Chapter 7 - Sailing With A Few Surprises:

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Now we had been sailing for a few days, the sleeping arrangements were finally made and most of the people aboard were agreeable and comfortable with the new sleeping quarters. Lucy, moved into Caspian's room whilst he moved in with the crew. Edmund and Eustace were also in the crew's quarters. I did try and explain that I would be more than comfortable sharing with Lucy, but he insisted that both Queen's deserved their own space. He can be a stubborn git at times.

Other than that we spent most of our time sitting around on the deck, talking. Lucy and I developed the trade of darning the crew's clothing. Eustace would often hide away constantly scribbling in some little pocket book he always kept on his person. He often had a scowl when writing his notes.

I decided to wear the dress I wore the day we set sail, it was a red floor length gown with long sleeves all made from soft, breathable material. I also wore my leather boots and belt with a slot for my sheathed sword. I love this dress, trufflehunter made it to my liking so that I can still move and use my sword and bow. I do miss my bow... I found an older wooden bow in the armoury, it would do but it wasn't mine.

Edmund was often sat picking all of the rocks off of the sword he was gifted. I have to admit it was intriguing, as he removed more of the rock the sword beneath was in immaculate condition like it was brand new. I sat down next to him as he continued to remove the rocks from the sword, he told me all about Peter and Susan being in another mystical land called America...

"It's going to be magnificent." Reepicheep announced as he hopped over towards where we were sat. "Do they come in a size?" He chuckled as Edmund and I laughed, gazing at the half-picked sword.

"If they do, you'd be the first to deserve one, Reep." I smiled as he bowed his head slightly.

"Thank you, your majesty." He gushed before scampering to the nose of the dragon, to admire the open waves. Edmund and I were left alone. He looked over at me and held his usual small smirk on his face. He can be so cheeky and charming.

"What?" I asked, considering he hadn't taken his eyes off me. Do I have something on my face? He just shrugged.

"Nothing." He cooed, as I looked at him suspiciously, narrowing my eyes. 

"You're just beautiful." I tried to keep a smile from forming. My cheeks began to heat up, it didn't matter how many times he complimented me I always felt butterflies in my stomach. I don't entirely understand what he sees in me, I always feel like i may not be enough and that I do not deserve his compliments.

 He laughed at the redness of my face and took my hand leading me through the office, out onto the small balcony at the stern of the ship. I gazed over the edge watching the waves cascade past the end of the ship as Edmund went to shut the doors. The waves were so majestic but moved so gently. It was calming. 

As I gazed down at the blue ocean, drifting away into the bottomless depths below, I felt a pair of arms snake around my waist and rest themself mid-abdomen. I smiled and placed my hands on top of his and lent my head against his shoulder. He kissed my temple and took a deep breath.

"You realise this is the first time we've been alone since I returned?" He rhetorically whispered in my ear, causing my smile to widen slightly. 

Back when we returned to the castle during his last visit we would spend many hours alone, exploring the castle. It was always my favourite when we found a new balcony where we could spend hours upon hours talking. Hearing about the Golden age and England was incredible, especially from someone who has actually experienced it! Edmund found my backstory equally as interesting, living in the woods with two dwarves and a badger, although I don't entirely understand why.

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