Chapter 5 - On Shore Battle With Slave Traders:

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Caspian and I took a closer look at the land with Drinian's telescope. It was mesmerizing. The city was built as though it were flowing down the hillside of the beautiful Narnian settlement, in a medieval/mediterranean style. A wall was built around the base of the Island protecting the city from the force of the sea and any attackers lurking on the horizon.

I glanced at Caspian who was trying to hide the small smile etching its way across his face, however, he kept his professional 'I'm an almighty serious king' expression forefront. I too smiled as I realized that our voyage may finally start yielding some positive results.

After Preparing To Venture To Land:

I braided some of my hair into a braid crown so that it wouldn't fall into my face; I also changed my outfit to be something more suitable, just in case something bad were to happen I needed an outfit easy to fight in so I chose: A white shirt with tight black trousers, a black corset and a burgundy doublet. Finally I picked up my bow, quiver and sheath containing my sword.

I walked back onto deck over to Edmund, Lucy and Eustace.

"Ready to get back onto land?" I asked them as we all went and stood over by Drinian. As I was getting changed, the crew had moved the ship closer to the shore so we could get a clear view.

The sun had already begun to set as I realised another day on the Dawn Treader was coming to an end. Although I have to admit today was like no other, my family came home...

"The Lone Islands." Captain Drinian announced as he looked out into the barren city. "The port of Narrowhaven." He specified.

The town of Narrowhaven was one of the key settlements of the Lone Islands. This was where the collective Island's Government base was stationed. The Narrowhaven fort was where all the official Lone Island business was discussed and where Narnian officials and royalty would meet.

"Strange," Caspian mused as he closed up his telescope and faced us. "Not a Narnian flag in sight." I furrowed my brows, as did Edmund.

"But the Lone Islands have always been Narnia's." He recalled, obviously well educated in the lands of Narnia just as a true King should be. Drinian passed him the telescope and took a look for himself.

"Why would they take the Narnian flags down? It's not like they have been there for centuries or anything!" My last words were heavily sarcastic, Lucy was beginning to seem unsure of the whole ordeal.

"Cas..." He looked over at me when I addressed him, "Are you sure we will be welcomed with open arms?"

"Seems suspicious." Drinian added, but his voice didn't waver and his face remained a blank canvas, no fear present whatsoever.

Edmund looks over at Caspian. "I say we prepare a landing  party." He advised. "Drinian?"

I looked at the ground awkwardly as Caspian and Drinian shared a look. "Forgive me, your Majesty..." He began. "But the chain of command starts with King Caspian on this ship."

Edmund and Caspian both held a look of grimace on his face; it was evident they were angry for two very different reasons. Caspian was outright angry that Drinian refused to see me as an equal. Edmund, on the other hand, was trying to hide the fact he was jealous that he felt second to Caspian, like he was with Peter...

"Right..." Edmund said a little awkwardly. I turned to Drinian, to give an order (and prove a point).

"We'll use longboats." I spoke.

"Drinian, pick some men and come ashore." Caspian continued.

"Aye. Tavros." The captain spoke as Tavros turned to the rest of the crew.

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