Chapter 16

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Okay guys,

So this will be the last chapter of this book. If you're interested in a part two or some bonus chapters, please comment or like so I know you're still reading this.

I loved writing this book, but I feel like I'm ready to move on to some new projects. I do have another omorashi story planned, but after it got deleted from Wattpad, I kind of lost motivation. I am, however, busy rewriting certain scenes and preparing to re-upload it soon.

In the meantime, I'm also busy writing another book. It's a Harry Potter fanfic, so check that out if you're interested!

Thanks for reading along so far!



The girls had a great time in London.

Every day they spent their time like real tourists, visiting everything that would pop up on Google if you typed in: "spots you must visit while in London."

Elly hadn't had any trouble with accidents yet. She was wearing pull-ups at all times and having the time of her life.

Everything was perfect, and the girls ended every day with yet another romantic evening.

But tonight seemed different. Elly had watched Andy getting more and more nervous throughout the day. It seemed as if something was bothering her, but Elly decided it was because they would be going back home tomorrow, and Andy would rather stay here.

Today, they were mostly visiting bookstores—something Elly loved doing. It felt like all her favorite activities were reserved for the last day.

They had woken up and gotten breakfast at a very adorable bakery before heading off to walk alongside the Thames. Then they enjoyed a delicious lunch, consisting mostly of scones, one of Elly's favorite treats. After lunch, they spent the majority of the afternoon in bookstores.

Elly ended up buying eight books before they went back to the hotel.

Andy said she wanted to get ready, having booked dinner at a fancy restaurant. Elly just went along with it, not suspecting anything. She was too busy admiring all her new books to notice anything unusual.

As the evening settled over London, casting a warm golden glow across the city, Elly and Andy prepared for their romantic dinner. Dressed in a beautiful floral dress, Elly felt a little out of her comfort zone, but the way Andy's eyes lit up when she saw her made it all worthwhile. Andy, in a sleek black suit, looked effortlessly elegant. As they stepped out of their hotel and hailed a cab, Elly couldn't help but smile. Something about this night felt different.

The cab stopped in front of a place that looked like it belonged in a fairy tale. It was a cozy, chic restaurant, and Elly loved the view they had over the Thames.

They were shown to a table near a large window overlooking the street, with the faint hum of the city in the distance. The menu featured luxurious dishes, and the girls both decided on a three-course meal.

"Everything looks amazing," Elly said, her eyes scanning the menu. "You really went all out tonight."

Andy smiled, reaching across the table to take Elly's hand. "I only want the best for you."

Everything tasted delicious, but Elly couldn't shake the feeling that something was on Andy's mind. She had been more thoughtful than usual tonight—her gaze lingered on Elly a little longer, her words softer, more meaningful.

By the time dessert arrived—chocolate soufflé for Elly and lemon tart for Andy—the restaurant had grown quieter, with only a few couples scattered throughout the dining room. The soft clink of glasses and murmured conversations added to the intimate atmosphere.

"This has been such a wonderful night," Elly said, her voice soft and full of gratitude. "Thank you, Andy. I feel so lucky to be here with you."

Andy's heart swelled with emotion, but she knew the night wasn't over yet. She smiled, her hand slipping into her pocket, where the small velvet box rested. "I'm glad you're enjoying it," she said, her voice a little shaky as nerves crept in. "But there's still one more thing I want to show you."

Elly raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What is it?"

"You'll see," Andy replied with a teasing smile. "Come on, we've got somewhere else to be."

After paying the bill, they stepped outside into the cool evening air, stars beginning to twinkle above them. Instead of heading back to the hotel, Andy led Elly down a winding path toward the outskirts of the city. They passed through quiet streets until they reached a gentle hill with a large oak tree standing proudly at its peak.

Elly's breath caught as she took in the sight. The tree, silhouetted against the night sky, looked almost magical. The area was peaceful, away from the city noise, with the faint glow of the London skyline in the distance making it even more serene.

"Wow, this is beautiful," Elly whispered as they walked up the hill, her hand firmly in Andy's.

"I thought you'd like it," Andy said softly, her heart pounding with anticipation. As they reached the oak tree, Andy turned to face Elly, her eyes full of emotion.

"Elly," she began, taking both of Elly's hands in hers. "I've been thinking about this moment for a long time, and I couldn't imagine a more perfect place to say what I'm about to say."

Elly's heart skipped a beat, her eyes widening in realization.

"Elly, from the moment I met you, my life has been brighter, fuller, and more beautiful. You've been my best friend, my partner, and the person who makes every day better just by being in it. I can't imagine my life without you, and I don't want to. You're my everything."

Tears welled in Elly's eyes as she listened, her heart swelling with love for the woman standing in front of her.

"And I want to spend the rest of my life with you," Andy continued, her voice shaking slightly as she reached into her pocket and pulled out the small velvet box. Slowly, she dropped to one knee and opened the box to reveal a stunning ring, the diamond catching the moonlight and sparkling like the stars above.

"Elly," Andy said, her voice filled with emotion. "Will you marry me?"

For a moment, time seemed to stand still. Elly's breath hitched as she looked down at Andy, her heart racing with overwhelming joy. Tears streamed down her face as she nodded, unable to speak at first. Finally, she found her voice.

"Yes," she whispered, then louder, "Yes, Andy, I will marry you."

Andy's face broke into a wide, joyful grin as she stood up and slipped the ring onto Elly's finger. The moment the ring was in place, she pulled Elly into a tight embrace, their laughter and tears mingling as they held each other under the old oak tree.

"I love you," Andy whispered into Elly's ear, her voice trembling with happiness.

"I love you too," Elly replied, her voice equally shaky but filled with love.

They stood there for a long moment, wrapped in each other's arms, the city lights twinkling in the distance, and the stars shining brightly above. It was a perfect moment, one they would treasure forever.

As they eventually made their way back down the hill, hand in hand, they knew this night would mark the beginning of something even more beautiful than the adventures they'd already shared. Together, they were ready to take on whatever the future held—partners, best friends, and now, fiancées.

~~~THE END~~~

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