Chapter 10*

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Elly was excited about her date with Andy. They had planned a romantic evening out, something they hadn't done in a while, and she was determined to make the most of it. After spending the afternoon getting ready, Elly put on a light floral dress that she knew Andy loved. She paired it with comfortable flats and a subtle touch of makeup. The only thing that made her a bit anxious was the diaper she was wearing beneath her dress.

Today, she was finally feeling better after the whole incident with the laxatives. She and Andy had a small argument about it, which ended with both of them in tears. Andy apologized and finally confessed to Elly that she felt turned on by her diaper use. This revelation made Elly slightly uncomfortable, but she was relieved that the truth was out.

She and Andy were now a step closer in their relationship. With both of their secrets revealed, it felt like a weight had been lifted, and they decided to go on the date. Elly's diarrhea had stopped the day before, but she was still slightly nervous.

It wasn't that she didn't trust the diaper to hold up—she had gotten used to wearing them by now, especially when they were out for long periods. But she still felt self-conscious about it. Tonight was special, and she wanted everything to go perfectly.

"You look beautiful," Andy said softly, her eyes sparkling with affection.

Elly blushed and smiled back. "Thank you. You look great too."

They decided to go to a little restaurant downtown, known for its cozy atmosphere and delicious food. The evening was cool, with a gentle breeze that made the walk to the restaurant pleasant. As they strolled hand in hand, Elly felt at ease, enjoying the time spent with Andy.

At the restaurant, they were seated at a small table near the window, where they could watch the people passing by outside. They ordered their favorite dishes, chatting and laughing as they waited. Elly loved how comfortable she felt with Andy, how easily conversation flowed between them.

But as they were waiting for their food to arrive, Elly felt a familiar but unwelcome pressure in her bladder. It wasn't urgent, but it was there. She shifted slightly in her seat, hoping it would go away on its own. She didn't want to interrupt the date, and she certainly didn't want to draw any attention to her situation.

As the evening went on, the pressure didn't subside. Elly was careful to sip her drink slowly, trying to minimize the need to go. But eventually, the pressure became too much to ignore. She squeezed her thighs together under the table, focusing on keeping everything under control.

Andy was telling a funny story about something that had happened at work when Elly felt a small trickle escape. Her heart skipped a beat as she tried to stop it, but the tiny leak had already made its way into her diaper. It wasn't much, just a small amount, but it was enough to make her feel anxious.

Meanwhile, Andy noticed everything but decided not to say anything about it. It actually made her even more excited for the fun they would have after this romantic evening in the bedroom, and she felt her arousal building.

Elly forced herself to smile and laugh at Andy's story, pretending everything was fine. Inwardly, she berated herself for not taking a quick trip to the restroom earlier, even though she knew it wouldn't have made much difference.

The rest of the dinner passed without incident, and Elly managed to keep the small accident a secret from Andy. She was grateful that it hadn't been worse, and she silently vowed to be more careful in the future. When they finished their meal, Andy suggested they take a walk along the river, a place they both loved.

Elly agreed, though she was still a bit nervous. The diaper was designed to handle small leaks, and she knew it would hold up for the rest of the evening. But the thought of having to deal with it while out in public made her a bit uneasy.

As they walked by the river, Andy wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. Elly leaned into her, feeling the warmth of her girlfriend's body against hers. The cool breeze and the sound of the water lapping against the shore helped her relax, and for a moment, she forgot about the tiny accident she'd had earlier.

They found a bench and sat down, enjoying the peacefulness of the evening. Elly rested her head on Andy's shoulder, closing her eyes and savoring the moment. She knew she should probably tell her about what had happened, but she couldn't bring herself to do it. Not tonight. Tonight was perfect, and she didn't want anything to spoil it.

As they made their way home, Elly felt a mix of relief and satisfaction. The evening had been everything she hoped for, and despite the little mishap, she was glad she had kept it to herself. Andy didn't need to know, and she didn't need to worry about it. All that mattered was that they were together and that they had shared another beautiful memory.

She did kind of need to poop, but since they were so close to the building, there was no need to panic. She felt relaxed and at ease but couldn't help but release the fart that had been bothering her. It was a quiet, wet fart that came out with a bit of poo. Elly realized with shock that it was diarrhea. She didn't feel like losing control yet, so she just kept walking next to Andy.

When they got into the elevator and the doors closed, the lights in the lift suddenly went out. Elly shrieked and farted as another bit of poo escaped her buttocks. She closed her eyes and prayed everything would be alright.

After a few seconds, the lights came back on, and Andy and Elly left the elevator. As Andy was looking through her purse trying to find her keys, Elly started to become really desperate. Andy noticed her girlfriend's stress and tried to find the keys faster.

After she found them, she saw Elly doing a potty dance. She quickly put the key in the door but suddenly saw her girlfriend freeze in her spot. A few wet farts escaped Elly, and she let out a soft moan before her diaper started to expand.

Andy watched in awe as the bulge in her girlfriend's diaper grew bigger and bigger until Elly seemed to be done. Then Andy pushed open the door, and Elly rushed in front of her to the bathroom, slamming the door shut with a thud.

Andy knew it would be a while before Elly would be ready to come out and face her again, so she decided to set up a movie and make popcorn. She knew Elly loved movie nights, and it would make her feel more comfortable after she had such a big accident.

Andy plopped down on the couch and waited.


Sorry for the late update. I didn't have time to write the chapter yesterday, so I had to do it today. Apologies if it feels a bit rushed because it is. You can expect tomorrow's chapter to be online again at 4 PM as always! :)

Word count (without counting this): 1168

Incontinence, diapers and a lot of love.Where stories live. Discover now