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TW: violence

Draco was in Malfoy Manner facing Voldemort. "You will kill him," said Voldemort.


Draco returned to school at the start of the fall term and his mother remained with Voldemort as "insurance." All year, he felt like a clock was ticking, but he didn't have the time. On the day that he went to kill Dumbledore, Malfoy received a howler with his mother screaming, and begging for Draco to make it stop.

It sent him over the edge.

He climbed the astronomy tower, he took out his wand. "Draco, let me help you," Dumbledore said. No one could help him. He had to do it. He had to save his family. Snape suddenly appeared. "No." He stepped in, and Draco lowered his wand. Draco saw the flash leave Severus' wand,

"Avada Kedavra."

Dead. Snape had protected him. Dumbledore was dead. And Draco didn't do it.

The dream changed.

He was back in Malfoy manner- the drawing-room now. Using an invisibility charm. Harry, Ron, and Hermione have been captured. He would get them out, he just needed a plan. Bellatrix ordered Harry and Ron away. She was bent over Hermione and questioning her about the sword of Gryffindor.

Hermione was crying. "Please." "Please."

She was suddenly screaming in pain. Draco couldn't stand it, watching her be carved into like an animal. Draco left the drawing room and tried to summon Dobby.

"Dobby, I know you're free and I do not command you, but please, help me. Get them out. NOW!!"

When Harry and Ron ambushed them, Draco sent the weakest stupify he had ever produced. He had to play the part. Harry knew. He nodded, ever so slightly at Malfoy.

Bellatrix now held a glass shard to Hermione's throat. Draco grabbed Harry and Ron's wands, then looked to Dobby, nodding to the ceiling.

Once Dobby unscrewed the Chandelier, Draco grunted and attempted to look like he was fighting Potter for his wand. He really handed them over and whispered, "Get her out of here." The Trio and Dobby apparated out of the Manor. They were safe.

(End of TW)

Draco was screaming.


Hermione bolted into the room. It was nearly 3 pm, and he had slept over 12 hours. She sat on the edge of the bed and shook him. "Draco, Draco, I'm here, it's okay."

He sat up sweating. He pulled her into a tight hug. His breaths were fast at first but slowed over time. Eventually, he looked at her. "Let me see your arm, Hermione."

She gasped slightly as if she were shocked that he asked. Then, slowly shook her head,

"Draco, it wasn't your fault."


He buried his face in his hands. She put her arm on his shoulder and began rubbing his back, hot from sweating.

"Draco, you did the right thing. You couldn't blow your cover. You're Marked. Voldemort would have known. Then, more people would have died, including you. You saved us in the way you could." Harry was in the doorway now.

"It didn't save Dobby. I watched the knife cut into his chest as you apparated away. Dobby, he- he raised me really. Now he's dead because of me."

Harry started, "Malfoy, countless people gave their lives to support our side of the war. Dobby was a good and loyal friend. He died knowing that he saved us while protecting your true motive, as did Snape. You were a spy. The best actually. You and Snape. He was another spy the whole time and did everything he could to help protect you."

"I didn't kill Dumbledore."

"I know. I was there. You were never going to do it and stayed loyal to the Order in the end. Even if it meant losing your mom and your own life, you wouldn't do it. Snape promised to protect you and wasn't going to let that happen."

By then Neville was back. He continued, "In the final battle, it was you who told me where Nagini was and to use the sword to kill her."

Hermione followed, "You helped ward Hogwarts in preparation for the final battle. You killed Death Eaters to save students. You blocked a killing curse headed for Minerva. You stepped in front of a curse for meant for Luna. You were not one of them, Draco. We couldn't have won the war without your help discovering the Horcruxes, covering our tracks, saving us, and fighting with us."

His mind focused on her words- He wasn't one of them.

Draco smiled, "In that case, thanks to you lot for saving me."

"Don't mention it," answered Neville. "Besides, Hermione would've killed us if we didn't."

 They all laughed. It was warm and heartfelt. 

"Come on mate, there's still work to do." Ron pulled Draco up.

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