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That night, Malfoy lay awake restless. There had to be a way to save Snape. And what were they going to do about the battle? No one truly knew when Voldemort planned to attack. They were attempting to control the uncontrollable and cripple him from the inside out. Malfoy also considered another problem: Harry didn't know that he was the last Horcrux. Neither did Malfoy for a fact, but with Hermione's thoughts and feelings intertwined with his, he knew that she suspected it. It would make sense then, everything: how Harry is a Parselmouth and seems to have a weirdly similar connection with Voldemort as Harry and Hermione do. Draco got up and slowly paced back and forth in his room. There had to be something they could control...then he realized.

Hermione? he thought urgently despite it being almost 1 am.

Yes? What's wrong?, She responded.

Listen. Right now, you're sitting ducks. Literally, everyone at Hogwarts is waiting for Voldemort to attack, all the while he's out here doing nothing. His army is ready to move, but he's just waiting, probably for your morale to crack. I know this sounds crazy but I think we need to start the attack. Then, we have the upper hand while he scrambles into action. But he can't know we intentionally provoked him.

Okay, she answered in a tone that told Draco she was actually considering it. But how?

Currently he doesn't know Harry is at Hogwarts, so stage a scene. Pretend to break in the castle or something and I'll send Snape to interfere. Drive him out. Make it seem like we have the upperhand over Voldemort's forces. It will prompt him to attack and at least we know it's coming.

I'll talk to Minerva. Tomorrow night we stage it? Is that enough time for you to figure out how to save Snape? She asked. I know how important he is to you, she added after a minute.

It was something that they never really talked about. Hermione and Draco of course, but also Draco and Snape. He knew that Snape made an unbreakable vow to aid him in killing Dumbledore, but Snape's guidance and protection always extended past that. From when they started at Hogwarts, Snape brutally supervised and attended to Malfoy more than anyone else in Slytherin house. At the time, Malfoy assumed it was something to do with his father's influence, but now he thought that Snape had been preparing him for what was to come. This war. Draco's role. From day one, Snape had knew. In the process, Draco also noted, he thought Snape had developed a rather unexpected attachment. He wanted to see Malfoy succeed, but would never truly admit it. Their relationship had became more familial and paternal than Draco regarded his own father Lucious.

Draco finalized the conversation: Do what you have to, I'll figure the rest out.

Their plan worked perfectly. When the news hit, Voldemort's cabinet was crazy. Death Eaters were swarming in and out of the dining hall like flies to rotten meat. Even Draco himself was called upon.

"Tell me what you know about Harry Potter," Voldemort commanded.

Draco was confused, "Um, what do you mean? As a person, or?"


Their bait was working. Voldemort was clearly frenzied on why Potter had made such a bold display of his presence when he's spent the last months hiding. "I haven't the slightest clue my Lord."

"Incompetent boy! Get out." Voldemort shooed him away with a flick of the wrist and looked to summon someone else higher ranked than Draco.

In the meantime, Draco sought out Snape. His only indication that Snape was pleased with the success of Draco's plan was the slight raise of an eyebrow. Typical. Draco pulled him aside, using the time to pitch his second plan:

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