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As the door to Draco's cell slammed open and Scrimgeour appeared with about a dozen guards, Harry and the others pointed their wands at the outer cell wall and-

"Confringo!", "Bombarda Maxima!" ,"Reducto!" ,"Bombarda!", "Confringo!"

They seemed to have forgotten to agree on a spell.

Draco felt his magic flow through him. He missed the feeling and wasn't quite sure that a powerful spell like "Bombarda" was the best selection for a reintroduction. Oh well, he had never been one for warmups.

The dementors immediately rushed in through the gaping hole where the wall had once been. Draco knew he had to think of a happy memory for a patronus charm, and usually thought of an afternoon picking strawberries with his mother. But she was dead now. Draco defaulted to the first happy thought that crossed his mind- he focused on the memory from Christmas- the feeling of Hermione's arms wrapped around his, the scent of her shampoo, her eyes, her smile.

Harry's stag, Hermione's otter, Ron's Russel Terrier, Neville's nimbus, and Draco's serpent all shielded them from the dementor's soul-sucking kiss. Scrimgeour's crew wasn't as prepared and immediately fell to the cold, dread-filled air. Scrimgeour himself seemed to have managed a patronus, in the form of a crocodile, but a patronus spell required maximum focus and he was unable to cast anything else towards the group.

It seemed that the swarm of dementors was never-ending. Draco felt a tug on his arm and the group moved towards the hole in the cell. More and more dementors entered and their magical force was overwhelming. They couldn't hold their charms much longer. By this time, the polyjuice potion had worn off. Not that it mattered given the current circumstances. Draco stared at Hermione. Her hair was tied in a loose bun with curls escaping around her neck, and her perfume smelled sweet like strawberries Draco thought. His mind snapped back to the current situation:

They were going to jump.

They made eye contact and waited for Harry to yell, "Now!"

Their jump plunged them into the unforgiving cold air above the sea. Draco thought he tried to scream, but the pain in his chest was too great. He was weak from physical and magical exhaustion. He lost consciousness falling mid-air. As Malfoy's vision went black, he could faintly hear the others screaming and saw bits of limbs flailing in his peripheral.

Harry struggled to open his coat jacket, where he had charmed a broomstick into a miniature stick. He yelled, "Engorgio!" The broom enlarged and began to fall with them. Harry grabbed onto it and quickly mounted. He didn't have much time before they reached the sea. He rode to Ron and enlarged another broom. Ron caught Hermione, who was still screaming even on the broom, and Harry got Neville. With the three other Order members safely on their brooms, Harry raced to get Draco.

He wasn't fast enough.

Draco's body hit the cold sea, and unaware, he started to sink. Harry pulled up on his broom, more of an innate reaction than plunging into the deadly water, but still, he pulled up.

"NO!" shrieked Hermione. She clawed at Ron's back, "We have to get him!" Without thinking, Hermione threw herself into the sea. "HERMIONE!" everyone shouted at the same time.

The water hit her face. It was so cold it burned. She used her wand to cast a Lumos and panicked. She couldn't see him anywhere. What if he fell somewhere else? Oh God, no. She couldn't breathe, and not just because she was underwater. Then, she saw his blond hair. It looked beautiful contrasting the dark that was all around them. She kicked her legs as hard as she could and swam to him. Her fingertips just grazing his, as her lungs burned, begging her to breathe. She grabbed his hand and pulled him up to lock her arm under his shoulder. Then, like Harry had in year four, she cast an Ascendio with her last breath.

Draco was laid flat on the ground, at the base of the rocks surrounding Azkaban. In the time Hermione was underwater, Harry had gone back to find Hagrid, and Ron and Neville had helped Hermione and Draco get back to land.

Hermione was crying. She grabbed his face and gently pushed his hair to the side.

"Draco? Draco? Please," she pleaded. She pulled his body up into a supine position and wrapped her arms around him. Now she was sobbing and rocking him back and forth. Something in her chest tore, and she realized it was the same pain she felt when she Obliviated her parents all those months ago. It was the feeling of losing a piece of her heart.

Abruptly, Draco choked on the water in his lungs. He painfully coughed up the water and rolled out her arms onto his side. Harry, Hagrid, Ron, and Neville stared in disbelief. They had never seen Hermione so distraught. Malfoy could feel blood running down his arm.

"Merlin's beard mate," Ron started, "You've had a rough day."

Draco attempted a weak smile. Something like that, he thought.

"Malfoy," Hagrid said in a relieved tone, "Good to see yer alive and well. Best be on our way now before Scrimgeour gets on down here with his band of dementors. Right, everyone ready? The first portkey will take us to a house in Germany."

They all circled around Draco. He noticed Hermione was violently shivering and frost had begun to accumulate on her eyelashes. Hagrid stepped into the center and pulled open the brown burlap sack. The portkey was a trunk, engineered with 6 different handles for them to grasp. "On Harry's count of 3."


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