Chapter 10 - Stormy Authority:

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Eustace Scrubb's POV:
It was stormy and despite living in England this is all too much for me. I have decided to stay away from all the looneys on board and sit below deck. It doesn't stop me getting thrown about like a pancake though. It's honestly quite terrifying being stuck in a storm at sea. It feels like the boat could topple over at any second.

I am still fundamentally baffled at how my cousins find all of this normal, not to mention how my most arrogant cousin has a girlfriend. Who in their right mind would court him, let alone make him 'royalty'?! But I guess the only logical thing to do is take notes of everything! It may help me to wake up from this nightmare or at least help it make sense... 

"For reasons beyond my comprehension we've the advice of a senile old coot... who doesn't possess a razor and dawdles around in a dressing gown. So we're back in this tub and lost in a tempest. Brilliant! Fourteen days of being tossed like a pancake and not the slightest sign of land. The only consolation is, everyone is finally as miserable as I am. Except for that show-off talking rat. He's one of annoying glass-is-always-half-full types."

Before I came to this unfamiliar land I was certain that nothing could be more annoying than my cousins, especially Edmund. But as much as I hate to admit I am wrong, nothing could be more irritating than that rat!

I wonder what they are all doing, obviously I wasn't even invited, I guess it has been my choice to stay away but it would have been nice to have been considered at least...

Guinevere's POV:
- Five Days ago - 

I was sitting in my cabin, in the bay window with a thin blanket draped over my lap. Drinian is certain a storm is coming, says he can 'feel it in his knees', whatever that means. Edmund was next to me and we had curled up in eachothers embrace.

He was gently running his fingers through my hair, his free hand wrapped around my waist, as I read one of the  books I had brought with me aloud. It was my favourite story that always brought me comfort. "The Lion, The Witch and The War-drobe ~ An Account By Tumnus." Edmund was listening to me read, laughing at some of the detail that despite having it explained numerous times the legendary faun still misunderstood.

Just as we had finished the chapter where all 4 Pevensie siblings had made it to Narnia, Edmund sighed deeply. 

"Do you remember the last time I was here and we were terrified of anybody finding out about us." Edmund asked with a small smirk. I couldn't help but smile at the memory, even though that lasted all of five minutes before I changed my mind.

"Yes, but if I recall correctly, we were also in the midst of a war with my deranged tyrannical uncle AND when everyone found out they were totally fine with it." I smiled, a laugh following.

"Peter and Caspian always kept a close watch on us, not to mention Lucy and Susan giggling and whispering whenever they saw us." Edmund replied. "I miss those times, It's similar to life back in England y'know..." He followed with another sigh. It was almost like he missed England a lot more than before.

"Tell me about England." I asked. Edmund smiled and kissed my cheek. 

"England... Things are a lot simpler, I mean we are still in the midst of a war. It's called the Second World War, lots of different countries are involved, however I'm hoping it will be over soon. We all are." He started to explain.

"Oh well that doesn't sound too great." I admitted. He laughed before carrying on.

"But if we were all back in England, If Narnia wasn't a thing... and things were normal, without the war. I definitely would've courted to you. We'd have taken walks through London, or had tea with my family. I may have stolen a kiss or two... But, only after asking your Caspian's permission... I would've got down on one knee, promised to love you forever, and asked you to marry me. Our wedding and life would have been simple, unlike all the royal protocols and addition grandeur that would be added if we were to wed here... But just know Guinevere, I'd marry you anywhere." I felt a small tear run down my cheek, it sounded perfect, somewhat like a fairytale. That just the thing, a fairytale that could never happen, Narnia is my home. My whole life and family is here.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10 ⏰

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