it would be gone forever, but her dentist parents said a new one, an adult tooth, would grow back in its place. Then, she thought that she was an adult. Ha. Look at us now. Not even real adults yet and we've won a war, she said while hanging onto Draco's waist. She laughed so hard she started to hiccup. She was very drunk, and only had one drink. Draco silently laughed at the fact that she was such a lightweight, but guessed that it had to do with her size and that she rarely drank. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Er- hello Malfoy," Ginny said as though she had walked in on something that her eyes couldn't unsee. Her tone changed from awkward to sarcastic as she continued, "Enjoy your stay in Azkaban?"

"I have to say I quite enjoy what they've done with the place. It really takes on a home-like vibe. They even provided me with complimentary fresh water for free."

At this, Hermione burst out laughing and attempted to climb onto the top of the table. Draco quickly snatched her off and pulled her into his chest protectively. "Would love to catch up Ginny, but I think Hermione has done herself in for the night. Glad you're here," he said as he swiftly picked Hermione up in his arms.

"Come on Gin, us too. We can talk with Malfoy and strategize all we want tomorrow, but right now you and I have a lot of catching up to do. Alone," Harry suggested.

"Bloody Hell, my ears are going to fall off. Come on Luna, save me from this new found torture," said Ron.

That left them all jinxing "Night Neville." Poor Neville. He had always been socially awkward at school, but really grew out of his shell after joining Dumbledore's Army organized by the Trio. He fought valiantly in the Last Battle and everyone at the house thought he deserved to be happy with someone, but Neville was quite content with his plants. He was holding out for someone who showed the same interest in Herbology and could test his knowledge. So far, the only person who had come close was Hermione, but she was obviously enthralled with Draco, leaving Neville to continue his gardening in peace. "I recommend that no one drunkenly add or subtract to the global wizarding population tonight. I know I won't. I think I fancy a forage. I need to find some more Bezoar to brew antidotes. Plus, we need more fluxweed for polyjuice potions and it's a full moon tonight." With that he stood, and handed them all their Draught of Peace viles. It kept the dreams away, and truthfully, none of them could sleep without it.

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